Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

Starting from May 26th 2010, 1 new ETF will be listed-CS ETF (IE) PLC

May 24, 2010--Borsa Italiana welcomes on the ETFplus market 1 new ETF issued by CS ETF (IE) Plc,

The new offer is composed as follow:
- 1 ETF on developed countries: CS ETF (IE) ON S&P 500.

Fears grow that banks could send euro crisis global

May 24, 2010-- After months of fragile economic growth, fears are mounting that the global recovery could be derailed by a debt crisis that began in one small corner of Europe.

At first investors voiced only mild concern about events in Athens. News that Greece had fiddled deficit figures did little except increase the country's cost of borrowing and raise eyebrows at the European Union's Brussels headquarters.

But as world stock markets were pummeled in recent weeks and the euro flirted with dollar parity, that concern has given way to scarcely concealed panic.

Respected commentators are beginning to echo the twitterverse's shrill warnings that a once obscure debt problem could prompt another Great Recession.

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Banks to Publish Share Volumes Traded in Automated Systems

May 24, 2010-Six leading investment banks have launched a voluntary initiative to improve post-trade transparency in the European over-the counter equity markets.

The six banks: Citi, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan Cazenove, Morgan Stanley and UBS – will now report the volumes of cash equity trades crossed in their automated crossing systems via a service provided by Markit. Reporting will begin today, May 24th, following live testing over the past two weeks.

At the end of each trading day Markit will collate the data from each participating bank, conduct validation checks on the information, and publish the aggregated trading volumes the following afternoon. This data will be freely available on

The data will cover automated crosses only, including trades matched on systems such as Citi Match, CS Crossfinder, DBA, JPM?X, MSPool and UBS PIN. In line with the MiFID rules on reportable trades, it will include trading between clients of the executing broker and trading between brokers and their clients. Volumes will be published on an aggregated basis and will be broken down by country. During testing the daily percentage of trades reported in this way has ranged from 0.62% to 1.02% of total European trading.

“This initiative is designed to bring further transparency into this area of OTC trading by providing verified data where previously there has been only speculation, and by giving a clear indication of the actual levels of trading in crossing engines,” says John Serocold of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe.

“As a further step in support of making more information freely available to all market participants, it should provide useful data for the MiFID review being undertaken this year.”

Sophia Kandylaki, Director of Equities at Markit says: “Markit is pleased to facilitate this initiative which will give participants insight into how much is traded through banks’ crossing systems on a daily basis. This information will bring greater transparency to the European equity markets.”

Russian Regulator and Deutsche Börse Sign Cooperation Agreement

May 21, 2010--The Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) of Russia and Deutsche Börse signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The cooperation is aimed at exchanging information regarding current legislation in the capital markets, its application and possible changes thereof.

The partners will use their cooperation as a basis for a comprehensive exchange of experience and opinions. Furthermore Deutsche Börse supports the efforts to establish Moscow as a financial centre. “I think that this MoU will be beneficial not only for the signing parties, but in the future also for the Russian and German financial markets which in my opinion , will increase their importance in the world`s financial system”, said Vladimir Milovidov, Head of Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia. “Deutsche Börse Group has been active in Russia for a number of years now. This memorandum formalizes the close relationship we have had ever since we opened our representative office in 2007”, said Rainer Riess, Managing Director Xetra Market Development at Deutsche Börse. FFMS is a Russian federal executive body which regulates Russian financial markets including securities issuance and trading and supervision of exchanges, issuers, professional market participants and their self-regulatory organizations, the Russian Federation Pension Fund as well as the state management company.

NASDAQ OMX Nordic Extends Harmonized Tick Sizes To All Large Cap Shares

May 21, 2010--NASDAQ OMX Nordic, part of the NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc, today announces that it will extend the European harmonized tick sizes to cover all Nordic Large Cap shares traded on NASDAQ OMX Nordic exchanges in Stockholm, Helsinki and Copenhagen as of June 7, 2010. The decision to implement the European tick sizes for all Swedish, Finnish and Danish Large Cap shares was taken in co-operation with the Nordic Securities Dealers' Associations and the Association for Financial Markets in Europe.

The harmonized European tick size regime was first implemented at NASDAQ OMX Nordic for the constituents of the main Nordic tradable indices (OMXS30, OMXH25 and OMXC20) by NASDAQ OMX Stockholm on October 26, 2009, followed by the Helsinki and Copenhagen exchanges on January 4, 2010.

The harmonization of tick sizes (the smallest possible change in share price) aims at minimizing implicit transaction costs when trading with Nordic equities and increasing liquidity on the Nordic markets.

