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Twelve new db x-trackers ETFs launched on Xetra

First ETFs on emerging markets sector indices
July 11, 2011-Twelve new ETFs issued by db X-trackers have been tradable in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment since Monday.
The ten new db x-trackers ETFs in the MSCI Emerging Markets Sector Index Series enable investors to participate in the performance of emerging market companies in the following sectors for the first time: consumer staples, energy, finance, healthcare, industry, IT, consumer discretionary, telecommunications services, utilities and materials.

The db x-trackers MSCI Emerging Market Short Daily Index ETF will track the daily inverse performance of the MSCI Emerging Market Index plus an interest component. This interest component represents earned interests the ETF will receive when it enters into the notional short position.

The aim of the db Equity Strategies Hedge Fund Index ETF (EUR) is to track the db Equity Strategies Hedge Fund Index's performance as exactly as possible. The index follows two investment strategies: the equity hedge strategy and the equity market neutral strategy. Through the equity hedge strategy, an investment is made in shares classed as undervalued (long). Instruments considered to be overvalued are short sold (short). The equity market neutral strategy combines both long and short positions. However the index portfolio is designed to largely act on market neutral terms.

The product offering in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment currently comprises a total of 835 exchange-listed index funds, making it the largest offering of all European stock exchanges.

db-X ETC verzeichnet höchste Zuflüsse im ETC-Markt

July 11, 2011--Im ersten Halbjahr 2011 hat db-X ETC, die Plattform der Deutschen Bank für börsengehandelte Rohstoffprodukte (Exchange Traded Commodities, ETC), die europaweit höchsten Zuflüssen unter allen Anbietern von ETCs verzeichnet (Quelle: Deutsche Bank). Damit setzt db-X ETC seine erfolgreiche Entwicklung seit dem Start im März 2010 fort. „Der Trend, dass Investoren täglich flexibel an der Wertentwicklung von Rohstoffen partizipieren wollen, ist ungebrochen. Unsere Produktlösungen mit konsequenter Besicherung und das Angebot währungsgesicherter ETCs treffen auf großes Interesse bei Investoren“, sagt Thorsten Michalik, verantwortlich für db-X ETC.

Die Ergebnisse im Einzelnen:

Die Angebote von db-X ETC haben ihr ausstehendes Volumen im ersten Halbjahr 2011 um 592 Millionen Euro auf 1,4 Milliarden Euro gesteigert. (Quelle: Deutsche Bank, 8.7.2011). Die Deutsche Bank hat mit ihren Rohstoff-Produkten fast die gesamten Netto-Mittelzuflüsse in dieser Produktkategorie in Europa auf sich gezogen und so ihren Marktanteil in diesem Segment deutlich gesteigert.

Der db Physical Gold Euro Hedged ETC hat bis Ende Juni 2011 sein ausstehendes Volumen um 263 Millionen Euro auf 620 Millionen Euro gesteigert. Er ist damit der ETC mit dem höchsten Zufluss unter allen in Europa angebotenen ETCs (Quelle: Deutsche Bank, 8.7.2011).

Ebenfalls hohe Zuflüsse hat der db Brent Crude Oil Booster ETC (EUR) verzeichnet, der an der Wertentwicklung der Öl-Sorte „Brent“ partizipiert, sowie der db Brent Crude Oil Booster Euro Hedged ETC, der zusätzlich eine Währungsabsicherung bietet. Diese ETCs haben das ausstehende Volumen im ersten Halbjahr 2011 zusammen um 120 Millionen Euro gesteigert. Die drei genannten börsengehandelte Rohstoffprodukte der Deutschen Bank zählen damit zu den nach Zuflüssen gerechneten zehn erfolgreichsten Rohstoffprodukte in diesem Zeitraum (Quelle: Deutsche Bank, 8.7.2011). Die mit dem Zusatz „Booster“ versehenen Indizes zielen darauf ab, in Rohstoffe zu investieren und gleichzeitig die Verluste zu minimieren beziehungsweise die Gewinne zu maximieren, die beim „Rollen“ der entsprechenden Rohstoff-Terminkontrakte entstehen.

Bisher wurden 40 ETCs emittiert, die die Entwicklung einzelner Rohstoffe oder definierter Rohstoffkörbe abbilden. Bei allen db-X ETCs erfolgt eine physische Besicherung mit Goldbarren oder mit dem entsprechenden Edelmetall in allozierter Form.

Auch die von db X-trackers aufgelegten ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds, börsennotierte Indexfonds) auf breit gestreute Rohstoffindizes stießen 2011 auf großes Interesse bei Anlegern. Der db x-trackers DBLCI-OY Balanced ETF konnte im laufenden Jahr bis Ende Juni sein Fondsvolumen um 93 Millionen Euro auf 1,2 Milliarden Euro steigern. Die Rohstoff-Lösungen der Deutschen Bank, in Form von ETCs wie auch in Form von ETFs, haben insgesamt ein Drittel aller Zuflüsse in börsennotierte Rohstoff-Produkte im ersten Halbjahr 2011 auf sich gezogen (Quelle: Deutsche Bank).

Austria: Strengthening domestic sources of growth would secure place as ‘Champions League’ economy

July 11, 2011--Austria should seize the opportunity provided by its robust, export-led recovery to strengthen reforms and reinforce domestic drivers of economic growth, according to a new OECD report.

