Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

July 2010: Business Climate Indicator for the euro area picks up

July 29, 2010--Important notice: since May 2010 business surveys data are classified in accordance with an updated version of the Nomenclature of Economic Activities (NACE rev. 2) causing a potential break in series at this date
In July, the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) edged up to 102.2 (by 1.9 points) in the EU and to 101.3 (by 2.3 points) in the euro area. These results are strongly influenced by markedly positive readings in Germany. The majority of Member States reported improvements in sentiment.

Among the largest Member States, Germany registered the most significant increase (+4.0), followed by France (+2.6), Poland (+1.9) and Italy (+1.7). Improvements were less pronounced in the UK (+1.4) and the Netherlands (+1.2). In contrast, sentiment declined in Spain (-2.2).

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July 2010: Economic Sentiment Indicator edges up

July 29, 2010-- In July, the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) edged up to 102.2 (by 1.9 points) in the EU and to 101.3 (by 2.3 points) in the euro area. These results are strongly influenced by markedly positive readings in Germany.
The majority of Member States reported improvements in sentiment. Among the largest Member States, Germany registered the most significant increase (+4.0), followed by France (+2.6), Poland (+1.9) and Italy (+1.7). Improvements were less pronounced in the UK (+1.4) and the Netherlands (+1.2). In contrast, sentiment declined in Spain (-2.2).

Sentiment in industry, which increased by 2 points in both regions, was the main contributor to the overall improvement. Most respondents in this sector reported substantial improvements in their order books. However, managers were cautious on their production expectations. The quarterly manufacturing survey indicates an increase in capacity utilisation. It now stands at about 77% in both the EU and the euro area, though still below the long term average (81%).

As indicated in the flash estimate released earlier, confidence among consumers regained momentum (+3 in the euro area and +1 in the EU). More optimism about the general economic situation and very significant easing unemployment fears in Germany contributed to the overall improvement. Confidence in services improved by 2 points in the EU and the euro area, driven by brighter assessments of demand and the business situation over the past 3 months. Sentiment in the retail sector increased by 2 points in the euro area and by 4 points in the EU, mainly owing to upbeat business expectations in the UK and in Germany. Sentiment in construction remained broadly unchanged in both regions.

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ETF Landscape: STOXX Europe 600 Sector ETF Net Flows, week ending 23-Jul-10

July 28, 2010--Last week saw US$226.7 Mn net inflows to STOXX Europe 600 sector ETFs. The largest sector ETF inflows last week were in Industrial Goods & Services with US$103.0 Mn and Utilities with US$50.0 Mn while Banks experienced net outflows of US$87.2 Mn.

Year-to-date, STOXX Europe 600 sector ETFs have seen US$457.8 Mn net outflows. Banks sector ETFs have seen the largest net outflows with US$237.4 Mn, followed by Telecommunications with US$212.2 Mn while Media has experienced the largest net inflows with US$232.8 Mn net new assets YTD.

The assets invested in the ETFs are greater than the open interest in the corresponding futures contract in all 19 sectors.

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India's National Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange Group sign Letter of Intent

July 28, 2010--Agreement to explore feasibility of mutual licensing of indices, enabling access to each other’s markets
Training and education on SME markets
London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) and India’s National Stock Exchange (NSE) today signed a Letter of Intent to evaluate joint strategic business opportunities, and to co-operate together more closely in the future.

As part of the Letter, both exchanges declared their intent to explore the feasibility of an agreement whereby FTSE Group may licence the FTSE 100 Index to the NSE, and whereby the NSE may licence the S&P CNX Nifty (Nifty 50) to LSEG for the purpose of issuing and trading options and other index contracts.

t also conveys the intention of both parties to evaluate other joint strategic opportunities, such as allowing access to each other’s market as and when regulatory framework permits.

Additionally, the two signatories will explore the possibility of holding joint training & education courses and seminars with a particular focus on Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs).

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Banks plan for loss of eurozone member

July 28, 2010--Banks have started early-stage planning to deal with the potential fallout on the derivatives and bond markets of a European country being forced to leave the euro.

After having received queries by some banks about the impact of such an event, the body representing the swaps and derivatives industry last week contacted some of its members to form a group to consider what they may need to do if a eurozone state is ejected.

While those close to the process believe the likelihood of such an event is remote, the sovereign debt crisis of recent months has led banks and other firms to start questioning what impact it could have.

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Credit Suisse issues new hybrid bonds

July 28, 2010--Banks’ old-style hybrid capital is to make a high-profile return as finance directors take a bullish line on the likelihood that regulators will continue to allow these controversial bonds to count towards top-notch tier one capital.

Credit Suisse is today set to become the third bank in two months to sell new hybrid bonds – debt with equity-like features – following offerings from HSBC and UniCredit.

Prior to that there had been a sustained period of no tier one hybrid issuance, in part because banks were convinced that regulators were set to outlaw the instruments.

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CESR publishes its report on trends, risks and vulnerabilities in financial markets

July 28, 2010--CESR publishes today for the first time its report on trends risks, and vulnerabilities that are directly relevant to securities markets regulators (Ref. CESR/10-697). Previously, similar reports have been produced for the benefit of the Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) and the Financial Services Committee (FSC).

