LSE August 2016 ETF & ETP Monthly Report
September 16, 2016--Listings
3 new ETFs/ETPs listed on London Stock Exchange in August. 91 new ETFs and 9 new other ETPs have so far listed in 2016.
There are now 897 ETFs (available as 1,350 lines through multi-currency offerings) and 402 other ETPs (available as 461 lines) on our London market.
ETF Securities listed the LOIM Global Government GO UCITS (GBP H) ETF. The product tracks the LOIM Fundamental Global Government Index, which is comprised of bonds issued by member governments of the OECD that are denominated in each country's local currency, have at least 1 year remaining to maturity and pay a fixed rate coupon. The weight of each country's bond depends on its creditworthiness and is adjusted to prioritise country's with high liquidity and yields.
Lyxor continued the fixed income theme, listing the Lyxor FTSE Actuaries UK Gilts 0-5Y ETF, which provides exposure to UK government bonds with remaining maturities up to 5 years, as well as the Lyxor US TIPS (DR) UCITS ETF D-USD replicates the performance of the Barclays US Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index, which tracks the performance of the US Treasury Inflation Protected Securities Market (TIPS).
view the London Stock Exchange ETF & ETP September Update
Source: London Stock Exchange
Lyxor-How can investors enhance return from their portfolio
September 15, 2016--This new environment obviously calls for new forms of asset allocation in order to generate performance. In addition, significant recent developments in financial theory allow for better, more specific answers to investors' expectations.
As a matter of fact, with smart beta, investors have a bigger, fuller, and more diversified tool box from which they can choose when making investment decisions.
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Source: Lyxor
THEAM aims to triple assets under management in ETFs by 2020
September 15, 2016--THEAM, BNP Paribas Investment Partners' specialist in capital-protected, indexed and model-driven management, has unveiled a new strategic plan for its indexed fund activities, confirming its intention to double assets under management in indexed funds and triple those of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by 2020.
Denis Panel, CEO of THEAM, comments:
"Our expertise in indexed management will be a strategic focus for THEAM's growth in the coming years.
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Source: BNP Paribas Investment Partners
BNP Paribas Easy launches 16 new ETFs on Xetra
September 15, 2016--Sixteen new exchange-listed equity index funds issued by BNP Paribas Easy have been tradable via Xetra and Börse Frankfurt since Wednesday.
Five of these new BNP Paribas Easy ETFs enable investors to participate in the performance of listed companies domiciled in Europe or the US which are selected based on one of the following criteria: low volatility, quality, momentum or value. A further ten track regional indices from the MSCI index family.
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Source: Deutsche Börse Group
UK dark pools and reference prices
September 15, 2016--There is evidence that major UK dark pools sometimes experience delays in receiving prices, but overall, the costs associated with inferior reference prices are small, and do not outweigh the useful service dark pools provide, according to new analysis by FCA economists Matteo Aquilina and Peter O'Neill and academics Sean Foley and Thomas Ruf.
Dark pools have attracted significant attention over the last few years-going so far as to make an unlikely leap from the business press to popular bookshelves.
One technical concern has been a gradual increase in reports among industry participants about the reliability of reference prices in dark pools. The concern being that investors could be persistently trading at stale, out-of-date prices.
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Packaged retail investment products: Parliament returns draft law to Commission
September 14, 2016--Draft legislation designed to protect retail investors was rejected by MEPs on Wednesday as so "flawed and misleading" that it could actually lose them money. Unusually, it will be returned to the EU Commission for revision.
MEPs passed a resolution calling for changes to legislation on "packaged retail and insurance-based investment products" (PRIIPs)--a market worth up to €10 trillion in Europe-by 602 votes to 4, with 12 abstentions.
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Source: European Parliament
Lyxor research highlights the growing role of Smart Beta in new investment strategies
September 14, 2016--Lyxor Asset Management today unveils the results of a new wide-ranging study that compares the performance of European domiciled active funds with that of their benchmarks.
The research highlights the growing importance of risk factors and other Smart Beta strategies in generating performance in the current challenging market conditions.
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Source: Lyxor
Solactive launches european quality market neutral index-Licensed to Natixis
September 14, 2016--Solactive is announcing the launch of the Solactive European Quality Market Neutral Index licensed to Natixis. The index is to be used as an underlying for structured products issued by Natixis.
The Solactive European Quality Market Neutral Index is constructed by matching a long position in the Solactive European Quality Index with a short position in Euro Stoxx(R) 50 Index Futures.
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Source: Solactive
iShares launches first ETFs on innovative sector indices in iSTOXX FactSet Thematic index family on Xetra
September 13, 2016--ETFs track themes: Automation & Robotics, Breakthrough Healthcare, Digitalisation and Ageing Population
Four new sector ETFs issued by BlackRock have been tradable on Xetra and Börse Frankfurt since Tuesday.
The four iShare ETFs enable investors to invest for the first time in sectors only very recently offered by the iSTOXX FactSet Thematic index family. The ETFs track the themes: Automation & Robotics, Breakthrough Healthcare, Digitalisation and Ageing Population.
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Source: Deutsche Börse Cash Market
Xetra-Gold exceeds 100 ton mark in gold holdings
September 13, 2016--The gold held in custody by Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH for the purpose of physically backing the Xetra-Gold bearer note has risen to a new record high of 100.7 tons, an increase of approximately 70 per cent since the beginning of the year.
For each Xetra-Gold note, exactly one gram of gold is deposited in the central vaults for German securities in Frankfurt.
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Source: Deutsche Börse Commodities