The OECD’s Economic Survey of Austria says the global crisis revealed the particular vulnerabilities of export –orientated economies while the boost given to Austrian growth by deepening and widening European integration over the past two decades is likely to fade in the coming years.

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view the Economic Survey of Austria 2011

Further milestone reached in agricultural derivatives

July 11, 2011--The international derivatives exchange Eurex has recently reached a further milestone in the agricultural derivatives segment. Last week, futures contracts on European processing potatoes (FEPP) traded in the order book passed the 100,000 mark for the first time since their launch.

"The Eurex future on European processing potatoes is a very important price hedging instrument for the entire central European potato industry – from farmers to the processing industry. We are very satisfied with the liquidity the market has achieved in the past few months, and aim to continue contributing to this success,” commented Rene van Diepen, Director of the Dutch Organisation of Potato Merchants (Nederlandse Aaardapple Organisatie – NAO).

“We are delighted to have achieved the 100,000-contracts mark in less than two years after we started trading in July 2009. We would like to thank all market participants for their support and confidence in this contract. Not only the volume but also an increasing number of trading participants in the derivatives market for potatoes confirms our decision to launch agricultural derivatives,” said Peter Reitz, member of the Eurex Executive Board.

The Eurex offering currently comprises six agricultural futures on butter, European processing potatoes and potatoes for the British market (London potatoes), hogs, piglets and skimmed milk powder. All futures are based on recognized reference prices from the relevant cash markets and are settled in cash. Further expansion of the product segment is planned in close cooperation with the agricultural industry.

German banks angered by data plan

July 11, 2011--German banks have launched a stinging attack on the imminent publication of highly detailed information about their holdings, claiming these could worsen the sovereign debt crisis and encourage “targeted speculation” against individual financial institutions.

The European Banking Association plans on Friday to release detailed debt holdings data for 91 of the European Union’s largest banks including 13 from Germany as part of its much anticipated stress tests.

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Eurozone to reconsider bail-out fund debt buy

July 11, 2011--European finance ministers have sent a strong signal they are prepared to begin buying back significant amounts of Greek bonds on the open market, announcing they would reopen discussions to use the eurozone’s €440bn bail-out fund to repurchase the debt of distressed governments.

Monday night’s decision came after an eight-hour meeting of finance ministers in Brussels that was held against a backdrop of plunging markets and mounting fears that the debt crisis that has plagued Greece and the eurozone’s periphery for the last 18 months was now spreading to its larger members, including Italy.

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EU moves towards partial gag on ratings agencies

July 11, 2011--Brussels on Monday urged a clampdown on the world's ratings agencies, including a ban on ratings for countries covered by international rescue packages, and possible legal action.

Internal Markets Commissioner Michel Barnier said in a speech delivered in Paris but released in Brussels that he would ask Poland, which currently holds the rotating European Union presidency, to put action on ratings agencies to ministers soon.

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SIX Swiss Exchange And Liquidnet Launch New Block Equities Trading Service -

SIX Swiss Exchange first to deliver global institutional liquidity to its members through unique trading model
Liquidnet brings previously untapped block liquidity from five European markets to its global institutional trading network July 8, 2011--Paving the way for a new and more efficient way to source and trade block liquidity in Europe, SIX Swiss Exchange and Liquidnet announced today the launch of a new unique platform for non-displayed equity block trading with the roll-out of approximately 3000 equities in five European equities markets: Switzerland, UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands, with more equities markets planned to be added over time.

The platform allows SIX Swiss Exchange members and Liquidnet’s buy side members to execute large block trades safely and efficiently via this new liquidity source.

Both SIX Swiss Exchange’s and Liquidnet’s members will gain access to the Swiss institutional liquidity, as well as similar liquidity in the other four markets. The platform will enable the liquidity in Liquidnet’s global institutional liquidity pool to interact with block liquidity delivered directly from SIX Swiss Exchange members in approximately 3000 securities, resulting in more executable liquidity, without compromising protection and anonymity.

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SIX Swiss Exchange Index Adjustments On The Occasion Of The Ordinary Index Review

July 8, 2011--The Management Committee of SIX Swiss Exchange has decided to make changes to SIX Swiss Exchange index baskets on the basis of a recommendation from the Index Commission and in compliance with the SMI®, SLI®, SPI® and SXI® index rules.

The indices will be adjusted on 16. September 2011 after closing. The adjustment takes effect on 19 September 2011.

The new index rules for SMI®, SLI® and SPI® are applicable since 1 July 2011.

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EC Questions & Answers on Emissions Trading: new registry rules

July 8, 2011--1. What is the role of registries in Emissions Trading?
The registries for the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) record the holding of emission allowances and the transactions concerning those allowances, like the banking system does for money. The main types of transactions are: creation of allowances, free allocation, auctioning, trading, surrendering of allowances for compliance and their deletion. The registries also record installations and aircraft operators surrendering sufficient allowances to cover their verified emissions.

2. Why needs the Registries Regulation to be amended?
The Registries Regulation1 was last modified in 2010, to prepare for the inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS and the switch from national registries to the single Union Registry in 2012.

New provisions for the EU ETS registries are needed in order to set up the infrastructure for the third trading period of the EU ETS (2013-2020), in particular with regard to auctioning and free allocation of allowances, following the adoption of the respective implementing acts.

At the same time this amendment offers the opportunity to introduce enhanced registry security measures in the wake of the cyber-attacks witnessed earlier in 2011.

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