Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

Sovereign risks dominate assets returns in first half

August 3, 2010--Surging risk aversion and European sovereign concerns were the key drivers of currency returns in the first half of 2010, research by ETF Securities shows.

ETFS Long Yen Short Euro was the top performing currency ETC, rising 23 per cent in H1 2010 as the Euro sank on growing concerns about sovereign risk in Greece and other peripheral European countries.

With sovereign risk expected to remain a serious concern amidst rising uncertainty about the durability of the global recovery, these themes are likely to remain key drivers of returns during 2010 and 2011, ETF Securities says. Countries that implement credible debt control programmes will likely see currency outperformance.

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Three new Royal Bank of Scotland ETNs launched on Xetra

RBS and Deutsche Börse expand offering in ETN segment
August 2, 2010--Three new exchange traded notes (ETNs) issued by The Royal Bank of Scotland have been tradable throughout Europe on Xetra since Monday. Exchange traded notes track the performance of underlying reference indices outside of the commodities sector.
ETN name: MSCI EFM Africa ex South Africa Daily Net TR USD Index ETN
Asset class: Equity index
ISIN: NL0009360833
Management fee: 1.35 percent

Benchmark: MSCI EFM Africa ex South Africa Daily Net TR USD Index

ETN name: MSCI BRIC ADR Top 50 Index ETN
Asset class: Equity index
ISIN: NL0009496314
Management fee: 0.64 percent
Benchmark: MSCI BRIC ADR Top 50 Index

ETN name: MSCI EM Latin America with Brazil ADR Index ETN
Asset class: Equity index
ISIN: NL0009496322
Management fee: 0.64 percent
Benchmark: MSCI EFM EM Latin America with Brazil ADR Index

The three new Royal Bank of Scotland ETNs enable investors to participate in the performance of equity indices from the MSCI Index family. The MSCI EFM Africa ex South Africa Daily Net TR USD Index tracks the performance of the currently 35 companies in the Africa ex South Africa frontier markets.

The MSCI BRIC ADR Top 50 Index comprises the following sub-indices: MSCI Brazil ADR Index, MSCI Russia ADR Index, MSCI India ADR Index and MSCI China Index. Investors have access to the 50 largest companies weighted by free-float market capitalization from Brazil, Russia, India and China.

The MSCI EM Latin America with Brazil ADR Index represents 85 percent of the market capitalization of Latin America. The index comprises companies from Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Mexico and Peru.

The product offering of Deutsche Börse’s ETP segment currently comprises 174 exchange-listed commodities (ETCs) and 34 exchange traded notes (ETNs).

CESR announces next steps on European access to financial information disclosed by listed companies

August 2, 2010--CESR announces today a series of proposed measures for developing pan-European access to financial information disclosed by listed entities. The purpose of the various measures is to harmonise and enhance pan-European search facilities for financial information and to investigate the possible introduction of XBRL reporting.

As such, the first measure consists of a consultation paper on the development of pan-European access to financial information published by listed entities (CESR/10-719c). The consultation paper introduces CESR’s proposals for improving the search functions and interconnection between national storage facilities for financial information. Two options are presented in the consultation paper. The first consist of organising national information depositories that would be accessible through one European search engine while the second option would centralise all data in a European central database. The responses to the consultation paper will provide CESR with feedback for a report to be submitted to the European Commission in Q4 2010. Links to existing national storage mechanisms (called OAMs) are now available on CESR’s website under corporate reporting, either by share (through the MiFID database or via a list of links to OAMs themselves).

The second measure, builds on the call for evidence on The Use of a Standard Reporting Format for Financial Reporting of Issuers Having Securities Traded on Regulated Markets published in October 2009 (CESR 09-859). CESR announces its decision to move forward with an investigation of the possible use of eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) for the financial reporting of listed issuers.

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view the Consultation Paper (CESR/10-719c)- Development of Pan-European Access to Financial Information Disclosed by Listed Companies

The Spanish Stock Exchange traded €98.31 billion in july, up 3% year on year

The number of equity trades to the end of July totalled 24 million, up 34% year on year
Trading in the ETF segment in the first seven months totalled 44,898 trades, up 66% from the same period in 2009
August 2, 2010--Equities
In July trading in Equities on the Spanish Stock market amounted to €98.31 bn, which represents a 3% rise year on year. The trading volume to the end of July was €626.24 bn, up 21.2% on the same period last year.

The number of trades in the first seven months totalled 24 million, up 34% year on year. In July the number of trades came in at 3.1 million, up 11% from the same period the previous year.

The trading volume in the ETF segment to the end of July was up 147% on the same month of 2009, at €4.67 bn. The trading volume in July was €286 million, down 23% from the same period a year earlier.

The number of trades in the ETF segment to the end of July came in at 44,898, up 66% from the same month in 2009. In July the number of trades reached 4,555, down 12% year on year.

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ECX Monthly Report

August 2, 2010--The ECX (European Climate Exchange) Monthly Report for July 2010 is now available.

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July Statistics Report From The NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchanges

August 2, 2010--Share Trading in July
The value of average daily share trading amounted to EUR 2.0 billion, as compared to EUR 2.5 billion during the past 12-month period. The average number of trades per business day amounted to 258,796 as compared to 261,305 during the past 12-month period. The total market cap of listed companies at NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange amounted to EUR 703 billion, compared to EUR 542 billion in July 2009.

Derivatives Trading

The average daily trading volume in derivative products amounted to 455,749 contracts, as compared to 498,867 contracts during the past 12-month period. The average daily trading volume in share products was 247,079 contracts, as compared to 233,528 contracts during the past 12 month period. The average daily trading volume in index products was 156,852 contracts, compared to 167,945 contracts during the past 12-month period. Fixed-income derivatives traded 51,818 contracts, compared to 97,394 contracts during the past 12-month period.

