Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

UK official holdings of international reserves, November 2010

December 3, 2010--This monthly press notice shows details of movements in November in the UK’s official holdings of international reserves, which consist of gold, foreign currency assets and International Monetary Fund assets. These reserves are maintained primarily so that the UK Government’s reserves could be used to intervene to support Sterling, or the Bank of England’s reserves could be used to support the Bank’s monetary policy objectives. If such interventions were to occur, then they would be shown and explained in this release. The Background note at the end of this release explains more about the reserves, and about these statistics.

In summary this month’s release shows that, in November 2010:

No intervention operations were undertaken.

Movements in reserves and levels of reserves were as follows:

view UK official holdings of international reserves, November 2010

Growth indicator points to two-speed eurozone

December 3, 2010-- Private sector manufacturing and services output hit three-month highs each across the eurozone in November, but a two-speed pattern was increasingly evident, a key survey showed Friday.

The big three economies of Germany, France and Italy led progress but Ireland posted only modest growth and the figures for Spain indicated a third successive month of contraction, according to the purchasing managers' index (PMI).

The indicator of industrial and services activity rose to 55.5 points in November after falling to 53.8 points in October, which was an eight-month low. Any reading above 50 points signals growth.

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NASDAQ OMX Hosts 25th Investor Program In London In Association With Morgan Stanley

Europe's Largest Investor Conference for U.S. Equities Will Spotlight Telecom, Financials, Information Technology, Industrials, Material, Consumer and Healthcare Sectors
December 3, 2010-- The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:NDAQ) will host its 25th Investor Program in London on December 7 - 8, 2010, in association with Morgan Stanley. Presentations will be made by the senior management of 55 companies from the Telecom, Financials, Information Technology, Industrials, Material, Consumer and Healthcare sectors. These presentations will be webcast live at

NASDAQ OMX has been hosting investor programs in Europe for more than 16 years. The investor conferences have primarily been held in London, Europe's largest financial centre, and have grown to become the largest institutional investors programs for U.S. equities in Europe. Bruce Aust, Executive Vice President, Global Corporate Client Group, will be the NASDAQ OMX host on site.

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CESR Publishes A Call For Evidence On Implementing Measures On The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive

November 3, 2010--This call for evidence seeks stakeholders’ input on the provisional mandate from the European Commission regarding CESR’s technical advice on the implementing measures on the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive.

This input will help CESR and its successor, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), in the development of its draft advice on the content of the implementing measures, which will be published for consultation in 2011.

view the CALL FOR EVIDENCE-CESR Publishes A Call For Evidence On Implementing Measures On The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive

New Lipper ETF Report Q3-2010

December 2, 2010--Executive Summary
Assets under management (AUM) in the pan-European exchange-traded funds (ETF) segment continued to show a growth pattern over third quarter 2010, gaining 5.80% to 197.06 billion euros—a surprising inflow because of movements in the global stock markets. Analysis of the individual asset classes shows that only money market ETFs had decreasing AUM, while all other asset classes enjoyed rising AUM.

The average monthly turnover in euros for third quarter 2010 surprisingly was down 30.88%—from 51.41 billion euros for second quarter 2010 to 35.54 billion euros for third quarter 2010. While looking at these numbers, one needs to bear in mind that the numbers for Q2-2010 were driven by a new all-time high in on-exchange turnover in May 2010. This report shows that the ETF segment remained in general very concentrated; the five largest exchanges accounted for 90.76% of the average quarterly on-exchange turnover, while the five largest promoters accounted for 76.97% of the AUM and the 50 largest funds accounted for 47.58% of the total net assets in the ETF segment.

1.0 Pan-European ETF Turnover in Euros

The total turnover of ETFs traded on the exchanges within this report decreased in third quarter 2010 to a monthly average of 35.54 billion euros. This number was 30.88% lower than the turnover for second quarter 2010, but still 9.46% higher than the turnover for third quarter 2009. As the picture below depicts, trading activity normally highly correlates with market volatility. The falling volatility and rising equity markets led to lower turnover numbers on the pan-European exchanges in third quarter 2010.

to request report

CESR Updates The List Of Measures Recently Taken By Members Regarding Short-Selling

December 2, 2010--CESR published on 22 September 2008 a statement that facilitates an overview of actions taken by CESR Members in relation to short-selling. The statement paper includes either the statements or links to the statements published by CESR Members explaining the measures taken. This paper is not a comparison of the measures taken.

