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db X-trackers listet in London ersten Short-ETF auf Schwellenländer-Index und weltweite Sektoren-ETFs

January 6, 2011-db X-trackers, die Plattform der Deutschen Bank für Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), hat an der London Stock Exchange (LSE) den europaweit ersten ETF gelistet, der die inverse tägliche Wertentwicklung eines Schwellenländer-Index abbildet. Das Ziel des db x-trackers MSCI Emerging Market Short Daily Index ETF ist es, die umgekehrte tägliche Wertentwicklung des MSCI Emerging Market Index abzubilden, zuzüglich eines Zinsanteils.

Der MSCI Emerging Market Index spiegelt die Wertentwicklung der Aktien von großen und mittelgroßen Unternehmen in Schwellenländern weltweit wieder.

„Mit unserem ETF wird Investoren erstmals in Europa die Möglichkeit gegeben, auf täglicher Basis an täglichen fallenden Marktbewegungen in Schwellenländern invers zu partizipieren“, sagt Thorsten Michalik, verantwortlich für db X-trackers. „Da die Performance des db x-trackers MSCI Emerging Market Short Daily Index ETF auf täglicher Basis berechnet wird, eignet sich das Produkt vor allem für aktive Investoren, oder auch als kurzfristiges Absicherungsinstrument.“

Darüber hinaus hat db X-trackers, ebenfalls an der LSE, zehn ETFs auf Indizes gelistet, die weltweite Sektoren im Aktienmarkt abbilden. Die unterliegenden MSCIIndizes spiegeln die Entwicklung der größten Unternehmen beispielsweise im Finanz-, Energie- oder Gesundheitssektor wider. Beispiele für entsprechende ETFs sind der db x-trackers MSCI World Financials TRN Index ETF, der db x-trackers MSCI World Energy TRN Index ETF oder der db x-trackers MSCI World Health Care TRN Index ETF. db X-trackers bietet bereits eine Reihe von ETFs auf Sektoren im europäischen Aktienmarkt an. Nun haben Investoren die Möglichkeit, sich mit einem Produkt an der weltweiten Entwicklung eines Sektors zu beteiligen.

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Tradegate Exchange with new records in 2010

January 6, 2011--Tradegate Exchange hit new record figures in 2010. A total of more than 3.2 million transactions in equities, funds, ETFs and bonds were concluded last year. This corresponds to 33 percent growth year-on-year (2009: 2.4 million trades).

The trading volume of equity transactions rose by 62 percent in 2010 from EUR 10.5 billion to almost EUR 17 billion. With 3.1 million equity transactions in 2010 (2009: 2.3 million), Tradegate Exchange reached a market share among German trading floors of 34 percent, a growth of 3 percent over 2009.

Tradegate Exchange has operated as a regulated stock exchange since January 2010. The newest German regional stock exchange sees the last year’s results as a clear sign of approval from private investors, “Most of our traders are well-informed private investors who choose Tradegate personally. In 2011 we expect more orders from clients who ask their bank to select the best trading venue,” said Jochen Thiel, managing director of Tradegate Exchange GmbH. Several banks and savings banks have integrated Tradegate Exchange into their Best Execution Policies, choosing it as the best execution venue for their private clients’ securities transactions.

Commission seeks views on possible EU framework to deal with future bank failures

January 6, 2011--Following the publication of a Communication on 20 October 2010 on a European crisis management framework for the financial sector (see IP/10/1353), the European Commission has today launched a consultation on technical details underpinning that framework. Today's consultation should be read in conjunction with that Communication. The Commission intends to come forward with a legislative proposal for a comprehensive framework for dealing with failing banks before the Summer of 2011. The deadline for contributions to this consultation is 3 March 2011.

The possible options set out in this consultation would constitute a significant step for the EU in delivering the commitment made at the G20 summit in June 2010, by ensuring that authorities across the EU have the powers and tools to restructure or resolve (the process to allow for the managed failure of the financial institution) all types of financial institution in crisis, without taxpayers ultimately bearing the burden. They are also consistent with the principles for ensuring that resolution is a viable option for systemically important financial institutions that are being developed by the Financial Stability Board. This Consultation focuses on measures for banks and investment firms. The Commission will report by the end of 2011 on appropriate measures for other kinds of financial institution, including insurers and Central Counterparties.

