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Fourth Purple Book published

January 19, 2010--The Purple Book 2009 – the fourth to be published – uses information relating to 97 per cent of the defined benefit schemes eligible for PPF compensation (6,885 schemes, representing some 12 million defined benefit pensions ) and 99 per cent of their estimated total liabilities

Much of the analysis in the Purple Book 2009 is based on new information contained in the returns which schemes provided to the regulator by the end of March 2009. These returns contain details about such things as scheme valuation, asset allocation and membership.

view the Purple Book 2009 - Chapter 1: Executive Summary

view the Purple Book 2009 - Full Version

Julius Baer plans launch of new precious metals ETPs

January 19, 2010--Julius Baer Precious Metals Funds will launch three new exchange-traded products backed by platinum, palladium and silver to be traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange, fund manager Swiss & Global Asset Management said.

The products, will issue securities backed by physical stocks of the relevant precious metals which will be stored in bank vaults in Switzerland. JB Precious Metals Funds already include a gold-backed product.

Julius Baer Precious Metals Fund executive director Stephan Mueller said the funds' launch was a logical step in the development of the bank's ETP portfolio, especially as the industrial precious metals may benefit from a broader economic recovery this year.

Mapping of duties and liabilities of UCITS depositaries

January 19, 2010-- On January 18, 2010 CESR published the Mapping of duties and liabilities of UCITS depositaries.

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Amundi Launches 13 New ETFs On NYSE Euronext Paris - 10 Are Without Precedent

January 19, 2010--Following the launch of 41 ETFs in 2009, Amundi is pursuing CASAM ETF’s development strategy by listing 13 new products on NYSE Euronext Paris, 10 of which are without precedent:
• Six unprecedented short bond ETFs This series of ETFs, unique in Europe, replicates the EuroMTS Eurozone Government Broad index, benefiting from advantageous market conditions and allowing investors to position themselves for a potential rise in interest rates. These products offer a reverse exposure to EMU government bonds with maturities ranging from 1 to 15 years.

• Four new commodity ETFs, three of which are unique
CASAM ETF now offers a new ETF category which provides investors with an exposure to the main underlying commodities. These four new ETFs replicate the S&P GSCI Light Energy, S&P GSCI Non Energy, S&P GSCI Metals and S&P GSCI Agriculture, offering investors opportunities for portfolio diversification.

• Two European equity ETFs
CASAM ETF is extending its regional ETF range by creating two new products based on the MSCI Europe index, providing exposure to European equities excluding Switzerland or EMU markets. <

• One emerging market ETF CASAM ETF is completing its range of emerging markets ETFs with the launch of a product based on the MSCI Brazil index. This product allows investors to gain exposure to the leading Brazilian stocks through a single transaction.

The CASAM ETF range now comprises 78 products which, with management fees among the lowest on the market, are characterised by their competitive pricing.

As part of the CASAM ETF product range, these new products are distributed by a dedicated sales team at CA Cheuvreux and by the sales teams of Amundi.

For more information, visit

Valérie Baudson, Managing Director of CASAM ETF states: “This launch confirms our wish to continually enhance our range and our capacity to provide innovative products. Our products now cover all asset classes, responding to investors’ needs while maintaining our competitive pricing policy.”

Thierry Ancona, Head of Sales, Continental Europe at CA Cheuvreux, comments, “The depth and quality of CASAM ETFs, combined with our competence in execution services, positions CA Cheuvreux as a key partner, capable of offering international institutional clients high performing solutions which are adapted to changing market conditions”

Scott Ebner, Senior Vice President, Exchange Traded Products of NYSE Euronext, comments: “We are very happy to welcome this first ETF product launch of 2010, which continues to expand the range of ETFs available on NYSE Euronext. The new products listed by Amundi Investment Solutions, notably the Short Bond ETFs which are the first on our markets, offer investors an increased choice of products and additional investment strategies.”

CESR introduces new working structures to increase efficiency and to prepare for ESMA

January 19, 2010--CESR has introduced a new working structure to deliver its many priorities from the outset of 2010. This change in working structures of CESR will streamline processes and redefine the role of CESR’s technical groups and of its plenary meeting, which brings together all the national chairs and acts as the Committee’s instance for final decision taking.

As a result, from January 2010 on, CESR will conduct its work through Standing Committees (SC), dealing with issues ranging from corporate reporting and finance to market surveillance and enforcement or secondary markets, intermediaries and credit rating agencies. Each of these Standing Committees will be supported by one or more member(s) of the CESR Secretariat. Up to now, CESR’s work was conducted by expert and operational groups, however, this will now be organised under eight SCs, two panels, and numerous taskforces and networks. Following the re-organisation, new chairs to lead the SC’s work have been appointed. (See table in Annex for a brief summary of the major roles each Committee plays and the respective Chair).

