Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

Deutsche Börse eyes joint clearing with rivals

January 5, 2011--Deutsche Börse, operator of one of Europe’s largest clearing houses, has talked to rival clearers about consolidation in cash equities clearing as a revamp of the region’s securities post-trade business appears imminent.

Clearing, viewed as the mundane processing of trades on stock and derivatives exchanges, has moved centre stage following the financial crisis as regulators insist on a greater use of clearing houses in the opaque derivatives markets.

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Boerse Stuttgart's turnover for 2010 tops EUR 94 billion

January 5, 2010--Boerse Stuttgart's order book statistics for 2010 showed a turnover of more than EUR 94 billion. This meant that the total trading volume was 3.9 percent down on last year's figures. The Stuttgart Stock Exchange recorded growth mainly in the trading of equities, securitised derivatives and investment funds.

"With a total trading volume of more than EUR 50 billion for securitised derivatives we were able to consolidate our position as Europe's market leader for this asset class," said Christoph Lammersdorf, CEO of Boerse Stuttgart Holding GmbH. The strong 37 percent growth in the trading of bonus certificates, 22 percent growth in the trading of discount certificates and 67 percent growth in the trading of reverse convertibles deserve a particular mention.

Stuttgart is Germany's market leader for trading in corporate bonds. With a trading volume of EUR 15 billion, these account for significantly more than half of all bonds traded at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange. In 2010 trading in equities was also up by almost 30 percent, so that the total annual turnover grew to more than EUR 10 billion.

Trading in investment funds showed particularly strong rates of growth last year. In this segment Boerse Stuttgart's turnover for 2010 amounted to more than EUR 6.7 billion. This meant that trading volumes were up by almost 57 percent in a year-on-year comparison, the growth mainly being accounted for by exchange-traded funds (ETFs). In 2010 this segment saw a huge 63 percent boost in turnover to more than EUR 5.7 billion.

In December 2010 monthly turnover at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange amounted to around EUR 7.7 billion and, due to the Christmas and New Year period, it was lower than in November, the month with the heaviest trading when turnover amounted to almost EUR 9.3 billion.

Strong Developments At NASDAQ OMX Baltic

January 4, 2011--– NASDAQ OMX Baltic today announced that during 2010, Baltic general indices have performed outstandingly compared to other European and even global average increases. The trading activity has increased at the markets operated by NASDAQ OMX Baltic exchanges compared to the year before counted by daily number of trades and the traded total value reached almost 2009 level.

The NASDAQ OMX Baltic Benchmark index increased to 534 points in the fourth quarter, rising 70% compared to the beginning of the year. In 2010, the number of share trades per day amounted to 1 352 trades. The yearly share trading amounted to EUR 488 million.

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Strong Growth At NASDAQ OMX Nordic

January 4, 2010--During 2010 activity has increased significantly at the markets operated by NASDAQ OMX Nordic compared to the year before. Based on trading until Dec 31 the average daily share trading amounted to EUR 2.5 billion, (2009: EUR 2.2 billion). The number of share trades per day amounted to 285,000 trades per day (2009: 214,000), an increase of 33% compared to 2009. The total derivatives trading amounted to 546,000 contracts per day, (2009: 400,000 contracts per day), up with 37%.

Hans-Ole Jochumsen, Executive Vice President commented, “2010 has been a very strong year for the Nordic markets. Investors have had exceptional returns on their investments and we look forward to continuous growth in 2011. Our indexes have increased in with 26 percent in Stockholm, 33 percent in Copenhagen and 23 percent in Helsinki. This can be compared with an average increase by 4 percent in European and a global average increase of 12 percent”.

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EU authority to head off economic crises

January 4, 2011--European economic policies will come under more scrutiny from this month when the European Central Bank takes the lead in a new financial police authority with whistle-blowing powers to prevent future crises.

The European systemic risk board (ESRB), chaired by Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president, will have powers to issue warnings and recommendations when it sees threats to economies or financial systems. But it could have a tough time proving that such limited powers, wielded by European officials, can prevent financial market turmoil on the scale seen in the past three years

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Eurozone inflation over 2 pct, first time in two years

January 4, 2011--Eurozone inflation was expected to accelerate to 2.2 percent in December 2010, the first time for two years that the indicator has risen above 2.0 percent, the EU's statistics agency said on Tuesday.

