Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

Eurozone purchasing index slows for second month: survey

July 5, 2010--A key leading indicator of growth in the eurozone slowed for the second month in a row in June amid weaker exports, waning domestic demand and a slowdown in orders, a reference survey showed on Monday.

The purchasing managers' index (PMI) compiled by data and research group Markit fell to 56.0 in June, confirming an earlier estimate, down slightly from May and the post-recession peak of 57.3 in April.

Any score above the 50-point line indicates economic growth. The index has been above that threshhold for 11 consecutive months now.

"The Eurozone PMI data indicate that growth in the region is likely to have peaked and the risks have increased of a further easing in coming months," said Markit chief economist Chris Williamson.

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Supervisory board reshuffle for Stuttgart Stock Exchange

Dr Michael Völter and Dr Manfred Pumbo elected as new members.
Holger P. Härter resigns as Supervisory Board Chairperson.
July 5, 2010--Dr Michael Völter, Member of the Management Board of SV Sparkassen Versicherung Holding AG, and Dr Manfred Pumbo, Head of Group Controlling at Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG, have been elected as new members of the Supervisory Board for the companies at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange. The elections of new members of the Supervisory Board of Boerse Stuttgart Holding GmbH, Boerse Stuttgart AG and of Euwax AG had become necessary after the death of Dr Jan Wittig and the resignation of Hans-Peter Bruker.

Furthermore, the previous Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of Boerse Stuttgart Holding GmbH, Boerse Stuttgart AG and Euwax AG, Holger P. Härter, has resigned with immediate effect. The reason for this are the guidelines for appointments to the Boards decided by the new Board of Trustees of the association Vereinigung Baden-Wuerttembergische Wertpapierboerse e.V. These guidelines provide that only persons who are professionally engaged in the service of one of the association’s members can be appointed to the Supervisory Board.

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Assets of Turkish banks increase 18 percent in May

July 2, 2010--The total size of Turkish banks’ assets had reached TL 879.31 billion as of the end of May, surging by 18 percent compared to one year earlier, a recent report has shown.

The Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) released its latest report on the Turkish financial sector on Friday, finding that the total assets of banks grew by TL 134.16 billion, or 18 percent, in the span of a year.

The BDDK report also revealed Turkish banks’ securities amounted to TL 277.27 billion as of May, climbing by 26.4 percent over the same month of last year.

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CESR publishes guidelines for the use of the Key Investor Information Document

July 2, 2010--The guidelines published today concern the methodology for calculation of the ongoing charges figure in the KIID and the methodology for the calculation of the synthetic risk and reward indicator in the KIID.

view the methodology for calculation of the ongoing charges figure in the KIID

view the methodology for the calculation of the synthetic risk and reward indicator in the KIID

EU to increase investor protection in EU investment fund market

July 2, 2010--The European Commission has today completed a programme of improvements to the EU framework for investment funds. The new rules better empower investors by requiring a new standardised fund document, while also setting out in detail the high standards of conduct of business that investment fund managers must comply with.

These funds known as UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) accounted for over € 5 trillion of assets in 2009, which is equivalent to half of EU GDP. The new rules improve the efficiency of the UCITS market in the EU by introducing and facilitating new possibilities for the pooling of assets from different funds, by simplifying the cross-border distribution of UCITS and by better coordinating the work of national supervisors. The new rules are to take effect from 1 July 2011.

Internal Market and Services Commissioner Michel Barnier said: "Today's package will improve investor protection, cut red tape and further strengthen the global competitiveness of Europe's investment funds. Furthermore, the steps we have taken to enhance transparency and the effectiveness of our rules show that Europe has learned its lessons from the crisis. I hope the hard-won trust we have earned from investors will deepen in the future. With the framework now in place, the hard work of implementation for both supervisors and market participants begins."

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Financial transactions tax to happen... one day: Belgian PM

July 2, 2010-- The idea of a global tax on financial transactions has failed to gain traction around the world but it will become a reality in Europe "one day or another," the Belgium EU presidency said Friday.

Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme, whose country holds the rotating European Union presidency for the next six months, said governments were still "far from" agreeing on a tax.

"On the other hand, I think that within the European Council (of EU leaders) we have nevertheless made enormous progress," Leterme said.

"It is an idea which I think will take shape one day or another," he said.

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said leaders meeting at the G20 summit of developed and emerging powers in Toronto last weekend showed "no enthusiasm" for a global tax on financial transactions.

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German pension funds focus on liquidity, poll says

July 1, 2010--Among German institutional investors, pension funds are the least concerned about security when making investment decisions, according to a poll commissioned by alternatives manager Aquila Capital.

In total, more than 60% of the 169 institutional investors surveyed said security was paramount when it came to their investments.

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Boerse Stuttgart reports turnover of 6.9 billion in June

July 1, 2010--In June 2010, Boerse Stuttgart had a turnover of some EUR 6.9 billion according to its order book statistics. Due to the Football World Cup and the traditional summer lull, trading volumes were down on the previous month's figures, as was expected. Growth came from investors' enthusiasm for bond trading at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange.

In comparison with the previous month, turnover grew by 8 percent to nearly EUR 1.9 billion. Of this, EUR 1.1 billion, the biggest proportion of stock exchange turnover, was accounted for by corporate bonds. With a market share of more than 70 percent in June, Boerse Stuttgart is the market leader for corporate bond trading.