CESR updates the list of measures recently taken by Members regarding short-selling. The documents will be updated on a continuous basis; the latest update has been provided by the Austrain FMA.

view the Measures adopted by CESR Members on short selling -Updated-

EEX trading results for Natural Gas and CO2 Emission Rights in

December 2, 2010--In November, the trading volume on the EEX Spot Market for Natural Gas amounted to 1,853,788 MWh (GASPOOL and NCG market areas) compared to 992,064 MWh in November 2009. The volume included 701,644 MWh traded in the Within-Day Gas product which was launched on 1 March 2010. The Spot Market price for the day-ahead delivery of Natural Gas ranged between EUR 17.70 per MWh and EUR 22.80 per MWh. The volumes on the Derivatives Market

The volumes on the Derivatives Market for Natural Gas (GASPOOL and NCG market areas) amounted to 2,672,770 MWh (November 2009: 1,593,167 MWh). On 30 November 2010, the open interest was 20,119,073 MWh. On 30 November 2010 Natural Gas prices for delivery in 2011 were fixed at EUR 21.82 per MWh (GASPOOL) and EUR 21.88 per MWh (NCG), respectively.

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Boerse Stuttgart reports a turnover of almost EUR 9.3 billion

December 2, 2010--In November 2010 Boerse Stuttgart, according to its order book statistics, had a turnover of almost EUR 9.3 billion, an increase of almost 20 percent in a month-on-month comparison. Trading volumes from January up until and including November amounted to around EUR 86.4 billion.

At Europe's biggest financial market for securitised derivatives this asset class also accounted for a large part of monthly turnover. In total Boerse Stuttgart's turnover in leverage and investment products amounted to almost EUR 4.9 billion in November. There was increased trading in warrants and knock-out products. Trading volumes for these securities were around 27 percent or 20 percent higher than the previous month's figures.

Bond trading at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange rose by more than 30 percent, exceeding EUR 2.46 billion. The lion's share of turnover in this trading segment was generated by corporate bonds where trading volumes in November amounted to EUR 1.55 billion. The approximately 30 percent growth in turnover in comparison with the previous month partly results from trading activities in the Bondm SME segment, with two new corporate bonds from Air Berlin and 3W Power Holdings being admitted to this trading segment in November.

Boerse Stuttgart can also report a significant growth in equities trading for this month. Trading volumes here amounted to more than EUR 1.09 billion. As in the previous month, trading volumes for international equities rose significantly, by more than 33 percent. In the case of international equities, investors continued to be particularly active in trading commodities. In addition to gold and silver, rare earth equities from China attracted particularly strong demand.

The boom in exchange traded funds (EFTs) continues unabated with trading volumes on the Stuttgart Stock Exchange up by 37 percent month-on-month, rising to more than EUR 707 million. In a year-on-year comparison trading volumes for ETFs more than doubled in November.

Istanbul becomes fastest city to pull out of crisis

November 2, 2010--The Global Metro Monitor report, published by the Washington, D.C.-based Brookings Institution, has revealed that Istanbul is the city recovering the fastest from the Great Recession.

According to the report, 150 metropolitan economies have been analyzed in the wake of the global financial crisis. “Metro areas, which are economically integrated collections of cities, suburbs and often surrounding rural areas, are centers of high-value economic activity in their respective nations and worldwide. And because metros form the fundamental bases for national and international economies, understanding their relative positioning before, during and after the Great Recession provides important evidence on emerging shifts in the location of global economic resilience and future growth,” stated the report to underline the importance of metropolitan cities in national economies.

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Receive a Free Copy of the S&P Power Picks 2011 - or Attend the Presentation Wednesday 8th December - London

December 2, 2010--&P Equity Research invites you to 'POWER PICKS 2011' - Wednesday 8 December, London (Merchant Taylor's Hall), 17.00 - 18.00
Financial professionals and portfolio managers are invited to join S&P for an exclusive view of S&P Equity Research's expectations for 2011, direct from the research team, identifying some of the key themes, sectors and stocks we expect to outperform the broader market.

Our analyst team will be on hand to answer specific sector questions.

As there is limited seating for this event,

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September 27, 2024 AltShares Trust files with the SEC-AltShares Merger Arbitrage ETF and AltShares Event-Driven ETF

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September 11, 2024 BBH Annual Greater China ETF Investor Survey: ETF Assets reach record highs as Greater China propels ETF investment in APAC

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024

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Africa ETF News

September 19, 2024 Gender Parity Will Unlock $287bn for Africa's Economy By 2030-Report
September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link

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August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying

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