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State Street Global Advisors is New ETF Issuer on Xetra

New SPDR ETFs on Xetra cover MSCI Europe Index sectors/ XTF segment comprises over 750 exchange traded index funds
November 8, 2010-- ETFs issued by State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) have been tradable on Xetra for the first time since Monday. The 12 new SPDR ETFs bring the offering in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment up to 751 exchange-listed index funds.

“Deutsche Börse continues to expand its offering on Europe’s largest ETF trading platform. Through Xetra, institutional and private investors from Germany and the rest of Europe can now diversify their portfolios with products from State Street Global Advisors, one of the largest ETF providers worldwide,” said Rainer Riess, Managing Director of Xetra Market Development at Deutsche Börse.

Ten of the twelve new SPDR ETFs on Xetra comprise the following super sectors of the MSCI Europe Index: Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy, Financials, Health Care, Industrials, Information Technology, Materials, Telecommunication Services and Utilities. Investors can also invest in the MSCI Europe Index, which tracks the performance of the equities markets in the following 16 industrialized nations: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. The SPDR ETF on the MSCI Europe Small Cap Index comprises small and mid-cap companies based in Europe.

view list of new SPDR ETFs tradable on Xetra since 8 November including ISIN and management fee

First Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) listed on SIX Swiss Exchange

Source Ltd and Deutsche Bank db ETC AG list the first products in SIX Swiss Exchange's new ETP segment
November 8, 2010--Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) include collateralized Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs) and Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs). The collateral comprises mainly securities, precious metals or cash that must at least cover the ETP's outstanding amount and be held in custody by a third party independent of the issuer.

ETPs track the price movement of an underlying asset either with or without leverage. Their payoff profile is symmetrical, i.e. the product's performance mirrors that of the underlying asset. From a regulatory perspective, ETPs are collateralized, non-interest-bearing bearer debt securities. As such, ETPs are not investment funds and are not governed by the Swiss Federal Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA). They must, however, go through a listing procedure with SIX Exchange Regulation, SIX Group's independent supervisory authority; the rules on their admission and on maintaining their listing were approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.

Source Ltd is launching 15 products, of which 14 ETPs replicate various commodities indices and one tracks the price of physical gold. db ETC is launching 14 new ETPs, of which ten also replicate various commodities indices and four reflect the price movements of precious metals.

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Source launches ETC platform on the SIX Swiss Exchange

November 8, 2010--Source is pleased to announce the listing of 15 Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs) on the SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX). Source is delighted to be one of the first European ETP providers to list ETCs on SIX. Source has initially listed 14 T-ETCs (Treasury Bill secured ETCs) that track S&P GSCITM total return commodity indices and one physical gold P-ETC (physically secured ETC) that tracks the spot gold price and is secured by gold bullion held in J.P. Morgan Chase Bank’s London vaults.

Ted Hood, CEO of Source, commented, “Listing our market leading ETCs on SIX is an important step in offering Swiss investors locally traded products and all of our investors the ability to trade these products on exchange in USD. We have raised US$850 MM in ETCs so our simple message – transparency, unparalleled asset quality, and efficient delivery of commodity exposure – is clearly resonating with the European institutional investment community. Source T-ETCs’ superior structure is a market leading solution in addressing counterparty risk.”

Alain Picard, Head of ETFs and other Financial Product Sales at SIX Swiss Exchange, added: “Swiss investors have shown significant interest in gaining commodity exposure. We are very happy to welcome Source as a provider in the new ETP segment of SIX Swiss Exchange”.

Source T-ETCs are collateralised with US Treasury Bills and cash held in segregated accounts by a trustee, and commodity index exposure is provided by multiple swap counterparts. All Source ETCs will trade in US dollars on SIX, and the annual fixed fee for all T-ETCs is 0.49% p.a., while the Source Physical Gold P-ETC (SGLD) is significantly less expensive than competing physical gold products at 0.29% p.a.

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New OMX Stockholm Benchmark Portfolio Selected

New index portfolio will become effective on December 1, 2010
November 8, 2010-- The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:NDAQ) today announces the results of the semi-annual review of the OMX Stockholm Benchmark index, (NASDAQ OMX Stockholm: OMXSB), which will become effective with the market open on Wednesday, December 1, 2010.

Rederi AB TransAtlantic (RABT B) will be added to the index.

