Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

ETF Landscape: STOXX Europe 600 Sector ETF Net Flows, week ending 20-Aug-10

August 25, 2010--Last week saw US$188.5 Mn net outflows from STOXX Europe 600 sector ETFs. The largest sector ETF outflows last week were in Banks with US$90.5 Mn and Food & Beverage with US$76.6 Mn while Basic Resources experienced net inflows of US$29.5 Mn.

Year-to-date, STOXX Europe 600 sector ETFs have seen US$223.8 Mn net outflows. Food & Beverage sector ETFs have seen the largest net outflows with US$152.0 Mn, followed by Basic Resources with US$142.4 Mn while Media has experienced the largest net inflows with US$212.7 Mn YTD.

The US$8.2 Bn AUM invested in the ETFs is greater than the US$3.6 Bn open interest in the sector futures. The ETF AUM is greater than the open interest in each of the corresponding futures contract in all 19 sectors.

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NYSE Liffe launches new weekly options on single stocks

Broadening range of short term individual equity options after successful European launch
August 25, 2010--As from September 3 NYSE Liffe will introduce three new weekly options on high profile blue-chip shares: Aegon, KPN and Philips. After the successful launch of weekly options on ING Group, Royal Dutch Shell and ArcelorMittal in July, NYSE Liffe is now extending its offering of these unique products in Europe.

The key attraction of weekly options is that they cost less to trade than longer-dated alternatives. Generally the premium payable on short-lived weekly options is lower because its time value element is smaller. For the same reason they also offer greater leverage: even a small price movement in the individual shares can generate an attractive return. Therefore weekly options can benefit from the volatility of an individual share with short-term trading strategies.

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Danske Bank And NASDAQ OMX Launch New Covered Warrants In Finland

August 25, 2010--NASDAQ OMX Helsinki today started trading sixty new covered warrants issued by Danske Bank. The new range of covered warrants tracks various shares included in the OMX Helsinki 25 index.

“We consider it important that as a part of international Danske Bank Group we are able to offer our clients new capital market products. We believe that domestic clients benefit from the fact that the financial service provider is a well established counterparty that operates in Finland and is able to give service also in the domestic languages”, says Jukkapekka Laurila, Head of Danske Markets Equities Finland.

“Covered warrants can be used for trading and investment purposes as well as for hedging one's equity portfolio. By issuing covered warrants in Finnish Blue Chips we enable investors to utilize the price movements that mirror the market movements of the most liquid shares in OMX Helsinki index. We will now be issuing turbowarrants and warrants, followed by index certificates in the future. With these products investors are able to take advantage of medium term investment trends as well as the short term trading opportunities with smaller amounts of capital. However, investors must note that these products involve greater risks than direct investments in equities or indices”, says Maj van Dijk, Head of Derivates in Danske Markets Equities Finland.

Lauri Rosendahl, President of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki said: “The entry of Danske Bank into the Finnish covered warrant market will further broaden the choice of products available to Finnish investors. We are pleased to welcome Danske Bank.”

For more information about the covered warrants now issued by Danske Bank, please visit

FESE response to CESR Consultation Paper on standardisation and exchange trading of OTC Derivatives

August 25, 2010--FESE believes that standardisation is desirable and that all products that can be standardised should be standardised: where appropriate, and to the maximum extent possible, OTC derivatives should benefit from legal, process and product standardisation in order to significantly reduce operational risk, facilitate clearing and facilitate reporting of regulatory information to supervisors.

On the other hand, it will be key to preserve the ability of nonfinancial users to hedge against risk using the instruments they consider appropriate. With regard to CESR’s assessment of the benefits and limitations of exchange trading of OTC derivatives, FESE broadly agrees with CESR’s analysis – in particular, we believe that benefits highlighted by CESR are particularly relevant for standardised/eligible OTC derivatives and more generally for derivatives eligible for CCP clearing traded on exchange.

view the FESE Response CESR CP Standardisation and Exchange Trading

FESE Response to CESR Consultation Paper on Transaction Reporting

August 25, 2010--ESE members sympathise with the solution proposed by CESR to define a new position reporting regime through trade repositories and allow MiFID transaction reporting through trade repositories. Moreover, we particularly welcome CESR’s suggestion concerning the possibility for investment firms to comply with MiFID provisions to report transactions by relying on TRs or CCPs.

view FESE response_CESR CP_Transaction Reporting

Ireland stung by Standard & Poor’s credit rating cut

August 25, 2010--Ireland’s government faced mounting pressure on Wednesday to put a final price on bailing out its banks after a credit rating cut from Standard & Poor’s pushed its borrowing costs higher.

