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db x-trackers veröffentlicht täglich aktuell Swap-Anteile

6. Dezember 2010. db x-trackers1, die Plattform der Deutschen Bank für börsennotierte Indexfonds, veröffentlicht ab heute täglich aktualisiert Details der Portfolios ihrer ETFs. Dazu gehört auch die Information zu der Höhe des Netto Swap-Anteils in Prozent des Nettoinventarwerts (NAV), sowie die zur Minimierung des Netto- Kontrahentenrisikos hinterlegten Sicherheiten.

Bei allen bisher aufgelegten ETFs nutzt db x-trackers die Methode der synthetischen Replikation. Dabei wird die Wertentwicklung des Index auf der Seite des Swap-Partners Deutsche Bank generiert. Über eine Swap-Vereinbarung wird die Indexrendite an den ETF weitergegeben, so dass sich der ETF in der Regel jederzeit nahezu identisch zum unterliegenden Index entwickelt. Nach UCITS-III-Regeln darf das Netto-Kontrahentenrisiko in Bezug auf einen Kontrahenten je Fonds zehn Prozent des Nettoinventarwertes des Fonds nicht übersteigen. „db x-trackers ETFs sind als UCITS-III-konforme Sondervermögen aufgelegt. Die jetzt veröffentlichten Daten haben wir bisher bereits tagesaktuell auf Anfrage zur Verfügung gestellt und bieten sie nun auch regelmäßig im Internet an“, sagt Thorsten Michalik, verantwortlich für db x-trackers.

Im Einzelnen werden ab heute folgende Informationen unter auf den Detailseiten zu den einzelnen ETFs veröffentlicht und täglich aktualisiert:

Netto Swap-Anteil in Prozent des NAV

Zusammensetzung der Sicherheiten nach Wertpapiertyp, Ländern, Währungen sowie ggf. Sektoren oder Ratings für Anleihen

Zudem ist es künftig möglich, die komplette Wertpapierliste je ETF herunter zu laden.

Mit seiner innovativen Produktpalette hat db x-trackers das verwaltete Vermögen seit dem Start im Januar 2007 auf aktuell mehr als 35 Milliarden Euro gesteigert. „Die Nettomittelzuflüsse 2010 in unsere ETFs in Höhe von bisher mehr als 7 Milliarden Euro zeigen, dass wir auch weiterhin innovative Produktlösungen für Privatanleger wie auch für institutionelle Investoren zur Verfügung stellen“, sagt Michalik. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, dass db x-trackers ETFs eine herausragende Stellung bei der Aufteilung der Zuflüsse in Europa einnehmen. „Bis Mitte November hat db x-trackers nach Angaben von Deutsche Bank Research fast genauso viele Zuflüsse verzeichnet, wie alle anderen Anbieter von ETFs mit synthetischer Indexreplikation zusammen genommen“, sagt Michalik.

1 db x-trackers beinhaltet ETFs der SICAV db x-trackers bzw. db x-trackers II.

SocGen & Lyxor AM Announce Appointment Of New ETF Management Team In Europe

December 6, 2010--Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking and Lyxor Asset Management have announced the appointment of the new Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) management team in Europe:
Simon Klein is appointed as Head of ETF for Europe, effective 1st of January. He joins the bank from Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt where he was head of ETF and ETC sales for Continental Europe.

Based in Frankfurt, he will report to David Escoffier, Co-Head of Global Equity Flow of Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking, and to Laurent Seyer, Chief Executive Officer of Lyxor Asset Management.

Nizam Hamid is appointed as Head of ETF Strategy and Deputy Head of ETF Europe, effective 22nd of November. He joins the bank from Blackrock/BGI in London where he was Head of ETF Strategy for EMEA; Nizam brings with him over 20 years experience in cash equities, quant research and ETF. Nizam Hamid will be based in London and will report to Simon Klein.

