Deutsche Boerse AG turns 25
December 11, 2017--Foundation of Deutsche Börse as a stock corporation in December 1992
Start of the digitisation of the entire exchange value chain
Deutsche Börse AG celebrated its 25 anniversary on the trading floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on Monday. Numerous clients, regulators, former executive board and supervisory board members as well as employees joined the bell-ringing ceremony to honour this anniversary.
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Source: Deutsche Börse Cash Market
New Boost Short ETN on German government bonds launched on XetraETN provides three times the inverse performance of the Bund 30Y Rolling Future Index
December 11, 2017--A new exchange traded note (ETN) issued by Boost has been tradable via Xetra and Börse Frankfurt since Monday.
The Boost Bund 30Y 3x Short Daily ETP gives investors access to the inverse performance of futures contracts on German government bonds with a leverage factor of three.
The reference index consists of a position in the front-month Euro-Buxl future. The Euro-Buxl future tracks the yields of German government bonds with 24 to 35 years to maturity, plus the interest revenue earned on the collateralised amount. Every quarter, shortly before the expiry of the contracts, the index's positions are rolled into the contracts with the next expiry dates.
ETN name: Boost Bund 30Y 3x Short Daily ETP
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Source: Deutsche Börse Cash Market
France to allow blockchain for trading unlisted securities
December 11, 2017--The French government opened the way on Friday for trading unlisted securities using blockchain digital ledgers with the adoption of new rules aimed at improving Paris' image as a center for financial innovation.
The new rules mean that banks and fintech companies can set up blockchain platforms where unlisted securities can trade instantly, cutting out middlemen like brokers and custodian banks.
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Source: Reuters
LSE November 2017 ETP Monthly Report
December 11, 2017--Listings
14 new ETFs were listed on LSE in November 2017, making a total of 140 new listings year-to-date.
There are now 960 ETFs (available as 1,460 lines through multi-currency offerings) and 386 other ETPs (available as 453 lines) on our London market.
14 new ETFs were listed in November 2017
There are now 960 ETFs (available as 1,460 lines through multi-currency offerings) and 386 ETCs/ETNs (available as 453 lines) on our London market
Trading activity
Total on-exchange value traded for ETFs in November 2017 was £28.5 billion (296k trades), down by 10% compared to November 2016
Total on-exchange value traded for ETCs/ETNs in November 2017 was £1.6 billion (40k trades), down by 68% compared to November 2016.
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Source: London Stock Exchange Group
FTSE Russell confirms launch of new index showcasing Italian brands
December 11, 2017--New FTSE Italia Brands Index due to go live on 18 December 2017
Index comprises initial 22 constituents* of Italian Listed Brands
Italian Listed Brands was established by Borsa Italiana to promote the best Italian brands by creativity, excellence, intuition and innovation.
FTSE Russell has confirmed that it will expand its FTSE Italia Index Series with the launch of a new FTSE Italia Brands Index. The new index will comprise the initial 22 constituents* in the FTSE Italia All-Share(R) Index that are included in the Italian Listed Brands, as defined by Borsa Italiana in October this year. The new index is due to go live on Monday 18 December 2017.
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Source: FTSE Russell
The Architecture for Regulating Finance after Brexit
December 8, 2017--Linklaters and the International Regulatory Strategy Group have launched a report, "The Architecture for Regulating Finance after Brexit".
The report, which builds on the previous report "The Great Repeal Bill Domesticating EU Law", outlines principles for an effective regulatory framework. It proposes reforms to the UK's existing system of financial services regulation in light of changes in the responsibilities of the regulators and the government as rule-making processes are domesticated through the EU Withdrawal Bill.
view the The Architecture for Regulating Finance after Brexit report
Source: Linklaters LLP
Tradeweb European Exchange-Traded Funds Update-November 2017
December 8, 2017--The following data is derived from trading activity on the Tradeweb European-listed ETF platform.
ETF total traded volume
Notional volume executed on the Tradeweb European-listed ETF marketplace reached €14.18 billion in November, while the number of completed trades increased by 6% on the previous month.
Adriano Pace, managing director for equity derivatives at Tradeweb, said: "Last month, more than 29% of European ETF transactions on our platform were processed using our automated intelligent execution tool, significantly up from January's 6% figure. The growing use of automated trading by Tradeweb clients demonstrates the efficiency that the functionality brings to the market, as it begins to adopt new ways of trading amid regulatory change and resource pressures."
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Source: ESMA
Commission sets out Roadmap for deepening Europe's Economic and Monetary Union
December 6, 2017--With a Roadmap for action and several concrete measures, the European Commission is delivering today on the commitment made by President Jean-Claude Juncker in his 2017 State of the Union address and the Five Presidents' Report of 2015 to deepen Europe's Economic and Monetary Union.
Building on the vision set out in the Five Presidents' Report of June 2015 and the Reflection Papers on the Deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union and the Future of EU Finances of spring 2017, the European Commission is setting out a Roadmap for deepening the Economic and Monetary Union, including concrete steps to be taken over the next 18 months. A number of initiatives are also presented as part of this package. The overall aim is to enhance the unity, efficiency and democratic accountability of Europe's Economic and Monetary Union by 2025.
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Source: European Commission