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Global Food Prices to Remain Elevated Amid War, Costly Energy, La Niña

December 9, 2022--Interest-rate hikes have eased price pressures, but the weather, war and material costs could keep food prices elevated for longer
Food prices, which reached a record earlier this year, have increased food insecurity and raised social tensions.

They have also strained the budgets of governments struggling with rising food import bills and diminished capacity to fund extra social protection for the most vulnerable.

To better understand the scale of these unprecedented challenges for global policymakers, we quantify in new research the typical impact of four historically important drivers of food commodity prices.

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BIS-Markets swayed by inflation and growth prospects

December 5, 2022--Changes in the anticipated monetary stance and in the economic outlook continued to shape financial markets in the review period.1 The interplay of shifting inflation dynamics and deteriorating growth gave rise to two phases.

In the first, from mid-September to mid-October, inflation readings came in stronger than anticipated, pushing up expectations of policy rates in the near future. In the second, through November, lower than expected inflation and weakening economic activity led markets to reassess downward the extent of policy tightening ultimately needed to contain inflation. These developments kept asset price volatility elevated in the context of poor liquidity conditions across market segments, contributing to swings in global financial conditions.

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Goldman makes 'white-label' bet on white-hot ETF market

December 1, 2022--Decision to launch platform for other managers endorses view that ETFs will continue to seize market share
Goldman Sachs' decision to become the first big-name institution to launch a "white label" exchange traded fund business is being seen as a large bet that ETFs will continue to seize market share from mutual funds.

The arrangement allows smaller fund managers and new entrants to launch ETFs more quickly and cheaply, with the white labeller providing services such as distribution, marketing, capital market support, custody, compliance, seed funding and administration.

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CPMI and IOSCO report on financial market infrastructures' cyber resilience finds reasonably high adoption of cyber guidance but highlights one serious issue of concern and four issues of concern

November 29, 2022-The report finds reasonably high adoption of the Guidance on cyber resilience for financial market infrastructures ("Cyber Guidance") by FMIs.
The report finds one serious issue of concern and four issues of concern. The serious issue of concern relates to a small number of FMIs not fully meeting expectations regarding the development of cyber response and recovery plans to meet the two-hour recovery time objective (2hRTO).

The four additional issues of concern relate to shortcomings in established response and recovery plans to meet the 2hRTO under extreme cyber-attack scenarios; lack of cyber resilience testing after major system changes; lack of comprehensive scenario-based testing; and inadequate involvement of relevant stakeholders in testing.

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What did COP27 accomplish and what actions can we expect as a result?

November 23, 2022--Held in Egypt, COP27 was dubbed the Africa COP, providing an important opportunity to table issues critical to the continent; and the COP of implementation, where pledges would be translated into action on the ground.
The most talked about achievement of COP27 was that an agreement was finally reached to establish and operationalise a new loss and damage fund.

Beyond this, progress was underwhelming, but while there were disappointments, there were significant gains, too.

Antonia Gawel, Head of Climate Change, and Nathan Cooper, Lead Partnerships & Engagement Strategy at the World Economic Forum, look back at the highlights of COP27 and show which wheels it has put in motion.

COP27 was dubbed the Africa COP and the implementation COP. It provided an opportunity to table issues critical to the continent and a chance to turn the words, drawn up at COP26, into action. Confronted with a global food and energy crisis, increasing extreme weather events and record greenhouse gas concentrations, COP27 was a key milestone to instill renewed solidarity between countries and deliver on the landmark Paris Agreement.

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Alliancebernstein and Societe Generale Announce Plan To Form Joint Venture To Accelerate Growth in Cash Equities

November 22, 2022--The joint venture would combine Bernstein Research Services' premier global equity research and execution platform with Societe Generale's equity research and execution capabilities to form a leading global cash equities and equity research business.

AllianceBernstein (NYSE: AB), a leading global investment management and research firm, and Societe Generale (EURONEXT: GLE), a leading European bank, announced today their plans to form a joint venture combining their cash equities and equity research businesses.

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OECD Economic Outlook-Confronting the Crisis

November 22, 2022--The global economy is facing mounting challenges amidst the largest energy market shock since the 1970s and the cost-of-living crisis for many households from rising inflation pressures.

The OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2022 Issue 2 highlights the unusually imbalanced and fragile outlook, the significant downside risks associated with energy market developments and rising financial vulnerabilities as interest rates are raised, and the associated policy challenges. Well-designed and timely policy actions are required to maintain economic stability, enhance energy security and strengthen the prospects for future growth.

This issue includes a general assessment of the macroeconomic situation, and a chapter summarising developments and providing projections for each individual country. Coverage is provided for all OECD members as well as for selected partner economies.

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