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CESR Sets Out Harmonised Definition Of European Money Market Funds

May 19, 2010--CESR publishes today its guidelines on a common definition of European money market funds (Ref. CESR/10-049). The guidelines aim to improve investor protection by setting out criteria to be applied by any fund that wishes to market itself as a money market fund. The criteria reflect the fact that investors in money market funds expect the capital value of their investment to be maintained while retaining the ability to withdraw their capital on a daily basis. A common definition will also help provide a more detailed understanding of the distinction between funds which operate in a very restricted fashion and those which follow a more ‘enhanced’ approach.

Lamberto Cardia, Chair of the Italian Commissione Nazionale per la Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) and Chair of CESR’s Investment Management Standing Committee, which prepared the advice, stated:

“The publication of these guidelines is a significant step in improving investor protection and will help stakeholders – competent authorities, management companies and investors – to draw a clearer distinction between funds according to their investment strategies.

It was clear from the difficulties that arose in the markets in 2007 and 2008, that the term ‘money market fund’ covered a very broad range of investment funds. This created risks for investors who may not have fully understood the types of asset in which these funds were able to invest. In particular, the strategies of some funds may not always have been consistent with the generally accepted concept of money market funds as being relatively liquid, short-term investments.

I am confident that CESR’s guidelines will provide greater clarity and in so doing, better equip investors to be able to make informed investment decisions.”

CESR’s guidelines create two categories of money market fund

CESR’s guidelines set out two categories of money market fund: Short-Term Money Market Funds and Money Market Funds. This approach recognises the distinction between short-term money market funds, which operate a very short weighted average maturity and weighted average life; and money market funds which operate with a longer weighted average maturity and weighted average life.

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French SRI assets jump by 70% in one year

May 19, 2010--by Hugh Wheelan | May 19th, 2010 SRI assets in France rose by 70% during 2009 to pass the €50bn mark, a rise of €20.8bn from the end of 2008 to the end of 2009, despite the fallout of the market crisis, according to the latest market survey by Novethic, the French sustainable investment research group.

Within that overall rise, SRI retail asset growth was highest at 111% growth over the year to reach €15.6bn (€7.4 in 2008). Novethic said the retail rise reflected increasing sales of SRI funds by large bank and insurance groups as well as a development in product offering for France’s employee savings plans. Institutional assets, however, still dominate French SRI assets (69% of the total) and they rose by 56% in 2009 to reach €35.1bn in total.

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ETF Landscape: European STOXX 600 Sector ETF Net Flows, week ending 14-May-10

May 19, 2010--Last week saw US$12.8 Mn net inflows to STOXX 600 sector ETFs. The largest sector ETF inflows last week were in Banks with US$50.6 Mn and Basic Resources with US$34.2 Mn while Utilities experienced net outflows of US$38.2 Mn.

Year-to-date, Media has had the largest net inflows with US$350.8 Mn net new assets, followed by Oil & Gas with US$71.0 Mn YTD. Banks sector ETFs have had the largest net outflows with US$252.7 Mn YTD. In total, STOXX 600 sector ETFs have seen US$327.9 Mn net outflows YTD.

The assets invested in the ETFs are greater than the open interest in the corresponding futures contract in 18 out of 19 sectors.

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CESR updates the list of measures recently taken by Members regarding short-selling

May 18, 2010--EU securities regulators are closely monitoring the functioning of the markets under the current circumstances and are considering together possible actions which might be taken to contribute to orderly functioning markets. Any such actions will be taken with a view to strengthening confidence in financial markets and protecting investors.

Particularly, CESR, in its role as a network bringing together EU securities regulators, has been co-ordinating actions by its Members regarding the short selling practices, in particular in financial companies. Some EU securities regulators have adopted measures in their respective markets either to limit, or to introduce stringent requirements or further reporting obligations by firms to supervisory authorities on short-selling.

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Bourses drop sharply after Berlin regulatory move

May 19, 2010--Bourses across Europe fell sharply on Wednesday as investors were unnerved by Germany’s decision to ban naked short selling. The move stoked concerns that further regulations would be adopted across Europe, drying up liquidity in equity markets.