Höganäs AB (HOGA B), Millicom International Cellular S.A. (MIC SDB), Investment AB Öresund (ORES) and Proffice AB (PROE B) will be removed from the index.

The OMXSB index is a free float adjusted index designed to act as a transparent and liquid benchmark with low transaction costs for the investors while maintaining a high correlation to the Swedish market. “OMX Stockholm Benchmark index is one of the most widely used portfolio indexes for the Swedish equity market and has approximately SEK 160 Bn. in assets under management,” said NASDAQ OMX Vice President Magdalena Hartman.

OMXSB is sector diversified and major sectors represented are Financials, Industrials, Consumer Discretionary and Information Technology. The securities must also meet other eligibility criteria including a turnover screening. The OMXSB index is evaluated on a semi-annual basis in May and November, and the new index portfolio becomes effective on the first trading day in June and December respectively.

European ETF activity highlights for October 2010

November 8, 2010--At the end of October, NYSE Euronext had 563 listings of 494 ETFs from 16 issuers. These ETFs cover more than 300 indices exposed to an extended range of assets and strategies (Equity, Fixed Income, Commodities, Short, Leverage, etc…).

The number of ETFs increased by 16% YTD compared to the end of 2009. As of the end of October, 72 new ETFs had been listed in 2010, while 9 ETFs had been the subject of mergers by absorption and 19 ETFs had been delisted.

Despite challenging market conditions in October 2010, both the daily average number of trades and daily average turnover figures were slightly higher compared to October 2009. On average, there were 8 374 trades on a daily basis, representing an increase of 1.14% versus October 2009. Daily average turnover increased from €314.6 million in October 2009 to €328.3 million in October 2010, or 4.36%.

At the end of October, the combined Assets Under Management of all ETFs listed on the NYSE Euronext European markets totaled €123.5 billion, an increase of 25.38% from the €98.5 billion at the end of October 2009.

The combination of the flow of 23 first-class Liquidity Providers, competitive market makers, client orders and our high capacity, low latency technology contributed to a median spread of 25.96 bps of all listed ETFs, down from 32.27 bps in October 2009.

At the end of October 2010, NYSE Euronext’s Liquidity Providers program featured 23 Liquidity Providers that had a total of 1165 liquidity provision agreements, providing firm bid/ask quotes with minimum size and maximum spread requirements for the entire trading session on all ETFs.

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NYSE Euronext to Host London Investor Day on Friday, November 19, 2010

November 5, 2010---- NYSE Euronext (NYX) will host an investor day for the professional investment community in London on Friday, November 19, 2010. The program will be held in NYSE Euronext’s London office at Cannon Bridge House, 1 Cousin Lane, London EC4R, and will commence with opening remarks at 8:00a.m. and is expected to conclude at approximately 12:30p.m.

Presenters at this conference will include Duncan L. Niederauer, Chief Executive Officer; Dominique Cerutti, President; Larry Leibowitz, Chief Operating Officer; Garry Jones, Group Executive Vice President, Global Derivatives and Michael Geltzeiler, Group Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer.

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Thomson Reuters Monthly Market Share Reports For October 2010

November 5, 2010--Trading is fragmenting between exchanges and competing venues. But by how much and which venues? Find out in the summarised monthly reports.



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Unscheduled Free Float Adjustments in SDAX and TecDAX

Adjustment for Colonia Real Estate AG in SDAX and SMARTRAC N.V. in TecDAX as of 9 November 2010 (Adjustment for Colonia Real Estate AG and not for TAG Immobilien AG as announced this morning)
November 5, 2010--: Deutsche Börse has announced unscheduled adjustments to the free float of Colonia Real Estate AG in SDAX and SMARTRAC N.V. in TecDAX.
Due to corporate actions, the free float of both shares changed by more than 10 percentage points.

According to the index rules, the free float of Colonia Real Estate AG will be adjusted from the current 76.94 percent to 55.51 percent. The free float of SMARTRAC N.V. will be adjusted from 85.01 percent to 49.49 percent.

Both adjustments will be effective next Tuesday, 9 November 2010.

The next regular review of the Deutsche Börse equity indices is scheduled for 3 December 2010.