Recognized as an industry leader since 2001, Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking through its subsidiary Lyxor Asset Management continues to strengthen its position in the ETF market. With 20% market share (source Morningstar as of end of october 2010) and AuM of EUR 36.2 bn (source Lyxor as of end of October 2010), Lyxor is the 4th global ETFs provider and the 2nd largest provider in Europe. The Lyxor ETF range offers 214 ETF, 520 cross-listings, covering more than 120 indices. Lyxor manages the largest ETF in Europe, the Lyxor ETF Euro STOXX50 (TER: 0.25%) with EUR 5.5Bn of AuM.

db x-trackers erweitert Schwellenländer-Produktpalette

6. Dezember 2010. db x-trackers1, die Plattform der Deutschen Bank für börsennotierte Indexfonds, hat einen ETF an der Deutschen Börse gelistet, mit dem Anleger an der Entwicklung des Aktienmarktes in Indonesien partizipieren können.
Der db x-trackers MSCI Indonesia TRN Index ETF bildet die Wertentwicklung des MSCI Indonesia TRN Index ab, der die weltweit handelbaren indonesischen Aktien mit der höchsten Marktkapitalisierung enthält. Der von MSCI Inc. berechnete Index umfasst alle Bereiche der indonesischen Wirtschaft.

Bisher ist der db x-trackers MSCI Indonesia TRN Index ETF an den Börsen in London und Singapur gelistet und verwaltet ein Fondsvolumen von rund 100 Millionen US-Dollar.

Der MSCI Indonesia TRN Index setzt sich aktuell aus 22 Werten zusammen. In der Branchengewichtung stellen Finanzwerte mit 29,5 Prozent den größten Anteil, gefolgt von Konsumgütern (14,0 %), dem Energiesektor (13,9 %) und der Telekommunikationssparte (11,6 %).

Indonesien ist mit 238 Millionen Einwohnern und einem jährlichen Bevölkerungswachstum von 1,49 Prozent das viertbevölkerungsreichste Land der Welt2. Für die Wirtschaft Indonesiens wird nach Angaben von Deutsche Bank Research 2010 ein Wachstum von 6,0 Prozent und 2011 von 6,5 Prozent Wachstum erwartet.

„Mit dem Listing des Indonesien-ETFs verbessern wir weiter unser Angebot für Investments in Schwellenländern an der Deutschen Börse. Er ermöglicht ein Engagement in einem der wachstumsstärksten Länder Asiens“, sagt Thorsten Michalik, verantwortlich für db x-trackers.

db x-trackers MSCI Indonesia TRN Index ETF: Auf einen Blick

Name:db x-trackers MSCI Indonesia TRN Index ETF
Fondswährung: USD

Bloomberg Ticker:XMIN GY
ISIN: LU0476289623
Jährliche Pauschalgebühr:0.65%
Index Bloomberg Ticker: NDEUINF

OECD calls on governments to strengthen private pensions

December 6, 2010--The OECD secretariat has told the Working Party on Private Pensions and the Insurance and Private Pensions Committee (IPPC) that countries overhauling their pensions systems should seek to establish a balance between public and private pensions

This, it is argued, would help to maintain sustainable pension systems, which would be resilient to economic and other shocks.

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CESR publishes the Annual report according to article 21 of Regulation (EC) 1060/2009 on Credit Rating Agencies

December 6, 2010--On 12 November 2008 the European Commission published a draft Regulation (EC) 1060/2009 on credit rating agencies (CRAs), whose amended version was approved on 23 April 2009 by the European Parliament and on 27 July 2009 by the Council. The Regulation was signed on September 16 and entered into force on 7 December 2009.

Consequently, CRAs that wish to operate in the Community must apply for registration under the terms of the Regulation and comply, at all times, with the organizational, operational, procedural and disclosure requirements set out in its Annex I.