NASDAQ OMX Nordic implements newtick size tables in accordance with the agreement reached by the Federation of European Exchanges, the London Investment Banking Association and a number of European MTFs in July 2009. The aim of the agreement is to harmonize the tick size regimes in Europe and thus deliver multiple benefits to the markets, users and investors by simplifying the complexity and number of regimes being used.

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Measures adopted by CESR Members on short selling-Updated

May 21, 2010--EU securities regulators are closely monitoring the functioning of the markets under the current circumstances and are considering together possible actions which might be taken to contribute to orderly functioning markets. Any such actions will be taken with a view to strengthening confidence in financial markets and protecting investors.

Particularly, CESR, in its role as a network bringing together EU securities regulators, has been co-ordinating actions by its Members regarding the short selling practices, in particular in financial companies. Some EU securities regulators have adopted measures in their respective markets either to limit, or to introduce stringent requirements or further reporting obligations by firms to supervisory authorities on short-selling.

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Eurozone recovery threatened by crisis

May 21, 2010--The crisis over eurozone public finances threatens to derail the region’s economic recovery, with German business confidence ebbing and manufacturing growth slowing markedly.

The Munich-based Ifo institute said its German business climate index had slipped only slightly this month, dragged down by gloomier expectations about the next six months. But purchasing managers’ indices showed a clear slowdown in eurozone private sector growth, with the manufacturing output index showing its biggest decline since November 2008.

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CESR publishes its technical advice to the European Commission on the equivalence between the US regulatory and supervisory framework and the EU regulatory regime for Credit Rating Agencies

May 21, 2010--Section I. Executive Summary
This document sets out the technical advice of CESR in relation to the equivalence between the US legal and supervisory framework and the EU regulatory regime for credit rating agencies, in accordance with the European Commission’s mandate of 12th June 2009.

CESR concludes that, overall, the US legal and supervisory framework is broadly equivalent to the EU regulatory regime for credit rating agencies in terms of achieving what CESR considers to be the overall objective of:

“assuring that users of ratings in the EU would benefit from equivalent protections in terms of the credit rating agencies integrity, transparency, good governance and reliability of the credit rating activities”.

However, there are a number of differences between the US legal and supervisory framework and the EU regulatory regime as set out below and explained in detail in this advice, that mainly relate to the issue of disclosure of credit ratings and the quality of credit ratings and credit rating methodologies.

CESR recommends the identified differences be addressed to allow for further convergence between both regimes and considers that reducing the difference may be achieved by future regulatory amendments to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) rules.

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LSE hints at building own clearing house

May 21, 2010--The London Stock Exchange signalled on Friday a big shift in how the clearing business operates in the City of London by saying it was “reviewing” its long-standing relationship with LCH.Clearnet, the clearing house.

The move makes it more likely that the LSE will build its own clearer in London. The 210-year old bourse is one of the last big exchanges yet to fall into line with a global trend towards exchange ownership of post-trade businesses, especially in derivatives.

Ownership of a clearing house helps generate extra revenues in the form of clearing fees on top of the trading fees already charged by exchanges. It has become increasingly important strategically to exchanges as they vie for business in equities and derivatives.

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Dutch parliament seeks speculative trading ban

May 21, 2010-- Dutch lawmakers on Thursday called on the government to ban some forms of speculative trading on financial markets to confront Europe's debt crisis, the ANP news agency reported.

The 150-seat lower house of parliament backed a motion asking the government to follow the example of Germany, which this week banned so-called naked short selling of eurozone government bonds.

Naked short selling is when an investor sells on the market a security they do not hold, hoping to be able to buy it later in the day at a lower price, thereby earning a profit.

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September 24, 2024 Harbor ETF Trust files with the SEC-Harbor PanAgora Dynamic Large Cap Core ETF
September 24, 2024 Fidelity Covington Trust files with the SEC-6 Fidelity Disruptive ETFs
September 24, 2024 Exchange Traded Concepts Trust files with the SEC-MUSQ Global Music Industry ETF
September 24, 2024 Tidal ETF Trust files with the SEC-Newday Ocean Health ETF and Newday Diversity, Equity & Inclusion ETF
September 24, 2024 Hartford Funds Exchange-Traded Trust files with the SEC

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Asia ETF News

August 26, 2024 ETF Empowering Investors in China's Transition to Sustainable Economy

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office

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Africa ETF News

September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023
August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying
August 16, 2024 Africa: Gender Equality Has Everything to Do With Climate Change

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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