Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

IMF-Turkey: Concluding Statement of the 2017 Article IV Mission

November 4, 2016--The Turkish economy has withstood several shocks. However, increased political uncertainty, a sharp fall in tourism revenues, and a high level of corporate debt are all taking a toll.

The current monetary stance balances the need to contain inflation, which is still above target, against the backdrop of a slowing economy. Favorable external conditions have helped so far, but external financing needs remain large and limit fiscal space. Nevertheless, some fiscal loosening is appropriate to support the economy. Macroprudential measures should be strengthened to lower foreign exchange risk.

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National Statistics: UK official holdings of international reserves: October 2016

November 3, 2016--This monthly release shows details of movements in the UK's official holdings of international reserves, or assets. These consist of gold, foreign currency assets and International Monetary Fund assets.

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IMF Emerging Europe: Mostly Growing, but Questions Remain About Medium-Term Growth

November 2, 2016--Solid growth in most of the region, CIS emerging from recession
But sustaining current growth requires further structural reforms
Better tax administration, public investment can free up 2-4 percent of GDP in extra resources

Economic growth remains solid in much of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE), while Russia's outlook is improving, and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) are emerging from recession, says the IMF in its latest Regional Economic Issues report on the region.

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view the IMF-Regional Economic Issues Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe Effective Government for Stronger Growth-November 2016

Eurex Monthly Report: Record quarter for futures on French government bonds

November 1, 2016--Volatile spreads drive volumes in Euro-OAT Futures Eurex provides effective hedges for European government bond portfolios In the third quarter of this year, volumes across Eurex suite of Fixed Income Futures have been strong with record figures in some segments.

A combination of Brexit, an upcoming constitutional referendum in Italy and the Spanish elections, increased volatility in the underlying rate markets and thereby also the market's hedging needs.

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Quarter of Institutional Investors to Capture Emerging Market Rebound through Index Tracking Strateg

October 31, 2016--A quarter (26%) of institutional investors1 say they will capture the rebound in emerging markets through index tracking/passive investments, according to new research commissioned by Source, one of the largest providers of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in Europe.

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ESMA sets enforcement priorities for listed companies' 2016 financial statements

October 28, 2016--The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published its annual Public Statement on European Common Enforcement Priorities (the Statement) which identifies enforcement priorities for listed companies' 2016 financial statements and highlights the need for transparency in disclosing the potential impact of Brexit on issuers' financial statements.

The Statement, directed at listed companies and their auditors, sets out the areas ESMA and national enforcers will focus on in particular when they examine listed companies' 2016 financial statements in order to promote a consistent application of International Financial Reporting Standards...

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Joint ESMA and EBA Guidelines on the assessment of the suitability of members of the management body and key function holders

October 28, 2016--The European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) launched today a consultation on Guidelines on the Assessment of the Suitability of the Members of Management Body and Key Function Holders (the Guidelines).

The draft Guidelines aim at further improving and harmonising suitability assessments within the EU financial sectors and so ensure sound governance arrangements in financial institutions.

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ECB-Euro area economic and financial developments by institutional sector: 2nd Quarter 2016

October 28, 2016--Euro area saving (net) increased while non-financial investments (net) was broadly unchanged in the second quarter of 2016. Non-financial investment (net) increased for households and non-financial corporations and decreased for financial corporations.

As a result of changes in saving and non-financial investment, euro area net lending to the rest of the world increased further.view more

Amundi Results of the 3rd quarter and first 9 months 2016

October 28, 2016--Amundi's performance at the end of September 2016 is in line with the objectives announced at the time of the IPO, both in terms of inflows and income.
Amundi's assets under management were €1,054bn at 30 September 2016, reflecting strong business activity (inflows of +€39.1bn over the first nine months)1 and a positive market effect (+€21.7bn) and scope effect (+€8.6bn connected to the addition of KBI GI to the consolidation scope on 29 August 2016)2.

Commenting on the figures, Yves Perrier, CEO, said: "The first nine months of 2016 illustrate that Amundi is capable of delivering consistent performance, quarter after quarter, despite a market environment still marked by strong risk aversion on the part of our clients."

Over the first nine months 2016, the net inflows of €39.1bn1 were driven by3:

Strong sale momentum on medium/long-term assets which recorded +€25.8bn of net subscriptions between January and September

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