Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

Largest UK groups take pensions bet

March 8, 2010--Britain’s 350 largest companies are taking big bets with their pension scheme investments that would, on average, leave them with losses equal to a fifth of their market capitalisation if stock markets moved against them, according to a study to be published on Tuesday.

The study, prepared by actuarial consultants Hymans Robertson, concluded that most pension schemes run by FTSE 350 companies were not a significant financial burden. Although accounting rules will make corporate pension schemes appear to have much larger deficits for 2009 than they did in 2008, schemes are not substantially weaker than they had been, the study concluded.

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UBS to set up dark pool in Europe

March 8, 2010--UBS will on Tuesday unveil plans for a European “dark pool” structured as a “multilateral trading facility” in the latest example of how trading platforms are still proliferating across Europe.
UBS already operates a platform known as UBS PIN on which it matches client orders, often over a period of hours throughout the trading day.

However the bank believes there are opportunities to attract other types of orders that need matched more quickly from other sources – such as high-frequency traders – on a separate platform.

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EU leaders eye new rules on derivatives

March 8, 2010-German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy are working on new rules for derivatives markets including controversial credit default swaps (CDS), Germany said on Monday.

"A joint proposal", also backed by Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, will be presented to the European Commission, Merkel's spokesman Ulrich Wilhelm told reporters.

Derivatives -- complex and high-risk financial instruments -- have come under close scrutiny since the outbreak of the global financial crisis.

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Europe moves to create rescue fund

March 8, 2010--- Europe moved on Monday to create its own financial rescue fund, designed to shore up the euro currency should spiralling debts among wayward eurozone members like Greece trigger fresh market mayhem.

But German-driven plans immediately hit obstacles as the European Central Bank's top economist warned that such a fund would create the "wrong incentives" and France countered that it could take "years" to set up.

The European Commission said it would float proposals on Tuesday to create a "European" version of the International Monetary Fund.

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Deutsche Bank startet Plattform für Exchange Traded Commodities („ETC“)

08 März 2010 – Die Deutsche Bank gibt heute den Start ihrer nach modernsten Standards aufgebauten Plattform für börsengehandelte Rohstoffprodukte (Exchange Traded Commodities, ETC) bekannt. Die ersten vier Rohstoffprodukte werden heute an der Deutschen Börse im Xetra Handelssystem gelistet. Die neue Plattform wird im Laufe des Jahres 2010 unter dem Namen „db ETC“ in ganz Europa angeboten und unter anderem ETCs enthalten, die die Entwicklung der Notierungen von Gold, Silber, Platin und Palladium abbilden

Bei den Rohstoffprodukten handelt es sich um von db ETC Index plc emittierte Inhaberschuldverschreibungen. Der ETC Markt ist einer der am stärksten wachsenden Segmente im Markt für börsengehandelte Investmentprodukte.

Nach einem aktuellen Bericht von Deutsche Bank Research sind die verwalteten Volumen in börsengehandelten Rohstoffprodukten in Europa 2009 um 145 Prozent gestiegen, verglichen mit einem Anstieg von 43 Prozent im Aktien- und 17 Prozent im Rentensegment. Thorsten Michalik, verantwortlich für db x-trackers und db ETC sagte: „Wir planen bis Juni mehr als 30 Rohstoffprodukte aufzulegen. Wir werden die Plattform danach noch weiter ausbauen und die Produkte in ganz Europa anbieten.“

David Silbert, Global Head of Commodities der Deutschen Bank sagte: „Börsengehandelte Rohstoffprodukte auf der db ETC-Plattform der Deutschen Bank bieten eine einfache Möglichkeit für Investoren, sich in der Anlageklasse Rohstoffe zu engagieren, ohne Terminkontrakte handeln oder die entsprechenden Rohstoffe physisch besitzen zu müssen. Unsere an Rohstoffindizes gekoppelten ETCs bieten eine volle Besicherung der im Produkt enthaltenen Swaps. Dies geschieht durch die Hinterlegung mit Gold oder anderen Edelmetallen. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Innovation im Markt. Außerdem unterstützt die Deutsche Bank den laufenden Börsenhandel unserer ETCs als Market Maker.“

Zusätzlich zu den in US-Dollar notierenden ETCs wird die Deutsche Bank währungsgeschützte Produkte in Euro auf der Plattform anbieten (Details zu diesen Produkten finden Sie in der Tabelle unten). Rohstoffprodukte sind zwangsläufig an die Entwicklung des US-Dollars gekoppelt, da die unterliegenden Rohstoffe in US-Dollar gehandelt werden. Die Deutsche Bank will Rohstoffe für Anleger investierbar machen, die sich in dieser Anlageklasse engagieren wollen, ohne das Währungsrisiko in USDollar zu tragen.

