Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

STOXX Further Expands Strategy Index Series

April 12, 2010--STOXX Limited, a global index provider and creator of the leading European equity indices, today announced the launch of the STOXX Europe 600 Daily Short Index, as well as 19 new sector indices that will replicate a daily double short investment strategy. The new sector indices are based on the STOXX Europe 600 Supersector Indices, which represent the largest European companies in each of the 19 supersectors as defined by the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB).

The STOXX Europe 600 Daily Short Index and the STOXX Europe 600 Supersector Daily Double Short Indices are designed to underlie financial products such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and structured products.

“The STOXX Europe 600 Daily Short and STOXX Europe 600 Daily Double Short Supersector Indices complement our existing range of short and double short index strategies on the STOXX Europe 600 Index and its supersectors,” said Hartmut Graf, chief executive officer, STOXX Ltd. “The new indices are based on a unique and innovative methodology which is aimed at market participants who seek leveraged upside exposure during bearish market environments.”

The STOXX Europe 600 Daily Short Index is linked to the daily performance of the STOXX Europe 600 Gross Return Index in an inverse way – a negative performance of the STOXX Europe 600 Gross Return Index results in a positive performance of the STOXX Europe 600 Daily Short Index, and vice versa.

The STOXX Europe 600 Supersector Daily Double Short Indices replicate a double short investment strategy that is inversely linked to twice the performance of the STOXX Europe 600 Gross Return Supersector Indices. A negative performance of a STOXX Europe 600 Supersector Index results in twice the positive change in its respective STOXX Europe 600 Supersector Daily Double Short Index, and vice versa.

The new indices are calculated in Euro. Daily historical index values are available back to December 31, 1999. The cost of dividends, cost of borrowing and the benefit of earning interest are also taken into account in the calculation of the new indices.

The STOXX Europe 600 Daily Short and STOXX Europe 600 Supersector Daily Double Short indices are part of the STOXX Strategy Index family. Further information on the STOXX Strategy Indices is available at read

ETF Landscape: Celebrating 10 Years of ETFs in Europe

April 12, 2010--Ten years ago in April 2000 the first ETFs to be launched in Europe were the iShares DJ STOXX 50 (EUN1 GY) and iShares DJ Euro STOXX 50 (EUN2 GY) listed on 11 April 2000 on the Deutsche Boerse, followed by the iShares FTSE 100 (ISF LN) on the London Stock Exchange extraMARK segment on 28 April 2000.

The first two ETFs were originally branded as 'LDRS', sponsored by Merrill Lynch International and later acquired by iShares in September 2003.

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Survey reveals better alignment in emerging market private equity

April 12, 2010--At least 84% of private equity limited partners (LPs) feel their general partners (GPs) for emerging market funds are at least as well-aligned with them as their GPs for developed market funds, according to the latest EMPEA/Coller Capital Emerging Markets Private Equity Survey, published today.

Twenty-three per cent of respondents reported better alignment with emerging market fund GPs, while only 16% felt their interests were less well-aligned. The findings are significant for an industry that has been plagued by accusations suggesting compensation structures are stacked against investors.

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Germany insists Greece bailout deal is hypothetical

April 12, 2010--A bailout for debt-laden Greece remains a "last resort" and an agreement by eurozone finance ministers on the modalities of possible assistance is hypothetical, Germany said on Monday.

"Greece has itself clearly let it be known that the time for an 'ultima ratio' has not yet been reached," Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman Christoph Steegmans told a regular briefing in Berlin.

"The fact that a fire extinguisher has been mounted on the wall does not mean that it will be used."

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Deutsche Bank Research: Europäischer Markt für ETFs und verwandte Indexprodukte wächst um 8,5 Prozent im 1. Quartal 2010

April 12, 2010--In der zweiten Ausgabe ihres globalen Research über ETFs & ETPs: „Quaterly ETP Market Update: Growth on Track“ haben die Analysten der Deutschen Bank ein weiterhin starkes Wachstum des weltweit verwalteten Vermögens in ETFs und verwandten Indexprodukten verzeichnet. Der weltweite Markt für Indexprodukte ist um 3,5 Prozent auf 1,14 Billionen US-Dollar gewachsen.

