Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

EEX trading results for Natural Gas and CO2 Emission Rights in February – More than 1 TWh traded on the Natural Gas Spot Market

March 4, 2010--2010. On the Spot Market of the European Energy Exchange (EEX) the monthly volume exceeded the 1 Million MWh benchmark for the first time. In February, the trading volume on the EEX Spot Market for Natural Gas amounted to 1,097,808 MWh (GASPOOL and NCG market areas) compared to 239,040 MWh in February 2009. The Spot Market price for the day-ahead delivery of Natural Gas ranged between EUR 9.92 per MWh and EUR 16.00 per MWh.

The volumes on the Derivatives Market for Natural Gas (GASPOOL and NCG market areas) amounted to 1,586,210 MWh (February 2009: 1,385,870 MWh). On 26 February 2010, the open interest was 6,778,938 MWh. On 26 February 2010 Natural Gas prices for delivery in 2011 were fixed at EUR 16.52 per MWh (GASPOOL) and EUR 16.57 per MWh (NCG), respectively.

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EPEX Spot/EEX Power Derivatives: Power Trading Results in February 2010

In the framework of their cooperation, March 4, 2010--European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) and the French Powernext SA integrated their Power Spot and Derivatives Markets in 2009. In February 2010, a total volume of 112.3 TWh was traded on the joint subsidiaries EPEX Spot and EEX Power Derivatives.

In February 2010, a total volume of 112.3 TWh was traded on the joint subsidiaries EPEX Spot and EEX Power Derivatives.

Power trading in the day-ahead auctions on EPEX Spot accounted for a total of 21 034 205 MWh and can be broken down..

London Stock Exchange Takes New Retail Bond Market Across UK

March 4, 2010--The London Stock Exchange will host five free seminars in cities across the UK next week to promote the benefits of its new Order book for Retail Bonds.
Launched on 1 February 2010 in response to strong private investor demand for greater access to fixed income, the new order book offers simple, transparent access to 60 UK gilts and corporate bonds all tradable in easily manageable sizes.

Bonds currently available for trading include securities issued by Tesco, BT, National Grid, GlaxoSmithKline, Morgan Stanley, GE Capital, Enterprise Inns, Royal Bank of Scotland and Wal-Mart as well as 49 gilts.

Aimed at local brokers and advisers of potential issuers, the events will be held in partnership with accounting and law firms in Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham and London. Exchange representatives will begin by discussing London's markets. They will then give details on the different types of bonds and issuers involved with the new retail platform; explain how the market works and the process for listing and admitting retail bonds, as well as how to access the new order book and take questions from attendees.

Pietro Poletto, Head of Fixed Income for London Stock Exchange Group, said:

"We are looking forward to meeting with local brokers and advisers and introducing them to the benefits of our new Order book for Retail Bonds. This is a brand new market for the UK and we are keen to raise awareness of its advantages across the country. In particular we want to highlight the benefits of retail bond issuance as an effective additional source of funding for companies as well as raising awareness of the market as a liquid, transparent secondary market for bonds tradable in smaller sizes more suitable for the retail investor."

Barclays Capital Goes Live With Sponsored Access on NASDAQ OMX Europe

March 4, 2010--ASDAQ OMX Europe ("NEURO") today announced that Barclays Capital has been approved as a Sponsoring Participant. Barclays Capital will be the first broker to offer Sponsored Access using NEURO's advanced Pre-Trade Risk Management system.

Sponsored Access enables participants to provide their clients' direct connectivity to NEURO's advanced matching and routing services. NEURO provides a Pre-Trade Risk Management system which mitigates market risk by monitoring all orders submitted to the NEURO book. Any orders that breach pre-determined trading limits will be rejected.

Clients are able to connect either via proximity hosting or through remote access.

"We are delighted to be working with Barclays Capital in providing their clients with access to NEURO," said Charlotte Crosswell, President of NEURO. "Sponsored Access provides new opportunities for a wide range of market participants to trade directly on our platform."