Neben den währungsgeschützten Euro- und den US-Dollar-Produkten auf Rohstoff- Indizes wird db ETC Zugang bieten zu den von der Deutschen Bank entwickelten Optimum Yield Rohstoffindizes. Die Optimum Yield Rohstoffindizes zielen darauf ab, in Rohstoffe zu investieren und gleichzeitig die Verluste zu minimieren beziehungsweise

die Gewinne zu maximieren, die beim „Rollen“ der entsprechenden Rohstoff- Terminkontrakte entstehen. Anlageprodukte, die Optimum-Yield-Indizes abbilden, werden bereits erfolgreich von db x-trackers als börsengehandelte Indexfonds (ETFs) angeboten, die das Wort „booster“ in ihrem Namen tragen.

Bei db ETCs handelt es sich um besicherte Schuldverschreibungen der db ETC Index plc, die kontinuierlich an der Börse gehandelt werden können. Sie ermöglichen eine einfache, transparente und effiziente Partizipation an der Wertentwicklung von Rohstoffen. db ETCs, die auf Rohstoff-Indizes basieren, kosten eine Produktgebühr von 0,45 Prozent p.a., die Gebühren für die Plattform sind derzeit die niedrigsten im Markt. Alle Kosten, die mit den Produkten, den unterliegenden Rohstoff-Indizes oder der Besicherung entstehen, werden Anlegern gegenüber transparent ausgewiesen und können beispielsweise unter eingesehen werden.

Überblick über die ersten vier db ETCs:

Name : db ETC Brent Crude Oil Euro Hedged
Produktgebühr: 0.45% p.a.
Währung:EUR (hedged)

Name : db ETC Industrial Metals Euro Hedged
Produktgebühr:0.45% p.a.
Währung: EUR (hedged)

Name: db ETC Monthly Short Brent Crude Oil Euro Hedged
Produktgebühr:0.45% p.a.
Währung: EUR (hedged)

Name : db ETC Monthly Short Brent Crude Oil Euro Hedged
Produktgebühr:0.45% p.a.
Währung:EUR (hedged)

Name:db ETC Monthly Short Gold Euro Hedged
Produktgebühr:0.45% p.a.
Währung: EUR (hedged)

db x-trackers launches SGX-listed China and Indonesia ETFs

March 8, 2010--Deutsche Bank has launched a Ucits III compliant exchange-traded fund which tracks the performance of the CSI 300, an index that replicates the performance of the 300 most representative A-shares listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges.

The ETF is listed on the Singapore Exchange.

The announcement comes ahead of Deutsche Bank’s planned launch next week on the SGX of an ETF tracking the MSCI Indonesia Index.

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The Carbon Rich List:The companies profiting from the EU Emissions Trading Scheme

March 5, 2010--Executive Summary
This report presents company level analysis of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme for 2008 and looking ahead till 2012 when the current phase of trading ends.

The EU ETS was set up ‘to promote reductions of greenhouse gas emissions in a ‘cost-effective and economically efficient manner’ as a centrepiece of European efforts to tackle climate change. However, our company level analysis has uncovered a number of trends which have serious implications for the short and long term future of the ETS.

Carbon Fat Cat Companies

For Phase 2 of the EU ETS running from 2008 to 2012 companies are to receive free allocations of EUA permits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2 emitted. As a result of generous allocations compounded by the impact of the global recession, many companies now find themselves in a position where they have far more permits to pollute than they require. Whether or not these companies choose to sell the permits to generate windfall profits they have been effectively handed significant assets by Member State governments across the EU – thus we have termed these companies, ‘Carbon Fat Cats’.

