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Regulator sets out strategic plan

March 30, 2010--Preparing for automatic enrolment, improving standards of governance and administration, and filling deficits as soon as reasonably affordable are amongst the top priorities set out in The Pensions Regulator’s fourth corporate plan.
The corporate and business plan 2010-13 sets out how the regulator will continue to protect members’ benefits in a climate of financial uncertainty that has impacted both pension schemes and sponsoring employers.

In anticipation of our new duties, which bring new and different audiences, the regulator has also overhauled the design and content of its website – tailored to be user-friendly for employers, individuals, pension professionals and trustees – and launched new information for employers to help them get ready for workplace pension reforms.

During the next three years the regulator will:

Continue to emphasise to trustees the importance of setting prudent funding targets and agreeing with employers that any resulting deficit is filled as quickly as possible. Support employers to get to grips with their new duties to auto-enrol staff into workplace pension schemes, and the regulator will design and build an effective compliance regime. Focus on standards of delivery of DC schemes - looking to trustees and providers to ensure they are effectively run and suited to members’ needs.

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Majority Of Financial Services Practitioners Believe Hung Parliament Will Damage UK Economy

March 30, 2010--Four out of five financial services practitioners believe the UK economy will suffer if the general election results in a hung Parliament, a Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment (CISI) survey shows.

Of those taking part, 21% suggested that having no single political party with an overall majority would plunge the country into a prolonged recession.

A further 59% thought that the impact would be to delay economic recovery.

However, 12% considered that there would be no effect and 8% said a hung Parliament would provide a boost to the economy.

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FSA consults on enhanced client asset protection

March 30, 2010--The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has today published a consultation on changes to its client asset rules. The aim of the consultation is to ensure that clients have confidence their money and assets are safe and will be returned within a reasonable timeframe in the event that a firm becomes insolvent

The failure of Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (LBIE) highlighted a number of areas where the client assets sourcebook (CASS) could be strengthened. Keen to learn lessons, the FSA has been reviewing this area on a number of fronts including engagement with a number of working groups and extensive pre-consultation with firms. The FSA also input into the Treasury’s consultations which considered effective resolution arrangements for investment banks.

The consultation focuses on the following:

Re-hypothecation of client assets - Creating a requirement that all prime brokerage agreements will contain a disclosure annex which will highlight relevant definitions and the contractual limit on re-hypothecation. These are provisions in the contract which apply when a firm can ‘use’ its clients assets in specified circumstances;

Increased reporting to clients – The FSA will require daily reporting on client money and assets holdings to all prime brokerage clients. This will mean that clients will know exactly what is happening to their assets, what transactions have been completed and, if relevant, which and how many of their assets have been re-hypothecated;

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Ensuring long-term stability for building societies

March 30, 2010--The Treasury today published a discussion document on options for securing the long-term stability of the building society sector.

The paper seeks views from investors, members, societies and others on options for:

New, more resilient capital instruments (ranking as Core Tier 1 or Tier 1)

Modifications to existing capital instruments to make them more resilient in times of stress

Enhancing the Government’s role in supporting societies to raise capital for stability and growth, including changes to legislation

Exploring whether capital instruments abroad should be adopted in the UK

While building societies have historically been well capitalised, and the majority of building societies have responded strongly to challenging conditions since the financial crisis, the new regulatory environment and increased market competition has raised a number of areas where reform could improve the resilience of the building society model. These include improving corporate governance and looking at new funding and capital models.

Financial Services Secretary to the Treasury, Paul Myners said:

“Building societies have long been at the heart of financial services in the UK. The sector encourages a diverse financial system and offers a strong business model. The Government is keen to ensure that this remains the case in the long-term.

“I am confident that the range of options available to building societies will enable them to increase their resilience to stress and give the sector, as a whole, the capacity to grow.

