Deutsche Boerse posts revenue and earnings growth in Q3/2015
October 28, 2015--Net revenue up 20 per cent to €594.4 million/Adjusted earnings per share climb 21 per cent to €1.03/Net revenue and Earnings per Share in the first nine months up significantly on the previous year/Acquisition of STOXX and 360T successfully financed and completed.
Deutsche Börse AG published its figures for the third quarter of 2015 on Wednesday. Net revenue of the Group increased by 20 per cent on the prior-year period to €594.4 million (Q3/2014: €495.6 million). This significant increase was driven primarily by persistently high equity market volatility, the positive development in custody and administration of securities, and the market data business.
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Source: Deutsche Börse
Euro area economic and financial developments by institutional
October 28, 2015--Euro area saving grew faster than non-financial investments. Net non-financial investment
increased for corporations, decreased for households, and remained negative for government. As a result, euro area net lending to the rest of the world increased further.
Household debt continued to decrease, both with respect to GDP and disposable income(the respective ratios decreased to 60.8% and to 95.0% in the second quarter of 2015 from
61.6% and 95.9% in the second quarter of 2014).
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Source: ECB
ECB-Monetary developments in the euro area: September 2015
October 27, 2015--The annual growth rate of the broad monetary aggregate M3 stood at 4.9% in September 2015, unchanged from the previous period.
The annual growth rate of the narrower aggregate M1, which includes currency in circulation and
overnight deposits, increased to 11.7% in September, from 11.5% in August.
The annual growth rate of loans to households stood at 1.1% in September, compared with 1.0% in August.
The annual growth rate of loans to non-financial corporations decreased to 0.1% in September, from 0.4% in August.
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Source: ECB
Monday Morning Memo: Review Of The European ETF Market, September 2015
October 26, 2015--The assets under management in the European exchange-traded fund (ETF) industry declined from €432.7 bn to €428.0 bn during September. This decrease of €4.7 bn was driven mainly by the performance of the underlying markets (-€7.2 bn), while net sales contributed €2.4 bn to the overall assets under management in the ETF segment.
With regard to the overall number of products, it was not surprising that equity funds (€303.3 bn) held the majority of the assets, followed by bond funds (€100.3 bn), commodity products (€12.6 bn), "other" funds (€7.5 bn), alternative UCITS products (€0.5 bn), mixed-asset products (€0.4 bn), as well as real estate funds (€0.02 bn).
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Source: Thomson Reuters
Europe and Central Asia: Modest Recovery in the West, but Sharp Slowdown in the East
October 26, 2015--In the midst of an uncertain global economic environment, GDP growth for the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region is expected to increase to 1.4 percent for 2015, with 1.8 percent growth projected for 2016.
But prospects for countries vary widely: the western part of the region will likely continue its fragile recovery in 2016, while the eastern part of the region will increasingly suffer large income losses.
view the ECA region Economic Outlook-Low Commodity Prices and Weak Currencies
Source: World Bank
HM Consultation on amendments to the UCITS Directive (UCITS V)
October 23, 2015--HM Treasury seeks views on the legislative changes required for UCITS V (Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities Directive).
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Source: HM Treasury
ESMA prepares for entering into force of amended Transparency Directive
October 22, 2015--The Transparency Directive (TD), which creates a common basis for disclosure and dissemination of regulated information to the markets on a regular and on-going basis, was amended in 2013 and enters into force on 26 November 2015.
In order to promote the implementation and contribute to a harmonised EU application, ESMA has published four documents relating to the amended TD.
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Source: ESMA
STOXX Introduces New Index Family That Captures Implied Volatility Of VSTOXX Indices
October 22, 2015--STOXX Limited, a leading provider of innovative, tradable and global index concepts, today announced the launch of the V-VSTOXX indices, which measure the implied volatility of the corresponding VSTOXX indices.
"As markets continue to react to recent geopolitical activity in Europe, it is crucial for investors to be able to accurately gauge the level of uncertainty in the markets and their impact on trading instruments. The V-VSTOXX indices provide deeper insight into the expected near-term volatility of the volatility markets for the Eurozone, which makes them essential tools for investment and trading professionals seeking to manage risks inherent to this asset class," said Hartmut Graf, chief executive officer,, STOXX Limited.
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Source: STOXX
EC-Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union: Commission takes concrete steps to strengthen EMU
Commission implements Stage 1 of "Five Presidents' Report"
October 21, 2015--Europe's Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is in much better shape today than it was before the financial crisis. However, despite progress, particularly as regards reinforcement of the economic governance and the launch of the Banking Union, the EMU remains incomplete.
Divergence in economic performance across the euro area is significant. With close to 18 million unemployed and many within our societies exposed to risks of social exclusion, more needs to be done to turn the euro area into a fully robust construction. The European Commission now implements concrete measures to move beyond the necessary crisis management of recent years towards a stronger and complete union; towards a union that is built on a lasting, fair and democratically legitimate basis for the future and that contributes to more jobs, growth and prosperity for all citizens. This is the message of the "Five Presidents' Report"' which will be implemented in several stages to complete the EMU within the coming ten years.
view the Completing Europe's Economic and
Monetary Union
Source: EC (European Commission)
EC-Fact Sheet-Completing Economic and Monetary Union: Questions and Answers
Commission implements Stage 1 of "Five Presidents' Report"
Commission takes concrete steps to strengthen EMU
1.Why is deepening EMU necessary?
The euro has created new opportunities for citizens and businesses, it has facilitated cross-border trade and investment, brought price stability, expanded business opportunities, and made travel cheaper.
But the crisis revealed that closer coordination of economic policy is needed to complement the euro and to realise the full potential of our common currency to deliver jobs, growth, social fairness and financial stability.
In June 2015, the President of the European Commission, in close cooperation with the President of the Euro Summit, the President of the Eurogroup, the President of the European Central Bank and the President of the European Parliament presented a report on an ambitious yet pragmatic roadmap for completing the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
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Source: European Commision