• The top ten Carbon Fat Cats share between them 35 million surplus EUA permits in 2008 equivalent to the annual emissions of Latvia and Lithuania. The permits are worth an estimated €500 million at current carbon prices.

• Looking ahead to 2012 the Carbon Fat Cats will share an estimated 230 million surplus EUA permits worth €3.2 billion a sum far greater than the investment in renewable and clean technology for the same period, or indeed the EU Commission’s budget for environment as a whole.

These companies are not required to make cuts to their CO2 and as EU ETS rules allow permits to be banked for use in future phases of trading and are likely to be insulated from the need to make cuts to their CO2 emissions going forward. Our findings run strongly counter to recent claims from industry groups that stronger climate change targets would damage competitiveness.

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Average daily value traded up 25 per cent in February

April 5, 2010--- Average daily trading on the international order book almost doubles
The average daily value traded across London Stock Exchange Group's equity markets during February increased 25 per cent year on year to £7.4 billion (€8.5 billion). The average daily number of trades was 865,706, one per cent lower than February 2009.

UK Cash Equities
The average daily value traded on the UK equity order book was £4.4 billion (€5.1 billion), an increase of 10 per cent year on year, while the average daily number of trades was down nine per cent at 566,718.

Italian Cash Equities
The average daily number of trades in Italian equities was 246,227, up 16 per cent on the same month last year. The average daily value traded during the month also grew, reaching €2.7 billion (£2.3 billion), a 49 per cent increase on last year.

International Cash Equities
During February, the average daily value traded in international stocks on the Group's equity order books nearly doubled, up 99 per cent year on year, totalling £670 million (€765 million). Meanwhile the average daily number of trades was 52,761, up 35 per cent on last February.

ETFs and ETCs
Trading in ETFs and ETCs during the month was strong, with the average daily number of trades up 60 per cent year on year, totalling 15,609. The average daily value traded was up 38 per cent to £428 million (€489 million).

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Study finds high level of compliance with code of corporate governance

April 5, 2010--THERE IS a high level of compliance with the Combined Code on Corporate Governance within Irish companies, according to a report commissioned by the Irish Stock Exchange and the Irish Association of Investment Managers

The finding comes two days after a similar report by Grant Thornton concluded that the number of listed companies claiming full compliance with the Combined Code had dropped from 51 per cent to 36 per cent in 2008, although the earlier report stressed that Irish companies were becoming more transparent about explaining the reasons for not complying with the code.

Irish companies are required to meet the Combined Code on a “comply or explain” basis, which means that while listed companies are not required to comply with all provisions of the code, they must provide explanations if they are not meeting certain provisions.

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BME to create a platform for mutual funds

A new, additional channel to access Funds
March 4, 2010--Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) will start a new subscription and redemption mutual fund platform after the summer with a view to offering greater transparency, flexibility and accessibility to this type of financial product.

The subscription and redemption mutual fund platform will be an additional access channel and will be open to all types of investors, market members and collective investment institutions. It will also be compatible with other fund distribution platforms.

This initiative is aimed at national and international mutual funds that are registered with the Spanish regulator, CNMV. The platform will allow them to rely on the wide distribution network, automated order handling and transparency offered by the Spanish stock exchange. Fund managers, investors and in general, all market participants, will benefit from the efficiency and speed of the platform.

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September 20, 2024 Volatility Shares Trust files with the SEC-2x Corn ETF
September 20, 2024 Simplify Exchange Traded Funds files with the SEC-4 Simplify Wolfe ETFs
September 20, 2024 ETF Series Solutions files with the SEC-Defiance Connective Technologies ETF
September 20, 2024 Precidian ETFs Trust files with the SEC
September 20, 2024 Impax Asset Management LLC files with the SEC

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Asia ETF News

August 26, 2024 ETF Empowering Investors in China's Transition to Sustainable Economy

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office

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Africa ETF News

September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link
August 15, 2024 Economic reforms are tempting finance back to Ethiopia and Zambia

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023
August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying
August 16, 2024 Africa: Gender Equality Has Everything to Do With Climate Change
August 15, 2024 Researchers Have Ranked AI Models Based on Risk-and Found a Wild Range

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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