The 12-month rate rose from 1.9 percent in November and October, when prices remained just below the 2.0-percent point the European Central Bank has set as its target for price stability underpinning healthy economic growth, Eurostat said.

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ESMA publishes Frequently asked questions - a guide to understanding ESMA

January 3, 2011-This document is intended as an explanatory guide providing an overview of the main elements of ESMA?s functioning. The questions and answers included here may be supplemented with further information as and when further information or queries arise and will be updated on ESMA's website

This guide is not of a legal nature and it is recommended that any queries which require legal certainty should refer to the Regulation1 establishing ESMA itself or the relevant sector legislation. The internal rules and procedures for ESMA will be adopted by the Board of Supervisors and Management Board in the course of January 2011 and will be added to the website when final.

view the document-Frequently Asked Questions -A Guide to Understanding ESMA

New sector indices for Swiss Bonds

January 3, 2011--SIX Swiss Exchange has added 180 new indices to the SBI Index family as at 3 January 2011. A number of SBI sector indices have been launched based on the ICB Fixed Income classification benchmark, which classifies issuers according to their economic activity, and a model for guarantee types and collateral;

this model was developed by SIX Swiss Exchange in partnership with the Swiss Bond Commission (SBC) and allows individual issues to be allocated to sub-indices based on bond-specific guarantees and collateral.

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Total trading volume at Eurex Group at 2.64 billion contracts in 2010

Stable average daily volume in 2010 with approximately 10.4 million contracts/ Eurex turnover of almost 122 million contracts in December 2010/ Eurex Repo with strong growth in all markets in 2010
January 3, 2011--The international derivatives markets of Eurex Group ended 2010 with a turnover of approximately 2.64 billion contracts, compared with 2.65 billion in 2009.

The total volume for 2010 splits into 1.9 billion contracts traded at Eurex (2009: 1.7 billion) and 745.2 million contracts traded at the International Securities Exchange (ISE) (2009: 960.2 million). This corresponds to a daily average trading volume of 10.4 million contracts compared with 10.5 million in 2009.

At Eurex, equity index derivatives was the largest segment in 2010 with a total volume of 805.1 million contracts (2009: 797.5 million). Derivatives on the EURO STOXX 50® index were the largest single product with 372.2 million futures and 284.7 million options. The equity derivatives segment (options and single stock futures) saw 511.1 million contracts (2009: 421.3 million). In 2010, the interest rate derivatives segment reached a total of 574.8 million contracts (2009: 465.7 million). The segment dividend derivatives recorded the strongest growth of 78 percent with 4.5 million contracts.

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Turnover at Deutsche Börse’s cash market at 1.32 trillion euros in 2010

Turnover at 92.9 billion euros in December/ Number of transactions on Xetra up 39 percent in December
January 3, 2011- In 2010, 1.32 trillion euros were turned over at the cash market of Deutsche Börse. This is an increase of 16 percent compared to 2009 (1.14 trillion euros). With 1.24 trillion euros the fully electronic trading system Xetra accounted for the largest part of this order book turnover (2009: 1.06 trillion euros). 78.8 billion euros were traded on the floor at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (2009: 77.5 billion euros). All exchanges in Germany turned over 1.48 trillion euros, an increase of 13 percent (2009: 1.31 trillion euros).

In December 2010, 92.9 billion euros were turned over on Xetra and the Frankfurt floor. This order book turnover is up 14 percent compared to December 2009 (81.2 billion euros). Thereof, 86.7 billion euros were traded on Xetra (up 15 percent; December 2009: 75.5 billion euros). 6.2 billion euros were traded on the floor at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange – an increase by 9 percent (December 2009: 5.7 billion euros).

Turnover in German equities on Deutsche Börse’s cash markets amounted to 74.4 billion euros in December, while foreign equities turnover stood at 3.4 billion euros. Xetra and the floor at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange accounted for 97 percent of the transaction volume in German equities on all stock exchanges in Germany. 78 percent of foreign equities traded on stock exchanges in Germany were traded on Xetra and on the floor in Frankfurt.

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September 27, 2024 AltShares Trust files with the SEC-AltShares Merger Arbitrage ETF and AltShares Event-Driven ETF

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