Boerse Stuttgart had a trading volume of more than EUR 3.8 billion in trading with securitised derivatives in June. Of this, EUR 2.1 billion was accounted for trading in leverage products and almost EUR 1.7 billion for trading in investment products.

In June, turnover in investment fund trading amounted to EUR 480 million. At roughly EUR 410 million, passively managed funds accounted for the bulk of trading volume in the case of investment fund units. This corresponds to a year-on-year growth of more than 30 percent.

Xetra Turnover up 29 Percent in June

July 1, 2010-- In June, 111.4 billion euros were traded on Xetra and on the floor at Börse Frankfurt – an increase of 27 percent year-on-year (June 2009: 87.9 billion euros). Of the 111.4 billion euros, 105.5 billion euros were traded on Xetra, an increase of 29 percent year-on-year (June 2009: 81.7 billion euros). 5.9 billion euros were traded on the floor, a slight decrease by 5 percent (June 2009: 6.2 billion euros).

Turnover in German equities on Deutsche Börse’s cash markets amounted to 95.1 billion euros, while foreign equities turnover stood at 13.3 billion euros. Xetra and the floor at Börse Frankfurt accounted for 97 percent of the transaction volume in German equities on all stock exchanges in Germany. 91 percent of foreign equities traded on stock exchanges in Germany were traded on Xetra and on the floor in Frankfurt.

In June, 16 million transactions were executed on Xetra, an increase of 20 percent against the same period last year (June 2009: 13.3 million).

According to the Xetra liquidity measure (XLM), Deutsche Telekom AG was the most liquid DAX blue chip in June with 5.47 basis points (bp) for an order volume of 100,000 euros. EADS was the most liquid MDAX stock with 16.07 bp. The most liquid ETF was DB X-TR.II-EONIA T.R. 1C with 0.31 bp. The most liquid foreign stock was Royal Dutch Shell with 9.35 bp. XLM measures liquidity in electronic securities trading on the basis of the implicit transaction costs. It is expressed in basis points (1 bp = 0.01 percent); a low XLM denotes high liquidity in a security.

Siemens AG was the DAX stock with the highest turnover on Xetra in June at 6.8 billion euros. HeidelbergCement AG was the top MDAX stock at 844.3 million euros, while KUKA AG led the SDAX stocks at 45.1 million euros and Aixtron AG headed the TecDAX at 824.3 million euros. At 1.5 billion euros, the iShares DAX was the exchange-traded fund with the highest turnover.

On all stock exchanges in Germany 122.5 billion euros were traded in June according to orderbook turnover statistics – an increase of 21 percent compared year-on-year (June 2009: 101.6 billion euros). This total includes 115.7 billion euros in equities, warrants and exchange-traded funds, as well as 6.9 billion euros in fixed-income securities.

Average Daily Volume of 10.9 Million Contracts at Eurex and ISE in June

Eurex monthly trading volume rose by 25 percent y-o-y
July 1, 2010--At the international derivatives markets of Eurex, an average daily volume of 10.9 million contracts was traded in June (June 2009: 10.7 million). Thereof, 8.3 million contracts (June 2009: 6.7 million) were traded at Eurex; another 2.6 million contracts (June 2009: 3.9 million) were traded at the International Securities Exchange (ISE). The increase of Eurex turnover of 25 percent y-o-y is due to the increasing use of exchange-traded and centrally cleared derivatives in the current market environment, which was driven by high volatility and the dividend season. In total, 241.1 million contracts were traded on both exchanges compared with 232.5 million contracts in June 2009.

At Eurex, the equity index derivatives segment was the most successful segment, totaling 79.3 million contracts, compared with 71.1 million contracts in June 2009. Futures on the EURO STOXX 50 reached 41.1 million contracts (June 2009: 32.0 million); the options recorded another 24.2 million contracts (June 2009: 25.5 million). The DAX future reached a turnover of 4.0 million contracts while the DAX option achieved 6.3 million contracts.

In the Eurex segment of equity-based derivatives (equity options and single stock futures) 50.5 million contracts were traded (June 2009: 30.2 million). Thereof, equity options totaled at 24.7 million contracts (June 2009: 23.2 million). The dividend season led to a strong increase of incentivized block trades of single stock futures, which totaled 25.8 million contracts (June 2009: 7.1 million).

Eurex’s interest rate derivatives segment reached 52.9 million contracts, compared with 44.9 million in June 2009. Approximately 21.7 million contracts were traded in the Euro-Bund-Future, 13.7 million contracts in the Euro-Schatz Future, 12.5 million contracts in the Euro-Bobl-Future and almost 154.000 contracts in the Euro-BTP-Future.

Dividend derivatives traded more than 315,000 contracts, while the volatility derivatives recorded almost 74,000 contracts for both VSTOXX futures and options. Commodities derivatives totaled at 75,000 contracts.

Eurex Repo, which operates CHF- and EUR repo markets, grew by 10 percent and both repo markets hit a new overall record with an average outstanding volume of 228.4 billion euros (June 2009: 208.1 billion euros). The secured money market segment GC Pooling achieved the strongest growth with 29 percent and set a new monthly record with an average outstanding volume of 98.8 billion euros (June 2009: 76.9 billion euros). On 21 June, GC Pooling also achieved a record daily average outstanding volume of 108.5 billion euros.

The electronic trading platform Eurex Bonds, which rounds out Eurex’s fixed-income product range, saw a volume of 7.9 billion euros (single counting) in June. In May 2010, the figure was 8.76 billion euros, and in June 2009 volume was 12.1 billion euros.


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