Over the last decades, financial markets have been transformed by the rapid development of new financial instruments, the rise of new categories of key market participants, and a supportive technological environment. More recently, fundamental areas of the financial sectors in Europe and elsewhere have experienced a severe crisis which is not yet over. Going forward, CESR would like to contribute more to the understanding of these trends and risks and communicate its insights to the general public through regular reports. These reports will focus mainly on the short and medium term without losing sight, however, of long-term developments. The analysis will naturally focus on the activity in European financial markets, but also take into full account the international dimension of the various markets and instruments analysed.

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CESR sets out final guidelines on risk measurement and the calculation of global exposure and counterparty risk for UCITS

July 28, 2010--CESR publishes today guidelines (Ref. CESR/10-788) on risk measurement and the calculation of global exposure and counterparty risk for Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and a feedback statement (Ref. CESR/10-798). The key purpose of CESR’s guidelines is to provide both regulators and companies managing UCITS with detailed methodologies to calculate the global exposure and counterparty risk for UCITS, whilst at the same time, fostering a level-playing-field in the area of risk measurement among EU Member States. CESR’s guidelines are to accompany the Level 2 implementing measures of the UCITS Directive. This Directive will become applicable from 1 July 2011.

The guidelines set out detailed methodologies that have to be followed by UCITS when they use either the commitment or the more advanced Value-at-Risk (VaR) approach for calculating their global exposure (the VaR approaches are designed for more complex investment strategies). For UCITS using the VaR approach, CESR guidelines also provide additional safeguards which these UCITS should put in place when calculating the global exposure (stress testing and back testing obligations of the VaR model, validation of the model etc.).

In these guidelines, CESR also defines a set of high level principles relating to assets that may be used as collateral and cover rules for transactions in financial derivative instruments.

Guidelines provide calculation methodologies for different investment strategies

CESR wishes to emphasise that the calculation of the global exposure represents only one element of the UCITS overall risk management process. It remains the responsibility of the UCITS to select an appropriate methodology to calculate it.

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view CESR’s Guidelines on Risk Measurement and the Calculation of Global Exposure and Counterparty Risk for UCITS

view feedback statement

Gold and silver ETCs with currency hedging from DB ETC Index plc launched on Xetra

July 27, 2010--Two new exchange traded commodities issued by DB ETC Index plc, the ETC platform of Deutsche Bank, are tradable on Xetra.
The two new db ETCs enable investment in exchange traded commodities on gold and silver with currency protection for the first time. All db ETCs are backed by physically deposited gold bars in allocated form.

ETC name: db Physical Gold Euro Hedged ETC Asset class: commodities ISIN: DE000A1EK0G3 Total expense ratio: 0.59 percent Benchmark: Gold spot price

ETC name: db Physical Silver Euro Hedged ETC Asset class: commodities ISIN: DE000A1EK0J7 Total expense ratio: 0.75 percent Benchmark: Silver spot price

Deutsche Börse’s ETC segment product range currently comprises 174 instruments. The monthly trading volume of ETCs on Xetra averages around €550 million.

New Supervisory Board Chairperson elected for the Stuttgart Stock Exchange

Thomas Munz is the new Supervisory Board Chairperson at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, Dr Michael Völter elected as Deputy Chairperson
July 27, 2010--Following the reshuffle of the Supervisory Board members at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, a new chairperson has now been elected to head the various Supervisory Boards: Thomas Munz, Chairperson of the association Vereinigung Baden-Wuerttembergische Wertpapierboerse e.V., has been unanimously elected as the Chairperson of the Supervisory Boards of Boerse Stuttgart Holding GmbH, Boerse Stuttgart AG and Euwax AG. Dr Michael Völter, Member of the Management Board of SV Sparkassen Versicherung Holding AG, has been elected as Deputy Chairperson of the boards.

Further Supervisory Board members besides Thomas Munz and Dr Michael Völter are Horst Marschall, Dr Manfred Pumbo and Hans-Joachim Strüder.

Since he started out as a stock exchange trader in 1979, Thomas Munz has served in various functions at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange. These include heading the Chamber of Official Exchange Brokers, Kursmaklerkammer, at Baden-Wuerttembergische Wertpapierboerse, membership of the Exchange Council and the function of Chairperson of the Management Board at EUWAX AG. Thomas Munz has also been member of the Supervisory Boards of the three stock exchange companies for many years. He was appointed to the position of Member of the Board of Management of the association Vereinigung Baden-Wuerttembergische Wertpapierboerse e.V. in May 2003.

The appointment of Thomas Munz to this position continues the stringency with which such appointments are made at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange. Due to his many years as Member of the Board of Management of the association Vereinigung Baden-Wuerttembergische Wertpapierboerse e.V, which is the owner of the stock exchange, it was only natural that the Supervisory Board members would choose Thomas Munz to head the Supervisory Boards of all major companies.


September 25, 2024 Calamos ETF Trust files with the SEC-4 Calamos Bitcoin Structured ETFs
September 25, 2024 EA Series Trust files with the SEC-AOT Growth and Innovation ETF
September 25, 2024 NEOS ETF Trust files with the SEC-FIS Knights of Columbus Global Belief ETF
September 25, 2024 Direxion Shares ETF Trust files with the SEC-18 Direxion Daily ETFs
September 25, 2024 NEOS ETF Trust files with the SEC-FIS Christian Stock Fund

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September 11, 2024 BBH Annual Greater China ETF Investor Survey: ETF Assets reach record highs as Greater China propels ETF investment in APAC

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office

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Africa ETF News

September 19, 2024 Gender Parity Will Unlock $287bn for Africa's Economy By 2030-Report
September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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