Please find more information on our indices at

DB Global Equity Index & ETF Research : European Weekly ETP Review: European ETP industry moves past the 25% growth mark 2010 YTD

November 4, 2010--Weekly European ETP Market Roundup
New Weekly Report Section Added: Instrument Focus
As of this week we have introduced a new ‘Instrument Section’ in our weekly report. Our ETP research covers a cross section of funded and secure instruments spanning across all asset classes. We are thus introducing these two new tables in order to enable readers to track evolution of ETFs and ETCs by provider. As the industry grows, specialists are emerging.
Assets Under Management (AUM): Past 25% growth YTD

European ETP AUM continued to climb and rose by 0.7%, to €213.4 billion. This week’s rise was attributed primarily to a rise in the price of gold, and thus commodities contributed 0.4% to the region’s asset growth. The rest of the growth was funded by equity inflows which contributed 0.2% of this week’s growth. Year to date, European ETP AUM are up by 25.4%. ETFs, which comprise 92% of the European ETP universe, are up by 24.2% year to date. ETCs, which comprise 8% of the ETP universe, are up by 42.4% year to date. The influx of new money into gold ETPs accounts for the faster ETC growth rates.

Investment Outlook: Equity cash flows continue amid oscillating equity markets

The equity markets oscillated in anticipation of the US elections. Most of the major European broad equity indices finished the week in negative territory. The Euro Stoxx 50 index: was down 0.8%, the CAC 40 Index: fell by 0.9%, the DAX was down 0.1% and the FTSE 100: fell by 1.2%. Gold (USD) regained some of the prior week’s losses and finished the week 2.3% up.

The European ETP industry continued to see healthy inflows, totaling €1.0 billion (vs. €1.2 billion inflow in previous week). Allocation of new flows was heavily skewed towards equity, the asset class received 80% of the week’s flows. Fixed income and commodities shared 10% each.

European Equity ETP inflows totaled €793 million (vs. €1022 million inflow last week). Fixed Income inflows totaled €103 million (vs. €342 million outflow last week) and commodity flows netted €108 million of inflow (vs. €121 million inflow during previous week).

Despite downward pressure in equity market prices, cash flows continue to conform to intra-asset class patterns observed in the past few weeks. Most of the new equity inflows went into broad developed market indices (€504 million) while the interest in emerging markets also continued (€298 million), albeit at a slower pace. Leveraged long and short ETFs saw net outflows of €230 million, a sign pointing to the absence of strong directional views.

Gold flows continued to lag, with €81 million of net outflows for the week, following the €68 million of outflows in the week before. Soft demand continues to point to a leveling interest in gold. The biggest commodity inflows for the week were received by ETFs tracking broad diversified commodity indices, a move that helped keep commodity flows in positive territory.

Fixed income flows continued to be on a scale that is not reflective of the asset class’ status on the continent. Corporate bond benchmarked ETFs attracted €145 million of inflows, while all other fixed income sub-sectors had a quiet week.

New Listings Calendar: Fixed Income capabilities grow, when will investors follow?

Europe registered three new ETF launches and six cross-listings for the week.

Deutsche Bank continued to beef up its fixed income ETF capabilities with the launch of two new ETFs, with a primary listing on Deutsche Boerse. This marks the launch of the first financials specific fixed income ETF, and it continues the trend of fixed income ETFs tracking corporate bonds issued by sector specific borrowers.

Lyxor launched a new Euro Stoxx 50 Total Return equity ETF, enhancing its coverage on the popular European broad equity index. This follows the successful run of its ETF tracking the (price plus dividends) Euro Stoxx 50 ETF, which is the region’s largest Euro Stoxx 50 ETF and it holds €5.0 billion. Lyxor also cross listed five of its ETFs on BME and Borsa Italiana.

On-Exchange ETP turnover: Flat for the week

Average rolling 22 day on-exchange ETP turnover for the week remained flat at €1.89 billion. Equity ETF turnover was down by 0.8%, to €1.40 billion. Fixed Income ETF turnover was up by 5.3`%, to €195 million, and commodity turnover also rose by 0.5%, to €288 million.

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New Price List to turn EEX into a One-Stop Shop from January 2011

November 4, 2010--European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) will introduce a new price list which reflects the position of EEX as an integrated market platform for energy and is based on simplicity and transparency with effect from 1 January 2011.

From 2011 only one overall annual fee of EUR 25,000 p.a. will be charged for trading on all Spot and Derivatives Markets of EEX Group. This already includes a technical connection. In order to facilitate the entry for new trading participants a reduced annual fee of EUR 16,000 p.a. is charged during the first year of participation in trading.

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