Currently, there are very few rules at EU level which determine which actions can and should be taken by authorities when banks fail and, for reasons of financial stability, cannot be wound up under ordinary insolvency rules. This consultation seeks input on the technical details underpinning the policy issues identified in the Communication of 20 October 2010. These include

Common and effective tools and powers to deal with failing banks at an early stage, and to minimise costs for taxpayers, for example:

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Trading In 2010 At The London Metal Exchange Surges To New Records

Total trading up 7.4 per cent to 120.3 million lots traded in 2010
Total value traded surges to US$11.6 trillion
Steel progresses strongly; more than 12 million tonnes traded
January 6, 2011--The London Metal Exchange registered new records for volume and value of trading in 2010, consolidating its position as the world’s leading metals exchange.

Total trading in 2010 rose 7.4 per cent on 2009 to reach 120.3 million lots (111.9 million in 2009). This was equivalent to 2.83 billion tonnes of material. In a year when prices also rose strongly, the notional value of all contracts traded surged to US$11.6 trillion from US$7.4 trillion in 2009.

Martin Abbott, LME Chief Executive, said, “Despite, or perhaps because of, the volatile global economy, 2010 was again a very strong year for the LME. The early stage recovery, particularly in Asia and Latin America, generated resumed interest in commodity raw materials resulting in new record highs for a number of our metals.”

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European pension funds seek exposure to investment-grade global bonds

January 6, 2011--A number of pension funds are looking to invest as much as CHF50m (€40m) in the global bond market, using IPE Quest.

In mandate QN1152, a Swiss investment consultancy is looking for investment options on behalf of schemes in mainland Europe and the UK.

The CHF50m would be divided between two to four mutual funds, with exposure to euros, sterling, the US dollar and Swiss francs welcome.

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UK official holdings of international reserves, December 2010

January 6, 2011--This monthly press notice shows details of movements in December in the UK’s official holdings of international reserves, which consist of gold, foreign currency assets and International Monetary Fund assets. These reserves are maintained primarily so that the UK Government’s reserves could be used to intervene to support Sterling, or the Bank of England’s reserves could be used to support the Bank’s monetary policy objectives.

If such interventions were to occur, then they would be shown and explained in this release. The Background note at the end of this release explains more about the reserves, and about these statistics.

In summary this month’s release shows that, in December 2010:

No intervention operations were undertaken.

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South Korea lenders look to rescue savings banks

January 6, 2011--Top South Korean lenders are planning to buy some of the country’s debt-strapped savings banks, as the government seeks to avert a shock to the broader financial system.

The country’s regulators, concerned that the problems at savings banks reeling from non-performing property loans could spread to the country’s major lenders, have encouraged the move.

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Economic Sentiment maintains its upward trend

January 6, 2011--In December, the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) improved further in both the EU and the euro area. The indicator increased significantly, climbing by 1.0 point to 106.1 in the EU and by 1.1 points to 106.2 in the euro area. These results were driven in particular by strong positive readings in France and Germany.

A majority of Member States reported an improvement in sentiment. Among the seven largest Member States only Spain registered a decrease (-0.9). France registered the most significant increase (+2.5), followed by the Netherlands (+2.4), Germany (+1.5) and Poland (+1.3), while improvements were less pronounced in Italy (+0.8) and the UK (+0.7). In Germany, France, the UK, the Netherlands and Poland the ESI is above its long-term average.

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China to buy EUR6.0 bn of Spanish debt: report

January 6, 2011--- Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang has said Beijing is willing to buy about EUR6.0 billion worth of Spanish public debt, Spanish newspaper El Pais reported on Thursday, citing government sources.

Li told Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero during a meeting in Madrid on Wednesday that China "was willing to buy as much Spanish debt as its Greek and Portuguese debt holdings combined, that is some six billion euros ($7.9 billion)," it said.

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ETF Landscape: European STOXX 600 Sector ETF Net Flows for Week Ending 31-Dec-10

January 5, 2011--For the week ending 31 December 2010, there were US$54.0 Mn net inflows to STOXX Europe 600 sector ETFs. The largest sector ETF net inflows last week were in healthcare with US$36.9 Mn followed by industrial goods and services with US$24.5 Mn net inflows while chemicals experienced net outflows of US$21.7 Mn.

In 2010, STOXX Europe 600 sector ETFs saw US$120.0 Mn net outflows. Basic resources saw the largest net outflows with US$223.3 Mn, followed by food and beverage with US$179.2 Mn net outflows while personal and household goods experienced the largest net inflows with US$122.7 Mn.

As of 31 December 2010, there is US$9.5 Bn AUM invested in the STOXX sector ETFs which is more than double the US$3.8 Bn open interest in the sector futures. The ETF AUM is greater than the open interest in the corresponding futures contract in all 19 sectors.

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