The restructuring of CESR has been considered carefully to ensure that the new responsibilities that the future new authority, known as the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), is anticipated to receive, could be carried out effectively, if necessary, within this structure. By re-modeling CESR’s internal organisation now, it should be possible to ensure a smooth transition to ESMA, once it is created.

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db x-trackers baut mit neuen Renten-ETFs Führungsposition aus

January 19, 2010--db x-trackers hat zwei weitere Renten-ETFs an der Deutschen Börse gelistet und will damit seine Führungsposition im Bereich Liquidität (Quelle: Xetra, Dezember 2009) des Renten-ETF Segments weiter ausgebauen. Die zwei neuen ETFs bilden Indizes ab, welche die Wertentwicklung von Anleihen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nachvollziehen. Die beiden ETFs sollen sich mit Hilfe der Deutschen Bank als Market Maker als die liquidesten Renten-ETFs der db xtrackers Produktpalette etablieren. Insgesamt bietet db x-trackers nun in Deutschland 32 börsengelistete Renten-ETFs an.

Mit dem db x-trackers II EONIA Total Return Index ETF stellt db x-trackers bereits den liquidesten ETF (gemessen am Xetra Liquiditätsmaß XLM), sowie den meist gehandelten ETF auf Xetra (Quelle: Xetra, Dezember 2009

ETFs auf iBoxx Germany: Die ETFs bilden, über je einen iBoxx Germay Index, Staatsanleihen ab, die von der deutschen Regierung begeben werden und auf Euro oder auf eine der vor der Euro- Einführung begebenen Währungen lauten. Der erste ETF umfasst sämtliche Laufzeitkategorien, der zweite ETF umfasst deutsche Staatsanleihen mit Laufzeiten von ein bis drei Jahren. Innerhalb des jeweiligen Index werden die einzelnen Anleihen auf Basis ihres ausstehenden Volumens gewichtet. Die Anleihen müssen am Neugewichtungstag eine Restlaufzeit von mindestens einem Jahr aufweisen, um in den Index aufgenommen werden zu können. Für alle Anleihen ist ein ausstehendes Volumen von mindestens zwei Milliarden Euro erforderlich, um für eine Aufnahme in den Index in Betracht zu kommen. Beide ETFs haben eine Pauschalgebühr von 0,15 Prozent p.a. und bieten jährliche mögliche Ausschüttungen. Überblick über die neuen db x-trackers Renten-ETFs:
Währung:Euro (EUR)
Pauschalgebühr (p.a.):0,15%

Währung: Euro (EUR)
Pauschalgebühr (p.a.): 0,15%

Two New ComStage Bond Index ETFs Launched on Xetra

January 18, 2010--Since Monday, two additional ComStage bond index funds from Commerzbank’s ETF offering have been tradable on Xetra®.
ETF name: ComStage ETF iBoxx € Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 3m-1 TR
Asset class: bond index ETF
ISIN: LU0444605728
Management fee: 0.12 percent
Distribution policy: non-distributing
Benchmark: Markit iBoxx € Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 3m-1 Total Return Index

ETF name: ComStage ETF iBoxx € Sovereigns Germany Capped 3m-2 TR
Asset class: bond index ETF
ISIN: LU0444606700
Management fee: 0.12 percent
Distribution policy: non-distributing
Benchmark: Markit iBoxx € Sovereigns Germany Capped 3m-2 Total Return Index

The new ETFs enable investment in the performance of government bonds with short maturities. The Markit iBoxx € Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 3m-1 Total Return Index tracks the most liquid government bonds denominated in euros with maturities of three months to one year issued by governments in the euro zone. The Markit iBoxx € Sovereigns Germany Capped 3m-2 Total Return Index tracks the performance of government bonds denominated in euros with maturities of three months to two years issued by the German government.

The product offering in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment currently comprises 552 exchange-listed index funds, making it the largest offering of all European stock exchanges. With this offering and an average monthly trading volume of 11 billion euros, Xetra is the leading trading venue for ETFs in Europe.

STOXX Limited Announces New Management Structure

January 18, 2010--STOXX Limited, the leading provider of European equity indices, today announced changes to its corporate structure. With immediate effect, STOXX will be governed by a board of directors and a management board. These changes are announced after Deutsche Börse and SIX Group completed their acquisition of STOXX Limited.

The four members of the board of directors are: Dr. Holger Wohlenberg, Managing Director, Market Data & Analytics, Deutsche Börse Group; Werner Bürki, Member of the Management Committee, SIX Swiss Exchange; Ursula C. La Roche-Ender, Group CFO Division Finance & Risk, SIX Group, and Andreas Rötheli, Partner, Lenz & Staehelin. Mr. Wohlenberg assumes the role of Chairman of the Board and Mr. Bürki will be Vice-Chairman.

