Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

EPEX Spot/EEX Power Derivatives: Power Trading Results In April 2010 - Volume Record On The Power Derivatives Market

May 5, 2010--In the framework of their cooperation, the European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) and the French Powernext SA integrated their Power Spot and Derivatives Markets in 2009.

In April 2010, a total volume of 166.2 TWh was traded on the joint subsidiaries EPEX Spot SE and EEX Power Derivatives.

Power trading on the day-ahead auctions on EPEX Spot accounted for a total of 21,954,563 MWh and can be broken down as follows:

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UK official holdings of International Reserves

May 5, 2010--Part I: UK Government Foreign Currency Assets and Liabilities – April 2010
1. The UK Government’s net reserves rose by $561 million in April 2010, bringing the end-April total to $33,628 million (£21,960 million1) compared with $33,069 million (£21,802 million2) at end-March 2010.

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db x-trackers listet ETF auf S&P 500 Index

May 4, 2010--db x-trackers listet am 17. Mai einen ETF auf den S&P 500 Index an der Deutschen Börse und der London Stock Exchange. Der ETF ist UCITS-III-konform und bildet den S&P-500-Index ab, der die Wertentwicklung der 500 größten Unternehmen der wichtigsten Branchen der US-amerikanischen Volkswirtschaft abbildet. Der ETF richtet sich nach der Total-Return-Version des S&P-500-Index. Die bedeutet, dass die Wertentwicklung des ETF die reinvestierten Dividenden enthält.

Mit weiteren Listings an verschiedenen Börsen in Europa und Asien wird der db xtrackers S&P 500 ETF Investoren weltweit einen effizienten Zugang zu einem der führenden Benchmarks für den US-amerikanischen Aktienmarkt bieten. Die Pauschalgebühr beträgt 0,20 Prozent p.a. Mit dem neuen ETF setzt db x-trackers den Ausbau seiner international führenden Produktpalette fort und ergänzt seine bereits existierenden S&P-500-Produkte. Investoren steht damit eine noch größere Auswahl an Investment-Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Schon vor der Börsennotierung Mitte Mai können institutionelle Investoren den ETF direkt mit der Deutschen Bank auf OTC-Basis handeln.

Überblick über den neuen db x-trackers ETF

db x-trackers ETF auf:S&P 500 Index
Währung: US-Dollar (USD)
Pauschalgebühr (p.a.):0,20 %
ISIN: LU0490618542

„Der S&P 500 Index ist einer der am stärksten beachteten Benchmarks für den USAktienmarkt. Mit diesem Produkt stellen wir Investoren außerhalb der USA einen effizienten und kostengünstigen Zugang zum US-Aktienmarkt zur Verfügung. Im ETF-Angebot von db x-trackers befinden sich damit acht Möglichkeiten eines Engagements im US-Aktienmarkt. Neben dem neuen S&P 500 Index sind dies ETFs auf die Indizes S&P Carbon Efficient, den S&P 500 Shariah, S&P 500 Inverse Daily, S&P 500 2X Inverse Daily, S&P 500 2X Leverage Daily, MSCI USA und Russell 2000“, sagt Thorsten Michalik, verantwortlich für db x-trackers.

„Mit dem db x-trackers MSCI USA und dem db x-trackers Russell 2000 ETF haben wir bereits gezeigt, dass wir den US-Aktienmarkt sehr effizient mit sehr geringen Abweichungen zum unterliegenden Index abbilden können“, ergänzt Michalik. „Der db x-trackers MSCI USA ETF hat sich sogar besser als sein unterliegender Index entwickelt, mit einer positiven Differenz von 0,02 Prozent p.a. nach Kosten seit seiner Auflage im Januar 2007.“

Der db x-trackers S&P 500 ETF wird neben der Deutsche Börse Xetra und der London Stock Exchange an folgenden weiteren Börsen gelistet werden: Borsa Italiana, SIX Swiss Exchange, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, NXSE Euronext Paris, Singapore Exchange SGX und Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Xetra Receives Three Global ETF Awards

May 3, 2010--This year's 6th Annual Global ETF Awards® in New York saw Deutsche Börse receive awards in the following categories for the sixth consecutive time: “Exchange with the largest number of primary listed ETFs in Europe”, “Most proactive ETF Exchange in Europe” and “Largest ETF Exchange by Dollar turnover in Europe”.

The 6th Annual Global ETF Awards was organized by, an information provider based in New York which specializes in Exchange Traded Funds, Exchange Traded Notes and Exchange Traded Commodities. The Awards reflects outstanding achievements in 2009 by participants in the ETF, ETN and ETC industry. Winners are selected on the basis of votes cast by the global marketplace and statistical data.

Xetra® is Europe's leading trading venue in terms of turnover for exchange traded funds with a market share of 38 percent. Average monthly trading volume in Q1 2010 stood at around €13 billion. Out of 14 issuers, its product offering is the largest in Europe, currently with 651 ETF listings. It enables investors to compile a broadly diversified portfolio of equities, bonds and commodities with low transaction costs. More than 250 market participants from 19 countries have access to trading in exchange-traded index funds at Deutsche Börse.