CESR is publishing this annual report in accordance with article 21(4) of Regulation (EC) 1060/2009, in order to provide information to the public about the application of the Regulation in the EU and, in particular, to comment on the implementation of the requirements established in Annex I of the Regulation by the credit rating agencies. This is the first annual report published by CESR in the fulfilment of its obligations under article 21.

view CESR Annual report according to article 21 of Regulation (EC) 1060/2009 on Credit Rating Agencies

NYSE Euronext Announces Trading Volumes For November 2010

December 6, 2010--Global Derivatives Averaged 8.2 Million Contracts per Day in November, Up 13% vs. Prior Year;
European Derivatives Up 2% vs. Prior Year, Up 23% Sequentially;
U.S. Options Averaged 3.9 Million Contracts, Up 29% vs. Prior Year;
European Cash Trading Volumes Up 17%, U.S. Cash Down 5% vs. Prior Year
NYSE Euronext (NYX) today announced trading volumes for its global derivatives and cash equities exchanges for November 2010[1]. Global derivatives average daily volume (“ADV”) of 8.2 million contracts traded per day in November 2010 increased 12.6% versus the prior year, and increased 9.9% from October 2010 levels.

The increase in global derivatives ADV versus prior year levels was driven primarily by a 28.5% increase in U.S. equity options ADV. Cash equities ADV in November 2010 was mixed, with European cash ADV increasing 16.6% and U.S. cash trading volumes decreasing 4.8% from November 2009 levels.


NYSE Euronext global derivatives ADV in November 2010 of 8.2 million contracts increased 12.6% compared to November 2009 and increased 9.9% from October 2010 levels. Open interest for the European derivatives businesses at the end of November 2010 was 82.8 million contracts, a decrease of 9.8% compared to November 2009, but an increase of 0.9% from October 2010 levels.

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DB Global Equity Index & ETF Research :Emerging markets steam ahead as ETF launches reach record high

December 3, 2010--Investment Outlook:
Emerging markets continue to benefit from domestic Euro-zone uncertainty
The impact of the Irish bailout continued to run its course on the equity markets across Europe for the week that ended on November 26 2010
All major equity indices lost ground with the Euro Stoxx 50 index leading the decline, registering a decrease of 3.7%. The CAC 40 index lost 3.4% and the FTSE 100 was down by 1.1%. The DAX defied the declining trend and held its ground by rising 0.1%. Gold (US$/oz) also benefited and saw its price rise by 0.8% to $1,352.9.

The European ETP industry cash flows totaled €522 million. Both ETFs and ETCs saw net inflows of €314 million and €208 million respectively (versus €58 and €5 million last week). European ETF domestic cash flow patterns remained subdued, showing no significant change in investor mood from the prior two weeks.

Euro-zone concerns continued to generate flows that broadly reflected market return patterns. Investors took money out of declining European equity indices, generating mild outflows (€200 million). Emerging market benchmarked ETFs were the biggest beneficiaries, they received upwards of €300 million, bringing the total European emerging market ETF inflows to an astounding €7.5 billion year to date. Conversely, European benchmarked equity ETFs, including sectors, registered roughly half of the emerging market inflows (€3.8 billion year to date).

Commodities had a good week, raising close to a quarter of a billion Euros (€253 million vs. €81 million inflow during previous week). Gold saw a revival in its fortunes by netting inflows of €143 million, while broad commodity benchmarked ETFs also saw inflows of €55 million.

Product Launch Calendar:

A very strong week, with a new issuer entering the European market

New Products:

Hedge fund & equity sector benchmarked ETFs define the calendar

As the year draws to a close, new ETF launches continued unabated. A total of thirteen new ETFs by three providers were launched in the past week, bringing the total new ETPs in 2010 to 347. This is by far the strongest launch year since the creation of the European ETF industry.

The majority of the new ETFs were issued by Deutsche Bank’s db x-trackers and they were comprised of one hedge fund and ten equity sector benchmarked ETFs. The hedge fund ETF is benchmarked to an index that is intended to reflect the total return performance of an exposure to a portfolio of hedge funds operating equity hedge and equity market neutral strategies, which can take both long and short positions in order to generate positive returns. The sector benchmarked ETFs track a variety of MSCI World sector specific indices. All db x-trackers ETFs were launched on Deutsche Boerse.