The new management board includes Dr. Hartmut Graf, who joins STOXX Limited as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and Patrick Valovic, who has been promoted to Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Ricardo Manrique decided to step down as CEO of STOXX Limited and pursue different career opportunities.

Mr. Graf has extensive experience with index products, portfolio- and risk management, portfolio theory as well as investment- and derivative strategies. Most recently he was responsible for the index business of Deutsche Börse, where he oversaw the development, maintenance and marketing of Deutsche Börse’s suit of indices. Flagship of this index family is the prominent German DAX index. Prior to joining Deutsche Börse, Mr. Graf spent four years with Roland Berger, consulting clients from the financial services industry. He started his career in product management and research in the fixed income department in the investment banking division of Commerzbank. Mr. Graf holds a Ph.D. in theoretical physics. Mr. Valovic has been with STOXX Ltd. for ten years, most recently in the position of Director of Business Operations.

UK pension trustees urged to review lending terms

January 18, 2010--Retirement scheme trustees are being urged by the Pensions Regulator to review the terms under which their fund managers loan stock for a fee.

The regulator made the move after becoming aware that stock was being loaned without trustees’ knowledge or consent.

In guidance issued earlier this month, the regulator offered assistance to trustees confronting the practice, which fund managers and custodians can use to enhance returns to the scheme, or keep proceeds of the loan fees themselves.

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Verwaltetes Vermögen steigt auf 27 Milliarden Euro - künftiges

January 18, 2010--db xtrackers, die ETF-Plattform der Deutschen Bank, hat ihr starkes Wachstum 2009 fortgesetzt und 6,6 Milliarden Euro Fondsvolumen neu dazu gewonnen. Aktuell verwaltet db x-trackers rund 27 Milliarden Euro in 125 ETFs. „In drei von vier Quartalen war db x-trackers 2009 der ETF-Anbieter mit dem höchsten Mittelzufluss in Europa“, sagt Thorsten Michalik, verantwortlich für db xtrackers. Betrachtet man das gehandelte Fondsvolumen, zählen ETFs von db xtrackers zu den liquidesten Anlageprodukten in Europa.

Für 2010 hat sich db x-trackers zum Ziel gesetzt, weiterhin überdurchschnittlich zu wachsen und zum zweitgrößten ETF-Anbieter Europas aufzusteigen. Für die gesamte ETF-Branche wird 2010 laut einer aktuellen Studie der Deutschen Bank ein Wachstum beim verwalteten Vermögen von 27 Prozent in Europa erwartet.

Großes Anlegerinteresse erwartet db x-trackers in Zukunft vor allem bei neuen ETFs außerhalb des klassischen Aktien- und Rentensegments. „Wir erwarten, dass sich vor allem Rohstoffe, Devisen und Alternative Investments zum Verkaufsschlager in der ETF-Industrie entwickeln“, kommentiert Michalik. Insgesamt plant db x-trackers, 2010 rund 50 neue ETFs aus verschiedenen Anlageklassen aufzulegen.

Ein weiterer Teil der Wachstumsstrategie bei börsengehandelten Produkten ist der Start des Geschäftsfeldes ETCs (Exchange Traded Commodities). Dabei handelt es sich um börsennotierte Anlageprodukte, die den Preis eines oder mehrere Rohstoffe abbilden. Die Deutsche Bank wird im Frühjahr mit einer Palette von ETCs auf einzelne Rohstoffe und Rohstoff-Körbe, sowie mit Short-ETCs starten. Alle ETCs werden mit Gold hinterlegt werden und die Deutsche Bank wird wie schon bei Exchange Traded Funds als Market Maker zur Verfügung stehen. Es sind Börsennotierungen in Deutschland, Großbritannien, Italien und Asien geplant.


September 20, 2024 Volatility Shares Trust files with the SEC-2x Corn ETF
September 20, 2024 Simplify Exchange Traded Funds files with the SEC-4 Simplify Wolfe ETFs
September 20, 2024 ETF Series Solutions files with the SEC-Defiance Connective Technologies ETF
September 20, 2024 Precidian ETFs Trust files with the SEC
September 20, 2024 Impax Asset Management LLC files with the SEC

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Asia ETF News

August 26, 2024 ETF Empowering Investors in China's Transition to Sustainable Economy
August 23, 2024 India: With markets at peak, mutual fund redemptions surge: Report
August 23, 2024 China Bond Trading Collapses Amid PBOC Crackdown on Record Rally

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office
August 23, 2024 Saudi GDP growth set to turn positive in H2 2024

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Africa ETF News

September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link
August 15, 2024 Economic reforms are tempting finance back to Ethiopia and Zambia
August 13, 2024 Africa: Carbon Trading-an Opportunity for Economic Development

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023
August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying
August 16, 2024 Africa: Gender Equality Has Everything to Do With Climate Change
August 15, 2024 Researchers Have Ranked AI Models Based on Risk-and Found a Wild Range

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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