Deutsche Börse was the first European exchange to launch trading in ETFs, on Xetra on 11 April 2000. Since then, ETFs have become one of the most successful financial products in Europe. Fund assets have increased at an annual average rate of around 90 percent within the last ten years thanks to a continuous inflow of funds. Assets under management totaled a record €134.6 billion at the end of March. The growth has been driven by increasing recognition and the variety of uses for ETFs, which can be used in a growing number of markets and regions thanks to numerous new product launches.

The ISE introduces a new index: "TSKB Energy Index"

May 3, 2010--The Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) introduces a new Index jointly with the Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB), the first private investment and development bank of Turkey. With “TSKB Energy Index”, TSKB aims to offer an alternative investment instrument in Turkey, reflecting its professional know-how on the energy sector in the capital markets. The Index is the first of its kind in Turkey and is launched on May 3, 2010.

“TSKB Energy Index” consists of the ISE-traded companies active in the energy sector, with a minimum of 40 per cent of consolidated revenues generating from the energy sector. The Index is intended to offer a benchmark for domestic and international investors seeking to monitor the performance of the energy sector in Turkey.

Mr. Hüseyin ERKAN, the ISE Chairman & CEO, pointed out to the importance of this cooperation and the energy sector in Turkey, and said, “TSKB Energy Index has been created in order to reflect the price and return performance of the Turkish companies active in the energy sector. The constituent companies will be determined by TSKB and notified to the ISE. The Index will be calculated and maintained by the ISE.

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Euro ratings agency idea gains ground

May 3, 2010-- Prospects for a European credit rating agency gained ground on Monday among political leaders reeling from a costly, months-long battering from markets over Greece.

But calls by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde only underlined the power of US adjudicators in a hugely influential finance sector over which Europe has no control.

Rating agencies have come under fire for cutting Greece's sovereign debt to junk status and downgrading the credit-worthiness of Portugal and Spain, in turn unsettling investors and sending borrowing costs for those countries soaring on financial markets.

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ETF Landscape: European STOXX 600 Sector ETF Net Flows, week ending 30-Apr-10

May 5, 2010--Last week saw US$233.0 Mn net inflows to STOXX 600 sector ETFs. The largest sector ETF inflows last week were in Banks with US$218.2 Mn and Basic Resources with US$85.4 Mn while Industrial Goods & Services experienced net outflows of US$36.9 Mn.

Year-to-date, Media has had the largest net inflows with US$346.1 Mn net new assets, followed by Banks with US$117.6 Mn YTD. Telecommunications sector ETFs have had the largest net outflows with US$229.6 Mn YTD. In total, STOXX 600 sector ETFs have seen US$60.4 Mn net inflows YTD.

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European economy making tentative recovery

May 5, 2010--GDP growth in the EU expected to gradually pick up, though recovery less robust than past upturns.
The recession ended in the third quarter of 2009, thanks largely to fiscal and monetary measures to stimulate the economy. But temporary factors also played a role, says the latest EU economic forecast.

In 2010, the EU economy looks set to expand by 1% – a ¼ percentage point more than the commission had forecast in the autumn. The increase stems in part from the stronger global economy. In 2011, GDP growth of 1¾% is expected.

Increasingly the speed of recovery will vary across EU countries, reflecting their individual circumstances and policies.

Unemployment rose sharply during the recession, although slightly less than initially thought last autumn. This year, EU unemployment is projected to level off at close to 10%.

Public finances have also been hit hard by the crisis. While national budget deficits are projected to peak this year at 7¼% of GDP, the ratio of public debt to GDP is expected to continue to rise.

Inflation has rebounded a bit from very low levels in 2009, but the slack in the economy is likely to keep wage and price gains in check. This year, inflation is expected to reach 1¾% in the EU and 1½% in the eurozone.

The EU recovery continues to be surrounded by a high degree of uncertainty, as illustrated by recent tensions in government bond markets. Overall, however, the risks to the forecast are broadly balanced.

The commission usually publishes economic forecasts 4 times a year - comprehensive spring and autumn forecasts and smaller interim forecasts in February and September.

view the EU economic forecast – spring 2010

Europe's main contributors to Greek bailout

May 3, 2010-Here are the main European contributions to the Greek bailout package, approved by finance ministers on Sunday, out of an 80-billion-euro (105.85-billion-dollar) pot topped up by 30 billion euros of IMF funds.

Figures in brackets are for year one in the three-year programme to which only the nations which use the euro currency are contributing:

GERMANY: 22.4 billion euros (8.4 billion)

FRANCE: 16.8 billion (6.3 billion)

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ECB announces change in eligibility 
of debt instruments issued or guaranteed 
by the Greek government,

May 3, 2010--The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) has decided to suspend the application of the minimum credit rating threshold in the collateral eligibility requirements for the purposes of the Eurosystem’s credit operations in the case of marketable debt instruments issued or guaranteed by the Greek government. This suspension will be maintained until further notice.

The Greek government has approved an economic and financial adjustment programme, which has been negotiated with the European Commission, in liaison with the ECB, and the International Monetary Fund. The Governing Council has assessed the programme and considers it to be appropriate. This positive assessment and the strong commitment of the Greek government to fully implement the programme are the basis, also from a risk management perspective, for the suspension announced herewith.

The suspension applies to all outstanding and new marketable debt instruments issued or guaranteed by the Greek government.


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