Borsa Italiana: ETFstat August 2016
September 13, 2016--New Listing
5 new instruments were listed on ETFplus market
At the end of August there were listed 1137 instruments (706 ETFs, 301 ETCs/ETNs and 130 open-end CIUs)
At the end of August, the Asset Under Management (AUM) deposited in Italy reaches € 51.57bn (46.12bn for ETFs, 5.37bn for ETCs/ETNs and 0.083bn for open-end CIUs) with a grow of 14.05% compared to August 2015
343,798 trades registered during August
view Details for each instrument
view the ETF Moritor
Source: Borsa Italiana
Newly launched iSTOXX FactSet thematic indices to underlie four exchange-traded funds
September 12, 2016--STOXX Ltd., the operator of Deutsche Böerse Group's index business, and a global provider of innovative and tradable index concepts, today announced that the newly launched iSTOXX FactSet Thematic Indices that capture megatrends in investing have been licensed to iShares to underlie four exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
iShares is a leading provider of ETFs and owned by BlackRock.
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Source: Deutsche Böerse Group
DB-Synthetic Equity & Index Strategy-European Monthly-ETF Market Review-EM and Smart Beta continue to draw Investment
September 12, 2016--Data in this report is as of 31st August 2016
European ETP Monthly Highlights (Assets & Flows)
Assets: European ETPs assets increased by €8bn and stood at $565bn (€508bn) at the end of Aug'16, up by 2% (MoM in € terms).
Flows: European domiciled ETPs registered inflows of +€6bn across all major asset classes (equity, fixed income and commodity).
Once again, Fixed Income ETFs lead with inflows of +€2.7bn closely followed by Equity ETFs (+€2.2bn) and Commodity ETPs (+€1bn).
New Product Launches-2 new products
Lyxor listed 2 fixed income ETFs on London Stock Exchange providing exposure to FTSE Actuaries Govt Securities UK GILTS TR under 5 Yr and Barclays US Inflation Linked Bonds TR. Investment Themes for the Month
Global EM and US exposed ETFs attracted inflows of +€1.2bn and +€0.7bn respectively.
Germany and Broad European equities (e.g. MSCI Europe / STOXX 600) focused ETFs witnessed outflows of -€0.9bn, & -€0.5bn respectively.
Smart Beta ETFs witnessed inflows of +€0.7bn in August with year-to-date flows stood at +€6.9bn.
Once again, Corporate (+€1.4bn) and Sovereign (+€1.2bn) bond ETFs were the strongest segments within Fixed Income. Within Corporate Bonds, IG bonds registered inflows of +€1.4bn.
Gold ETPs registered inflows of +€1.6bn (+€7.3bn so far this year).
Turnover: MoM turnover activity down by 24%
The total turnover activity into European ETPs was down by 24% (€56bn) from
the previous month's total (€74bn). At the asset class level, on a MoM basis,
Fixed Income ETFs turnover activity decreased most (-30%) followed by Equity
(-23%) and Commodity ETPs (-18%).
Price premium/discount to NAV monitor
The maximum premiums/discounts to NAV in June were observed in the
following categories:
Equities: Deepest discount (-1.21%) and highest premium (0.27%) occurred within Country ETFs.
Fixed Income: Deepest discount in Broad ETFs (-0.48%) while highest premium in Corporate ETFs (0.54%). US Market: European Exposed ETFs witness outflows in August European exposed ETFs listed in US had outflows of -$1.8bn (-$4.8bn in Jul'16) during August. European exposure ETFs remained weak so far this year with net outflows of -$18.5bn in US listed ETFs.
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Source: Deutsche Bank Markets Research-Europe-Synthetic Equity & Index Strategy
London Stock Exchange Request For Quote -ETFs & ETPs-Go Live December 2016
September 12, 2016--Complimentary RFQ Trading for 6 months
RFQ trading will be complimentary for the first 6 months from launch.
RFQ functionality set to be available from end of December 2016.
Customer testing of RFQ available from October 2016.
As part of our ongoing efforts to develop a comprehensive offering for ETF trading, London Stock Exchange is launching a Request For Quote (RFQ) functionality for ETFs and ETPs on our London market.
There is now a dedicated section to RFQ available at
Source: London Stock Exchange Group
UK to approve insurance-linked securities
September 11, 2016--The UK government has moved to boost London's position in the insurance world by pressing ahead with new rules designed to attract one of the fastest growing parts of the market.
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Funds with performance fees come under fire
September 9, 2016--Eight out of ten UK funds that charge to beat a benchmark have failed to beat the market.
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New ETF Listing on Euronext
September 9, 2016--Euronext is pleased to announce that PowerShares will list 1 new ETF on 12/09/2016 :
ISIN: IE00BD0Q9673
ETF Trading name: PS US HYFA
ETF Symbol: HYFA
Venue: Euronext Paris
Underlying index: Citi Time-Weighted US FA Index
TER (%) 0.45
Euronext now offers 755 Trackers listed on the European markets.
more info
Source: Euronext
Britain's first post-Brexit budget due in November
September 8, 2016--The British government will in November present its first budget since the country voted to leave the European Union, the Treasury announced on Thursday.
New finance minister Philip Hammond will give his first Autumn Statement to lawmakers exactly five months after the referendum backing Brexit.
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Source: The Guardian
ECB-Monetary policy decisions
September 8, 2016--At today's meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.00%, 0.25% and -0.40% respectively.
The Governing Council continues to expect the key ECB interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time, and well past the horizon of the net asset purchases.
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Source: ECB
MOVES-UBS Asset Management names Pedro Coelho head of UBS ETFs Spain
September 8, 2016--UBS Asset Management, the asset management division of UBS Group AG, named Pedro Coelho head of UBS ETFs Spain, responsible for business development.
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Source: Rueters