In Europa ist das verwaltete Vermögen in diesem Segment deutlich schneller gewachsen, um 8,5 Prozent auf 184 Milliarden Euro.

In dem quartalsweise erscheinenden Report werden ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds, börsennotierte Indexfonds) und verwandte börsennotierte Indexprodukte wie ETCs (Exchange Traded Commodities) oder ETN (Exchange Traded Notes) analysiert. Gemeinsam bilden sie die Gruppe der Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), wobei ETFs den mit Abstand größten Teil darstellen. Zusätzlich zur ersten Ausgabe des Reports wurden dieses Mal auch der Asiatisch/Pazifische ETP-Markt analysiert und das gehandelte Volumen mit ETPs außerhalb der Börse. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des aktuellen Reports:

Verwaltetes Vermögen im 1. Quartal 2010: Stabiles Wachstum

- Das weltweit verwaltete Vermögen in Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) ist im 1. Quartal 2010 um 3,5 Prozent auf 1,14 Billionen US-Dollar gestiegen

- In Europa stieg das verwaltete Vermögen in ETPs um 8,5 Prozent auf 184 Milliarden Euro. Die Analysten der Deutschen Bank bleiben bei ihrer Prognose eines Marktwachstums von 20-25 Prozent in Europa in 2010

Zuflüsse im 1.Quartal 2010 im Detail:

- Obwohl der US-Markt für ETPs nach verwaltetem Vermögen drei Mail so groß ist wie der europäische Markt, verzeichneten beide Regionen Mittelzuflüsse in fast derselben Höhe (US: 9,3 Milliarden US-Dollar; Europa: 9,9 Milliarden USDollar

- Während im US-Markt Aktien-ETPs starke Abflüsse aufwiesen, haben in Europa alle Anlageklassen Zuflüsse registriert. Aktien und Alternative Anlageklassen haben in Europa besonders starke Zuflüsse bei ETPs gezeigt, obwohl dies angesichts abnehmender Volatilität an den Aktienmärkten nicht zu erwarten gewesen wäre.

Anbieterentwicklung: Top-3-Anbieter mit hohen Zuflüssen

- Im europäischen ETP-Markt behauptet BlackRock seine Position als größter ETP-Anbieter. Jedoch können Deutsche Bank und Lyxor im 1. Quartal 2010 höhere Zuflüsse für sich vereinnahmen.

European ETF activity highlights for March 2010:

April 9, 2010--Highlights for March 2010
At the end of March, NYSE Euronext had 525 listings of 477 ETFs from 17 issuers. These ETFs cover more than 300 indices exposed to an extended range of assets and strategies (Equity, Fixed Income, Commodities, Short, Leverage, etc…).

* In March 2010, the number of ETFs increased by 25.9% compared to end of March 2009. So far this year, 28 new ETFs have already been listed.

* On March 1, 222 additional ETFs having Euronext Paris as their Market of Reference became eligible to the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD). All 369 ETFs with Market of Reference NYSE Euronext Paris are now eligible to this service. These ETFs are not, however, admitted to trading on NYSE Euronext’s centralized borrowing and lending market. This category of assets, that is eligible to the SRD but not available for trading on the borrowing and lending market, is named “eligible to the SRD, long only”. This evolution offers investors the unique opportunity to link the advantages of ETFs to that of the Deferred Settlement Service, notably the efficient access with leverage to a broad range of asset classes within a secured regulated environment.

* Following the impressive growth seen in both January and February 2010 for the daily average number of trades and daily average turnover, March 2010 was a month in which these figures remained stable compared with March 2009. On average, there were 7 024 trades on a daily basis, which was slightly down from 7 489 in March 2009. Daily average turnover reached €291 million in March 2010, virtually the same as in March 2009.

* At the end of March, the combined Assets Under Management of all ETFs listed on the NYSE Euronext European markets totaled €118.6 billion, an increase of 67.1% from the €70.9 billion at the end of March 2009.