BaFin, the German regulator, temporarily banned naked short selling of a number of German financial instruments in a move aimed at bolstering confidence in Europe’s financial system.

Analysts said the move failed to reassure investors and BaFin’s decision was greeted negatively by global financial markets.

Shares in Portugal Telecom lost 3.1 per cent to €7.32. .Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2010. You

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Turkey to urge purchase of European companies

May 19, 2010--The declining population in most European countries opens up new opportunities for Turkey.

The government is now working on an incentive program to encourage people to own or become partners in European companies, one-third of which will change hands within the next six years according to European Union predictions.

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Turkish banks rake in profits as other sectors struggle

May 19, 2010--Despite the lingering impact of the global financial crisis, the Turkish banking industry was highly profitable in the three months of the year, with the combined profits of the 12 banks that have disclosed their first quarter figures amounting to an impressive TL 4.8 billion.

Private banks led the list of those with the highest profits in the first quarter. Garanti Bankas? had the highest first quarter earnings, posting TL 1.08 billion in consolidated net profits. Akbank followed Garanti with TL 1.03 billion, a 76 percent increase over the same quarter of last year. ?? Bankas? came third with TL 955 million, representing a 47 percent jump in consolidated net profits in first three months compared to first quarter of 2009. Yap? Kredi enjoyed a 20 percent rise and increased its first quarter net profits to TL 564 million while the state-owned Halkbank made TL 515 million in net profits, a 41.3 percent increase in the given period. Vak?fbank, another state-owned bank, followed Halk with TL 305 million.

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Lyxor launches S&P 500 ETF in London

May 18, 2010--Lyxor Asset Management has launched its S&P 500 ETF on the London Stock Exchange, along with two other funds tracking Australian and Canadian benchmarks.

The issuer is one of several to launch an ETF on the S&P 500 index, following the end of a 10 year exclusive licensing agreement, whereby iShares was the sole provider in Europe to have an ETF on the US benchmark.

Lyxor's S&P 500 ETF, which can be traded in US dollars and British sterling, has an annual management fee of 0.20%.

The Lyxor ETF S&P ASX 200 and the S&P TSX 60, reflecting the Australian and Canadian stock markets respectively, have annual management fees of 0.30%. These funds can also be traded in US dollars and British sterling.

The S&P ASX 200 covers around 78% of the Australian equity market capitalisation. The index was down 6.67% month to date and down 6.7% year to date, as of May 18.

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Merkel says will lobby G20 for financial markets tax

May 18, 2010--German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday she would push for an international tax on financial markets during a summit of G20 leaders next month.
"Germany will defend (the idea of) a tax on financial markets at the G20," she said during a joint press conference with her Austrian counterpart Werner Faymann.

"The important thing is to reach an international agreement. Germany is to use all of its strength. If that does not work then a solution will have to be found at the European level," she said.

European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso urged EU leaders in a letter last week to take up the cause of an international tax on financial institutions at a G20 summit on June 26 and 27 in Toronto.

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April 2010 Euro area annual inflation up to 1.5% EU up to 2.0%

May 18, 2010--Euro area1 annual inflation was 1.5% in April 20102, up from 1.4% in March. A year earlier the rate was 0.6%. Monthly inflation was 0.5% in April 2010.
EU3 annual inflation was 2.0% in April 2010, up from 1.9% in March. A year earlier the rate was 1.3%. Monthly inflation was 0.4% in April 2010.
These figures come from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
Inflation in the EU Member States

In April 2010, the lowest annual rates were observed in Latvia (-2.8%), Ireland (-2.5%) and Lithuania (0.2%), and the highest in Hungary (5.7%), Greece (4.7%) and Romania (4.2%). Compared with March 2010, annual inflation fell in six Member States, remained stable in three and rose in seventeen.

The lowest 12-month averages4 up to April 2010 were registered in Ireland (-2.5%), Portugal (-0.7%), Estonia and Latvia (both -0.6%), and the highest in Hungary (5.0%), Romania (4.9%) and Poland (3.8%).

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