Lyxor-ETF Barometer-December 2016
January 6, 2017--European ETF Market flows continued to recover in December 2016. Net New Assets (NNA) during this month amounted to EUR4.7bn, the highest level since September 2016.
Total Assets under Management are up 14% vs. the end of 2015, reaching EUR516bn, and include a market impact of +5.0%. November's great rotation from bonds into equities halted. While developed equity ETFs continued to gather inflows, outflows on bond ETFs stopped.
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Source: Lyxor
National Statistics: UK official holdings of international reserves: December 2016
January 5, 2017--This monthly release shows details of movements in the UK's official holdings of international reserves, or assets.
These consist of gold, foreign currency assets and International Monetary Fund assets.
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Source: HM Treasury
Eurex Monthly Report: Innovative products help manage volatility through 2016
January 4, 2017--In 2016, Eurex, Europe's largest derivatives exchange, saw increasing demand for its highly liquid benchmark product range as well as strong growth in a number of new product segments.
Exchange Traded Derivatives (ETD) are efficient hedging instruments, sharing the same benefits as OTC contracts and also the the advantages of deep liquidity and transparent trading on a regulated venue such as Eurex.
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Source: Eurex
Boerse Stuttgart generates 2016 turnover of over EUR 80.1 billion
January 3, 2017--Brisk trading in equities and exchange-traded products
Boerse Stuttgart remains market leader for securitised derivatives and for corporate bonds in Germany
Based on the order book statistics, turnover from all trading activities at Boerse Stuttgart in 2016 exceeded EUR 80.1 billion. As such the turnover across every asset class at Germany's leading floor-trading exchange was around 15 percent below the previous year's level.
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Source: Boerse Stuttgart
January 3, 2017--Option to sell LCH.Clearnet SA to Euronext N.V.
Further to the announcement by Deutsche Börse AG ("DBAG") of 28 September 2016 that the London Stock Exchange Group plc ("LSEG") and LCH.Clearnet Group Limited ("LCH Group") are exploring the sale of LCH.Clearnet SA in order to address proactively anti-trust concerns raised by the European Commission in relation to certain businesses
and to the subsequent notification that LSEG and LCH Group have entered into exclusive discussions with Euronext N.V. ("Euronext") in this regard, LSEG and LCH Group confirmed today that they have received an irrevocable all-cash offer from Euronext to purchase LCH.Clearnet SA ("Put Option").
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Source: Deutsche Börse
Two STOXX Regional Industry Neutral ESG Indices licensed to Stichting Algemeen Pensioenfonds Unilever Nederland-Kring 'Progress'
January 3, 2017--STOXX Ltd., the operator of Deutsche Böoerse Group's index business, and a global provider of innovative and tradable index concepts, today announced that the newly launched STOXX Europe Industry Neutral ESG and STOXX North America Industry Neutral ESG 150 indices have been licensed to Stichting Algemeen Pensioenfonds Unilever Nederland-Kring 'Progress'('Progress') to be used as benchmarks.
The STOXX Regional Industry Neutral ESG Indices are tilted towards companies that perform superior
with respect to a set of selected environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria.
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Source: Deutsche Börse Group
The Spanish Stock Exchange traded euro652.9 billion in 2016
January 2, 2017--The trading volume in December reached €48.9billion
The ETF trading volume in 2016 totalled €6 billion
The number of contracts registered in MEFF in December was the highest in 2016, at 6.4 million
New issues admitted to trading on the Corporate Debt market in December came in at €17.3 billion, up 19.3% year-on-year; new issues on MARF grew 174.3% in 2016 from a year earlier.
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Cash markets achieve third strongest year since 2010
January 2, 2017--Turnover on Xetra, Börse Frankfurt and Tradegate Exchange totals €1.38 trillion
Daimler AG is equity with the highest order book turnover 2016 with €69.5 billion
Order book turnover in December was €116.2 billion
Deutsche Börse cash markets recorded a total of €1.38 trillion in turnover in 2016, the third strongest year since 2010 (2015: €1.64 trillion).
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Source: Deutsche Börse Cash Market
Passive investment gains trounce active pains in Europe
December 22, 2016--European passive funds look set to register higher inflows than their active equivalents for the first year on record.
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Source: Financial News
ETFGI reports assets invested in ETFs/ETPs listed in Europe were 556 billion US dollars at the end of November 2016
December 22, 2016--ETFGI, the leading independent research and consultancy firm on trends in the global ETF/ETP ecosystem, today reported assets invested in ETFs/ETPs listed in Europe were US$556 billion down from the record high US$567 Bn reached at the end of Q3 2016.
Net flows gathered by ETFs/ETPs in November were US$3.59 Bn of net new assets gathered during the month marking the 27th consecutive month of net inflows, according to preliminary data from ETFGI's November 2016 global ETF and ETP industry insights report.
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Source: ETFGI