"We are pleased to be the first broker to offer our clients full-service sponsored access on NASDAQ OMX Europe" said Robert Orgel, Head of Barclays Capital's Quantitative Prime Services product in Europe. "As the European trading landscape evolves, we continue to work closely with trading venues in order to offer new and innovative solutions to our clients. Sponsored access complements our market leading DMA platform, SubM(SM), providing ultra low latency access to equities, futures and options markets globally."

EU expects free trade deal with India by October

March 4, 2010--The European Union expects to clinch a free trade pact with India by October, the EU's trade chief said Thursday, as the 27-member trading bloc pushes to secure new markets across Asia.

"The deal should be done by the next summit between the EU and India in October," EU Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht said in New Delhi following a day of talks with Indian trade minister Anand Sharma.

De Gucht and Sharma "shared the view" that a deal could be done and "we will speed up negotiations," the EU trade official told reporters.

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wiiw Forecast for Central, East and Southeast Europe, 2010-2012

March 4, 2010--Most countries in Central, East and Southeast Europe have emerged from the trough of the crisis already at the end of 2009. Several leading indicators point to a modest upswing. All countries in the region will grow again only by 2011. Growth may accelerate slightly in 2012, but will in general be slower than in the pre-crisis period.

Given the weak rebound of economic activities, unemployment will continue to rise. The most vulnerable group of workers affected by the crisis are those with low skills. Economic policies should focus on countercyclical measures, correcting real exchange rate misalignments, as well as changing the regulatory framework and a range of supply-side policies. These are the main results of the new medium-term forecast and policy assessment for the region published by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw).

Recession deeper than expected
After a long period of convergence, Central, East and Southeast Europe experienced a deep recession in 2009. The relatively moderate GDP decline (-3.6%) on average for the new EU member states (NMS) reflects Poland’s weight in the group, the only EU country to have recorded positive GDP growth last year (Albania, Kazakhstan and China registered positive growth rates as well). In most other countries the catching-up process was interrupted, in particular the Baltic States were thrown several years back – more than Russia and Ukraine. The most conspicuous response to the crisis was a radical depletion of inventories and, closely related to this, a dramatic improvement in net exports since the contraction of imports was much larger than that of exports. This, together with less profit realized by foreign companies operating in the region, resulted in a sizeable reduction of current account deficits. Modest upswing in the making Most countries in the region have emerged from the trough of the crisis already at the end of 2009. Several leading indicators point to a modest upswing. Poland’s growth will once again boost the NMS average in 2010, while the rate of expansion in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia will be meagre. Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are still expected to stagnate in 2010, the Baltic States will record further negative growth rates – just as Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan will rebound more strongly. We expect all countries in the region to be growing again only by 2011. That growth may accelerate slightly in 2012, but will in general be slower than in the pre-crisis period. The main prerequisite of an upturn is a marked recovery in global trade, including a rise in demand for imports from the region. Increases in private consumption are not likely to be very pronounced as long as employment fails to grow. Investment will not act as a strong engine of growth either. Given the generally weak rebound of economic activities, unemployment will continue to rise, probably peaking in 2010, before falling slowly to pre-crisis levels. The most vulnerable group of workers affected by the crisis are again those with low skills.

China’s economy expanded at a rate of 8.7% in 2009, more than expected earlier. This fast growth despite a slump in exports was due to massive government stimulus measures driving investment and supporting private consumption. With the expansionary fiscal policy still in place and foreign demand picking up, the Chinese economy may grow even faster in the coming years.

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S&P GSCI recovers 5.56 per cent in February

March 4, 2010--The S&P GSCI, a commodities index, increased 5.56 per cent in February after falling 7.89 per cent in January.

The index was led higher during the month by energy: the S&P GSCI Energy Index gained 6.92 per cent in February.

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September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office

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September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link
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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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