Lipper Monday Morning Memo: Review of the European ETF Market, January 2016
February 29, 2016--The assets under management in the European exchange-traded fund (ETF) industry decreased from €449.0 bn to €430.3 bn during January. This decrease of €18.7 bn was driven mainly by the performance of the underlying markets (-€20.7 bn), while net sales contributed a positive €2.0 bn to the overall assets under management in the ETF segment.
With regard to the overall number of products, it was not surprising that equity funds (€299.8 bn) held the majority of the assets, followed by bond funds (€107.7 bn), commodity products (€12.2 bn), 'other" funds (€6.2 bn), money market funds (€3.5 bn), alternative UCITS products (€0.5 bn), and mixed-asset funds (€0.4 bn).
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Source: Thomson Reuters Lipper
Further information on the potential merger of equals between London Stock Exchange Group plc ("LSEG") and Deutsche Borse AG ("Deutsche Borse")
February 26, 2016--Further to the announcement on 23 February 2016, LSEG and Deutsche Börse set out below a summary of further key terms which the parties have agreed in relation to the potential merger of LSEG and Deutsche Börse (the "Potential Merger") to form a combined group (the "Combined Group"):
Combined Group to be a UK plc domiciled in London;
LSEG in London and Deutsche Börse in Frankfurt to become intermediate subsidiaries of the Combined Group;
Combined Group to have headquarters in London and Frankfurt;
Combined Group to seek a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange and prime standard listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange;
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Source: Deutsche Börse
European Commission-European Semester 2016: Commission publishes Country Reports
February 26, 2016--The European Commission today published its annual analysis of the economic and social challenges in the EU Member States, the so-called Country Reports.
The reports are a tool under the streamlined European Semester of economic policy coordination to monitor policy reforms and to point early on to challenges that Member States should address.
Source: European Commission
IMF-United Kingdom: Selected Issues
The UK's current account (CA) deficit stood at 5.1 percent of GDP in 2014, the largest in 50 years and
the largest among advanced economies in 2014 as a percent of GDP.2
This chapter looks at the reasons behind the widening CA balance, how it may evolve going forward, how it affects net investment positions, and to what degree one should be concerned about it.
view the IMF-United Kingdom: Selected Issues paper
Source: IMF
Janus Capital appoints head of Europe
February 24, 2016--Chris Justice was named chief operating officer and head of Europe at Janus Capital International, the international unit of Janus Capital Group, the company said Wednesday in a news release.
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Source: Pensions & Investments
Julius Baer bolsters ETF advice capability
February 24, 2016--Julius Baer, Switzerland's third-largest listed wealth manager, is sharpening its focus on educating clients about exchange traded funds amid growing investor interest in the products.
The Zurich-based firm recently hired a dedicated specialist responsible for advising investors on the 500 ETFs it recommends.
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Sustaining Growth in Europe: European Union Regular Economic Report
February 23, 2016-STORY HIGHLIGHTS
Growth across the European Union is gaining strength-with all regions experiencing positive growth in 2015.
Growing wages, falling unemployment, accommodative monetary policy and low commodity prices are fueling household consumption, which is underpinning this growth.
Redoubling structural reform efforts and ensuring an affordable and efficient welfare state can help sustain growth and reduce poverty.
According to the latest European Union Regular Economic Report (EU RER), the recovery in the European Union gained strength in 2015. Yet, growth-estimated at 2% in 2015-remains relatively weak in relation to the past and compared to countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
view the European Union Regular Economic Report
Source: World Bank
Potential merger of equals between Deutsche Borse AG ("Deutsche Borse") and London Stock Exchange Group plc ("LSE")
February 23, 2016--Further to recent speculation, the Management Board of Deutsche Börse and the Board of LSE confirm that they are in detailed discussions about a potential merger of equals of the two businesses (the "Potential Merger").
The Potential Merger would be structured as an all-share merger of equals under a new holding company. Under the terms of the Potential Merger, Deutsche Börse shareholders would be entitled to receive one new share in exchange for each Deutsche Börse share and LSE shareholders would be entitled to receive 0.4421 new shares in exchange for each LSE share. Based on this exchange ratio, the parties anticipate that Deutsche Börse shareholders would hold 54.4 per cent, and LSE shareholders would hold 45.6 per cent of the enlarged issued and to be issued share capital of the combined group. The combined group would have a unitary board composed of equal numbers of Deutsche Börse and LSE directors.
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Source: Deutsche Börse
Morningstar Publishes Research to Help Investors Assess the True Cost of European Strategic-Beta ETFs
February 23, 2016--Morningstar UK Limited, a subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. (NASDAQ: MORN), a leading provider of independent investment research, today published a research report, "Assessing the True Cost of Strategic-Beta ETFs."
Authored by Morningstar's Passive Funds Research team, the report examines the differences in costs between strategic-beta exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and their more ordinary passive peers.
view the ssessing the True Cost of Strategic-Beta ETFs report
Source: Morningstar
Source launches two US sector ETFs
Firm aims to solidify market leading position with dual launch
February 22, 2016--Source has expanded its ETF range with two new US sector funds targeting the financial services and real estate sectors of the S&P 500 equity index.
Both the Source Financial Services S&P US Select Sector UCITS ETF and the Source Real Estate S&P US Select Sector UCITS ETF will be listed on the London Stock Exchange and charge an annual management fee of 0.3%.
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