* The combination of the flow of 19 first-class Liquidity Providers, competitive market makers, client orders and our high capacity, low latency technology contributed to a median spread of 25.59 bps of all listed ETFs in March 2010, down from 50.11 bps in March 2009.

* NYSE Euronext’s Liquidity Providers program continued to expand as well over the course of March. At the end of the month, 19 Liquidity Providers had a total of 965 liquidity provision agreements, providing firm bid/ask quotes with minimum size and maximum spread requirements for the entire trading session on all ETFs. In March, 29 new LP contracts were added.

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Seven New db x-trackers Strategy Index ETFs Launched on Xetra

April 9, 2010--Seven more exchange-listed strategy index funds issued by db x-trackers, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank, are now tradable in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment.

The new ETFs offer investors the opportunity to follow the EURO STOXX 50, DAX, FTSE 100 and S&P 500 indices with a double-leverage factor and to participate in the double-inverse performance of the EURO STOXX 50, DAX und S&P 500 indices.

EURO STOXX 50 is the leading European blue-chip index. It contains the 50 largest companies in the euro zone based on market capitalization, exchange turnover and sector. DAX is the most important German equity index, and as the fourth largest underlying for derivatives in the world is a key equity index in the global financial markets. It contains the 30 best-performing and largest (in terms of market capitalization) German companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The FTSE 100 reflects the performance of the 100 biggest and best-performing British companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. The S&P 500 is an equity index comprising the 500 biggest US listed companies.

The product offering in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment currently contains a total of 651 exchange-listed index funds, making it the largest offering of all European stock exchanges. This selection, together with an average monthly trading volume of around €13 billion, makes Xetra Europe’s leading trading venue for ETFs.

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ÝMKB raises the bar and crosses the 59,000 mark

April 9, 2010--The Ýstanbul Stock Exchange is showing no signs of letting up its rally as it broke yet another record in the first minutes of opening and crossed the 59,000 mark – the first the benchmark index has ever crossed that barrier.

In the first hour of trading the ÝMKB-100 index broke its previous record of 58,896 achieved during the second session of trading on Monday by crossing the 59,000 mark and hitting 59,039. The benchmark index did not stop there, however, and rose to an all-time high of 59,173 before the end of the first session of trading. In the second session, the index hit 59,289 for yet another record and not showing any signs like it will back off.

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Central bank starts trading in four more currencies

April 9, 2010--The Central Bank of Turkey announced on Friday that it will begin buying and selling four more currencies, raising the number of currencies traded by the bank to 16.

In a written announcement released through its official Web site, the central bank said it will start trading in the Russian ruble, the Iranian rial, the Romanian leu and the Bulgarian lev. The decision was made taking into consideration Turkey’s relatively high foreign trade with these countries along with an increasing number of tourists coming from these four countries to Turkey.

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Gold hits all-time highs in Euro and Sterling

April 9, 2010--The gold price hit a new all-time high in Euro and the British Pound yesterday as the debt crisis in Greece and concerns about a hung parliament in the UK weigh on the Euro and Pound, and demand for gold as an alternative currency continues to rise. The gold price surged to EUR 862oz yesterday, up 12% year-to-date and 30% over the past twelve months (11% and 24% in British Pounds), highlighting gold’s increasing use as a hedge not just against US dollar weakness, but sovereign risks more broadly.

Investment demand for gold has soared since the outbreak of the financial crisis in the second half of 2008. Total annual gold investment more than doubled in 2009 to $55bn from $25bn in 2008 according to GFMS data.

• Gold price surges to new all time highs in Euro (EUR 862/oz) and GBP (£754/oz)

• Gold rises to 3 month high of $1,157/oz today, less than 5% below its all time USD high, despite strength of US dollar

• Platinum and Palladium prices hit new post-crisis highs as ETF Securities’ physically-backed platinum and palladium ETF holdings rise to $1.6bn, up 80% YTD and up 900% since 31 December 2008

• ETF Securities’ gold holdings rise to $8.7bn at end 1Q 2010, the largest gold ETF holdings in Europe and a 64% increase over end 2008 levels

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Africa ETF News

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