Listings and Members

There were 2 new companies on First North during July. There were 2 new members during July.

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The Stuttgart Stock Exchange sees a turnover of more than EUR 7 billion for July

Growth of some 474 percent for Euro government bonds / Heavy demand for exchange traded funds continues
August 2, 2010--According to its order book statistics, Boerse Stuttgart had a turnover of EUR 7.2 billion in July 2010. This means an increase of more than 4 percent in comparison with the previous month. Investment certificates above all (EUR 1.6 billion) accounted for the biggest proportion of turnover.

Demand for German State bonds also remained buoyant. In addition to German Federal Government bonds, investors were mainly interested in bonds from the Eurozone countries and from emerging markets. Trade in Euro government bonds grew by around 474 percent in a year-on-year comparison (January to July).

Trading volumes for derivates were down on the previous month as volumes generally tend to be thinner during the summer. They nevertheless remained at a very high level, with turnover reaching a little over EUR 3.7 billion. In a year-on-year comparison (January to July) Boerse Stuttgart recorded even a slight increase of around 6 percent. Bonus certificates proved to be particularly popular in July, and Boerse Stuttgart saw a rise of about 19 percent in these securities in comparison with the previous month.

In equities trading the first half of the year saw heavy demand for solar stocks and financials above all. With a turnover growth edging on 80 percent for international equities and an increase of almost 46 percent for equities as a whole during the first seven months, the signs are clearly positive for trading in company shares.

Trading volumes for investment funds in July amounted to some EUR 566 million in total. This is equivalent to a growth of 17 percent in comparison with the previous month. The popularity of exchange traded funds (ETFs), with almost 45 percent growth in a year-on-year comparison, is evidence of the steadily rising interest shown by investors in these passively traded funds. Trading volumes for ETFs in July 2010 amounted to almost EUR 500 million.

Kuveyt Türk gold investment fund in stock market

August 2, 2010--Participation bank Kuveyt Türk’s gold-nominated stock market investment fund, GoldPlus, started to be traded on the ?stanbul Stock Exchange (?MKB) on Monday after a special ceremony.

Speaking during the ceremony prior to the morning session, the ?MKB President Hüseyin Erkan celebrated the new investment instrument, which he said would be a significant product for investors who are seeking a safe haven amidst the turbulent global economic atmosphere. In addition, gold has been performing superbly in recent times, he noted.

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Xetra Turnover up 6 Percent in July

14.6 million trades executed on Xetra/ Total volume of 107.1 billion euros traded on all stock exchanges in Germany
August 2, 2010-- In July, 94.9 billion euros were traded on Xetra and on the floor at Börse Frankfurt – an increase of 5 percent year-on-year (July 2009: 90.4 billion euros). Of the 94.9 billion euros, 89.3 billion euros were traded on Xetra, an increase of 6 percent year-on-year (July 2009: 84.1 billion euros). 5.7 billion euros were traded on the floor, a decrease by 11 percent (July 2009: 6.3 billion euros).

Turnover in German equities on Deutsche Börse’s cash markets amounted to 80 billion euros, while foreign equities turnover stood at 12.1 billion euros. Xetra and the floor at Börse Frankfurt accounted for 96 percent of the transaction volume in German equities on all stock exchanges in Germany. 89 percent of foreign equities traded on stock exchanges in Germany were traded on Xetra and on the floor in Frankfurt.

In July, 14.6 million transactions were executed on Xetra, an increase of 7 percent against the same period last year (July 2009: 13.7 million).

According to the Xetra liquidity measure (XLM), SAP AG was the most liquid DAX blue chip in July with 5.49 basis points (bp) for an order volume of 100,000 euros. EADS was the most liquid MDAX stock with 18.29 bp. The most liquid ETF was DB X-TR.II-EONIA T.R. 1C with 0.34 bp. The most liquid foreign stock was Royal Dutch Shell with 10.6 bp. XLM measures liquidity in electronic securities trading on the basis of the implicit transaction costs. It is expressed in basis points (1 bp = 0.01 percent); a low XLM denotes high liquidity in a security.

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ISE will open the trading on Monday with Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank Inc. B Type Gold ETF

August 2, 2010--On the occasion of the initial public offering of “Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank Inc. B Type Gold ETF”, executives and guests of the company and the intermediaries will visit the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) and ring the opening bell of the Stock Market on Monday, August 2, 2010.

Mr. Hüseyin ERKAN, the ISE Chairman&CEO, Mr. Mohammed AL OMAR, Chairman of Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank B Type Gold Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), and Mr. Ufuk UYAN will deliver speeches, following which, the officials will ring the opening bell and start the session at 09:30.

Participation certificates of Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank Inc. B Type Gold ETF will start to be traded on the ISE Collective Products Market under the ticker symbol “GOLDP.F”


September 25, 2024 Calamos ETF Trust files with the SEC-4 Calamos Bitcoin Structured ETFs
September 25, 2024 EA Series Trust files with the SEC-AOT Growth and Innovation ETF
September 25, 2024 NEOS ETF Trust files with the SEC-FIS Knights of Columbus Global Belief ETF
September 25, 2024 Direxion Shares ETF Trust files with the SEC-18 Direxion Daily ETFs
September 25, 2024 NEOS ETF Trust files with the SEC-FIS Christian Stock Fund

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Asia ETF News

September 11, 2024 BBH Annual Greater China ETF Investor Survey: ETF Assets reach record highs as Greater China propels ETF investment in APAC

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office

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Africa ETF News

September 19, 2024 Gender Parity Will Unlock $287bn for Africa's Economy By 2030-Report
September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023
August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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