“There is a need to consider whether the current capital instruments available to building societies are sufficient to ensure the long term stability and growth of the sector, as well as exploring the alternative options and what changes would be needed to introduce such instruments.”

view Building Society Capital and related issues: March 2010 a discussion paper

HSBC gets $580m for new private equity fund

March 31, 2010--HSBC has defied a drought in private equity fundraising by collecting $580m (£384m) for its new infrastructure fund to invest in public-private partnership projects, such as hospitals, prisons, offices, housing and transport.

The first closing for HSBC’s third infrastructure fund, to be announced on Wednesday, takes it nearer to its target of raising $1bn. It contrasts with the grim fate of several other infrastructure funds that were abandoned or postponed after money dried up.

Eurozone needs tighter economic coordination: IMF head

March 30, 2010--The eurozone's woes have exposed a glaring lack of coordination and enforcement in the 16-nation currency union, the head of the International Monetary Fund said Monday.

"This is certainly a very important test of the viability of the eurozone," Dominique Strauss-Kahn said in a debate with an audience of government and financial officials during a visit to Poland.

"But I'm optimistic. My view is that there is no way that the European Union will not overcome this crisis. Of course overcoming a crisis is not enough," he said at the debate in the plush ballroom of Warsaw's historic Royal Castle.

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IMF report says Turkey GDP more than doubled in 1992-2009 period

March 29, 2010--Turkey's gross domestic product with current prices soared to $869.1 billion as of 2009 from $330.3 billion in 1992, marking a 163.12 percent increase on purchasing power parity, an IMF report said Monday.

The report estimated that Turkey's GDP would increase to $710.833 billion in 2014.

The figure pointed to a narrowing gap between Turkey and European countries as the change was 125.74 percent in Spain, 115.8 percent in Great Britain, 89.64 percent in France, 81.6 percent in Russia, 71.4 percent in Germany, and 66.06 percent in Italy.

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Greece issues seven-year bond: debt office

March 29, 2010--Greece on Monday issued a seven-year bond to raise billions of euros, the government debt office said, four days after the European Union agreed on a financial safety net for the debt-laden country.

"Quote logically, Greece is testing its access to the markets" after the backing received from Brussels, noted Valerie Plagnol, a bond strategist at CM-CIC Securities.

"The question is at which point the country no longer has access... for that is when the crisis will strike," she told AFP.

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Euro economic sentiment back rising in March

March 29, 2010--In March, the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) improved significantly, reaching 99.6 (+2.0 points) in the EU and 97.7 (+1.8) in the euro area. After the pause recorded in February, the upward trend appears to have regained its momentum. The ESI is now close to its long-term average, albeit it will still require further improvement for the economic activity to reach its pre-crisis level.

The majority of the Member States reported a general improvement in sentiment. Among the largest Member States, Germany (+3.4 points) reported the most significant increase, followed by Poland (+2.7), the UK (+2.6) and the Netherlands (+2.4). The improvements were less marked in France (+1.4) and Spain (+1.4). Sentiment in Italy deteriorated moderately (-1.5).

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NASDAQ Unveils Financial Advisor Center on

March 29, 2010-March 29, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The NASDAQ Stock Market (Nasdaq:NDAQ) has announced the launch of the Financial Advisor Center on The Financial Advisor Center offers a myriad of resources tailored to the professional interests of financial planners. In a centralized location, financial planners use these resources to develop their careers, stay up-to-date on industry developments and interact with peers.

The Financial Advisor Center gives financial planners access to news, commentary, educational tools, job listings, advisor calculators and more.

"NASDAQ's introduction of the Financial Advisor Center is consistent with our commitment to promote financial awareness, investor education and greater market transparency," said John Jacobs, Executive Vice President, NASDAQ. "A well-informed financial planner begets greater investor satisfaction and NASDAQ believes the Financial Advisor Center helps achieve those objectives."

The Financial Advisor Center is accessible at is the world's most popular stock exchange web site, drawing about 2.4 million unique visitors per month. Please follow on Facebook ( and Twitter (

Content on the Financial Advisor Center is provided by, Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.,, Financial Advisor magazine, Financial Planning Association®,, Institutional Investor News, Learning Markets, and


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