This week saw the entry of a new issuer in the ETF market, Goldman Sachs Asset Management. The provider debuted on Deutsche Boerse with the launch of an ETF that tracks an alternative benchmark named the Absolute Return Tracker Index. The ETF is seeking to replicate the investment returns of hedge fund betas (market exposure) by investing (both long and short) in a number of asset classes, such as equity, fixed income and commodities.

UBS launched an ETF tracking the price of silver on the Swiss Stock Exchange.

New Listings/Share Classes

A total of 35 cross-listings took place during the week, 17 by Deutsche Bank on Spain’s BME and Italy’s Borsa Italiana, 14 by Lyxor on the Swiss Stock Exchange, 3 by UBS on the Swiss Stock Exchange and 1 by Blackrock on Deutsche Borse. A full listing of this week’s cross-listed products can be found on page 5 of this report.

On-exchange turnover:

Sharp rise led by equity trading

Average rolling 22-day on-exchange ETP turnover rose by 7.7%, to €2.18 billion. Equity ETF turnover led the rise, with an increase of 10.5% over the prior week, to €1.6 billion. Commodity turnover also rose, by 2.7%, reaching €338 million. Fixed Income ETF turnover declined by 3.3%, to €211 million.

Assets Under Management (AUM)

European ETP assets rose by 0.6%, finishing the week at €218.0 billion. Positive cash flows off-set the impact of equity market losses, thus enabling ETF AUM to rise by €300 million, reaching €199.8 billion. ETC assets rose by 5.2%, reaching €18.2 billion, largely supported by the rising price of gold and positive commodity flows. Year to date, European ETP AUM are up by 28.4%.

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Three New UBS ETFs Launched on Xetra

December 3, 2010--The first hedge fund ETF issued by UBS ETFs plc along with two new equity index funds issued by UBS ETF SICAV have been tradable in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment since Friday.
ETF name: UBS ETFs plc - HFRX Global Hedge Index SF
Asset class: equity index ETF
ISIN: IE00B52TX001

Management fee: 0.60 percent
Distribution policy: non-distributing
Benchmark: HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index

The composition of the underlying index represents the entire hedge fund universe, comprising all available hedge fund strategies, including convertible arbitrage (exploiting differences in valuation between convertible bonds and equities), distressed securities (investing in companies in financial or operational difficulty), and equity hedge (simultaneously buying undervalued equities and selling overvalued equities). The different strategies are weighted to reflect the distribution of assets in the hedge fund sector.

ETF name: UBS-ETF MSCI Emerging Markets A
Asset class: equity index ETF
ISIN: LU0480132876
Management fee: 0.65 percent
Distribution policy: distributing
Benchmark: MSCI Emerging Markets

ETF name: UBS-ETF MSCI Emerging Markets I
Asset class: equity index ETF
ISIN: LU0480133098
Management fee: 0.40 percent
Distribution policy: distributing
Benchmark: MSCI Emerging Markets

These two ETFs allow investors to participate in the performance of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. The index currently includes companies from emerging market countries Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey. The index tracks approximately 85 percent of market capitalization in this total market. The UBS-ETF MSCI Emerging Markets I is aimed primarily at institutional investors.

The product offering in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment currently contains a total of 756 exchange-traded index funds, making it the largest offering of all European stock exchanges.

Postbank AG leaves MDAX

Free float drops below 10 percent / Deutsche Wohnen AG moves up
December 3, 2010--Deutsche Börse has announced an unscheduled adjustment in MDAX. Following the tender offer of Deutsche Bank AG the free float of the MDAX constituent Postbank AG has dropped below 10 percent. In line with the fast exit rule the share is taken out of the index.

Deutsche Wohnen AG replaces Postbank AG in MDAX; SAF Holland S.A. replaces Deutsche Wohnen AG in SDAX

The adjustment will be effective Wednesday, 8 December.

The next regular review of the Deutsche Börse equity indices is scheduled for 3 March 2011.

Changes in SDAX

December 3, 2010--On Friday, Deutsche Börse has decided on a change according to the regular review of its equity indices
Hawesko Holding AG will be included in SDAX and replaces Teleplan AG.

This change will take effect on 20 December 2010.

The next regular index review will be held on 3 March 2011.


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