After winning plaudits for moving quickly to tackle its deficit, Ireland is once again at the center of European debt fears with investors demanding a whopping 340 basis point premium to hold Irish 10-year debt over German Bunds, the highest level since the Greek financial crisis gripped in May. S&P cut Ireland’s long-term rating by one notch to ‘AA-’ on fears of a substantially higher bill for supporting the banking sector and assigned a negative outlook, meaning another cut is more likely than not over the next one or two years. Dublin hit back, saying S&P’s analysis was “flawed.”

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Spanish plan for rival to BME

August 24, 2010--A group of Spaniards from the finance sector on Tuesday announced plans to launch the country’s first alternative trading platform for securities, to compete against the near-monopoly of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME).

Called Pave – for Plataforma Alternativa de Valores Españoles – the project is still in its early stages, but those launching it said they had the support of two unnamed financial institutions in London and one in Spain.

Brokers, bankers and analysts contacted by the Financial Times said they were not aware of its existence. Pave said that further details would be released in October and that the plan was for the Barcelona-based operation to start functioning in the first quarter of next year.

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STOXX Changes Composition Of Benchmark Indices - Results Of The Third Regular Quarterly Review To Be Effective On September 20, 2010

August 24, 2010--STOXX Limited, a global index provider and creator of the leading European equity indices, today announced the new composition of the STOXX Global 1800 Index, STOXX Europe Total Market Index, STOXX Europe 600 Index, STOXX Americas 600 Index, STOXX Asia/Pacific 600 Index, STOXX EU Enlarged Total Market Index, STOXX Eastern Europe Total Market Index, STOXX Eastern Europe 300 Index and their sub- and sector indices, as well as that of the STOXX Europe Football Index and STOXX Europe Private Equity 20 Index

Effective as of the open of European markets on September 20, 2010, the following stocks will be added to and deleted from the STOXX Europe 600 Index and its respective size and sector indices:

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Eurex to Launch Options on Six Lyxor ETFs

New listings to expand successful ETF derivatives segment
August 24, 2010--Eurex, the international derivatives exchange, announced today that it will list six new options based on the Lyxor ETFs on the indices DJ Russia Titans, DJ Turkey Titans, Hang Seng China Enterprise Index (HSCEI), Hang Seng Index (HSI), CECE Eastern Europe (CECE EUR) and MSCI Emerging Markets. Launch date will be 20 September 2010. Since the launch of the ETF options product suite in May 2010, more than 70,000 contracts have been traded.

"By adding six more ETF derivatives covering emerging markets, we support the expansion of the ETF market by offering hedging opportunities for investors and ETF issuers. Right now, we offer 13 options and three futures on ETFs”, said Peter Reitz, member of the Eurex Executive Board. “Interest and trading activities in ETF derivatives have seen steady growth since our launch a few months ago.”

“Lyxor as the leading provider in emerging markets ETFs is committed to providing clients with the safest and most liquid tools to implement their strategies. Listed options represent the most natural complement to this goal, allowing yield-enhancement and leverage strategies in a very simple and transparent way, accessible to an ever wider array of investors”, added Alain Dubois, Chairman of the Board of Lyxor AM.

Lyxor is the second largest ETF provider in Europe. With the launch of options on Lyxor ETFs, Eurex now offers options on five ETF issuers, which together stand for approximately 75 percent of the assets under management in ETFs in Europe.

The new ETF options will be traded in euro, physically settled (American-style) and have maturities of up to 24 months. The contract size will be 100 units. Société Générale will act as market maker to support liquidity in the order book.

All six Lyxor ETFs are listed at XTF, Deutsche Börse’s ETF trading segment. Since its launch in April 2000, the XTF segment has established its position as the leading trading venue for exchange-traded funds in Europe, with 680 listed funds and a market share of approximately 38 percent by European ETF turnover.

London Circuit-Breakers Temporarily Halt Trading in Five Stocks

August 24, 2010--Trading was temporarily halted yesterday on five stocks on the London Stock Exchange after unusual price moves triggered circuit breakers meant to prevent excessive volatility, a spokesman for the exchange said.

BT Group Plc, Hays Plc, Next Plc, Northumbrian Water Group Plc and United Utilities Group Plc were halted. The circuit breakers went into effect at around 2 p.m. yesterday in London after each of the stocks rose or fell more than 5 percent from their opening price.

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September 25, 2024 Calamos ETF Trust files with the SEC-4 Calamos Bitcoin Structured ETFs
September 25, 2024 EA Series Trust files with the SEC-AOT Growth and Innovation ETF
September 25, 2024 NEOS ETF Trust files with the SEC-FIS Knights of Columbus Global Belief ETF
September 25, 2024 Direxion Shares ETF Trust files with the SEC-18 Direxion Daily ETFs
September 25, 2024 NEOS ETF Trust files with the SEC-FIS Christian Stock Fund

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Asia ETF News

September 11, 2024 BBH Annual Greater China ETF Investor Survey: ETF Assets reach record highs as Greater China propels ETF investment in APAC

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office

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