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State Street unveils S&P 'Dividend Aristocrats' ETF in UK push

October 20, 2011--State Street Global Advisors has launched two SPDR ETFs focused on dividends on the London Stock Exchange, and has plans to unveil a raft of fixed income products at the start of next year.

The SPDR S&P US Dividend Aristocrats ETF and the SPDR S&P Emerging Markets Dividend ETF physically invest in equities in the respective regions with high dividend yields.

The ETFs offer a regular source of income, which the firm said investors are seeking amid a low-yield environment.

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The Spanish Stock Exchange to celebrate its 180th anniversary

The Spanish stock exchange ranks among the top world exchanges in terms of investment flows, transparency and innovation
2011 is already the fourth best year in history in terms of new investment flows channeled through the Spanish stock market
October 20, 2011--On 20 October 1831 the first trading session took place in Spain, in this way making the Spanish stock exchange one of the oldest and best-established financial institutions in Spain.

Its birth, in the first half of the XIX century, anticipated the creation, in the second half, of most other economic and financial institutions that exist today.

Today’s economy and financial markets are under some of the most convulse times in history, surrounded by high volatility. However the Spanish stock exchange has continued to demonstrate its extraordinary capacity to provide objective valuations and liquidity to investments, in large part thanks to the modernisation and significant improvements carried out in the last few years, which have allowed it to become a significant force in the international stock exchange scenario. During this long period of time a stock market developed which today trades a daily average of over €4 billion.

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EU may curb ratings agencies

October 20, 2011--The European Union may seek the power to prohibit the publication of credit ratings of countries that are under a rescue programme, an EU official familiar with the proposal said today.

The proposal from Michel Barnier, the EU official in charge of regulation, may yet get shot down because it needs the blessing of EU countries as well as the region's parliament in order to take effect.

The move would be controversial and experts have previously warned that tough restrictions on rating agencies can undermine efforts to rebuild investor confidence in the euro zone.

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Deutsche Börse recognised again for its achievements in sustainability

October 20, 2011--Deutsche Börse has been confirmed for the seventh time in a row as a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI World and DJSI Europe). The analysts gave particular recognition to the company for its group-wide compliance and risk management, corporate governance and active stakeholder engagement.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes are based on an analysis of the economic, environmental and social criteria of the 2,500 largest companies in the world, as measured by free-float market capitalisation. General and industry-specific criteria are evaluated and only companies with a sustainability profile in the top ten percent are admitted to the indices.

In addition, Deutsche Börse has fully met the admission criteria for the FTSE4GOOD Index Series (FTSE4Good Global Index and FTSE4Good Europe Index) since 2009. This index series admits companies which meet strict ethical, social and environmental criteria. Since 2002, the company has also been represented on the EURO STOXX Sustainability Index and STOXX Europe Sustainability Index.

Moreover, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has confirmed Deutsche Börse’s renewed inclusion in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI). The CDLI consists of 30 companies which provide particularly transparent and extensive data on their greenhouse gas emissions and climate strategy. Deutsche Börse is ranked 12th this year. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) represents 551 institutional investors, which manage a fund volume totaling approximately US$71 trillion.

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The Spanish Stock Exchange trades the first ETF on the IBEX 35® DOUBLE LEVERAGE index

October 20, 2011--This new strategy domestic equities index started to be calculated and disseminated in real time on May 19th
The Spanish Stock Exchange today started trading a new exchange-traded fund issued by Lyxor Asset Management, called LYXOR ETF IBEX 35® DOBLE APALANCADO DIARIO.

This issue brings the number of ETFs listed on the Spanish stock exchange to 66, in this way increasing the number of assets linked to strategy indices in the Spanish market.

The IBEX 35® DOUBLE LEVERAGE offers double exposure to the daily return on the IBEX 35® NET RETURN, through the investment of an initial capital plus an equivalent loaned capital. A positive daily return on the IBEX 35® NET RETURN yields an also positive return, but double that amount, for the IBEX 35® DOUBLE LEVERAGE and viceversa.

In September the trading volume in the ETF segment of the Spanish Stock Exchange was €207million, up 11.8% year on year. The number of trades on the ETF segment in the same period was 4,058, up 3.9% from the same period last year.

Bats Merger With Chi-X Wins Provisional U.K. Antitrust Clearance

October 20, 2011--Bats Global Markets Inc.’s acquisition of Chi-X Europe Ltd., the region’s biggest alternative trading system, was provisionally cleared by U.K. antitrust regulators, who said sufficient competition remains.

Customers of both exchanges will still have the power to prevent the merged companies from raising trading fees by threatening to take their business to competitors, the U.K. Competition Commission said today.

“The customers of both these exchanges are in a particularly powerful position to combat any attempt by the merged company to raise trading fees, reduce service quality or otherwise exploit any loss of competition,” said Malcolm Nicholson, chairman of the regulator’s inquiry group.

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DB Global Equity Index & ETF Research :European ETF Market Weekly Review: : Decreasing outflows as the European ETF investor contemplates market direction

October 20, 2011--Investment Outlook: Cash out flows in commodity and fixed income products
In the week that ended on October 14th, European domiciled ETPs registered net cash outflows of €360 million. Most of the European equity benchmarks ended higher than the previous week’s close: DAX, CAC, Euro Stoxx 50 & the FTSE 100 gained 5.1%, 4%, 3.8% and 3.1% respectively. This rally extended into precious metals as well with gold and silver prices [US$/oz] advancing by 2.8%and 3.7% respectively, week on week. ETF investors chose to stay on the sidelines and this was reflected in muted cash flows and a dip in on exchange turnover levels.

Commodity ETPs registered cash outflows of €283 million over the last week. Gold products attracted cash flows totaling €178 million, which were more than offset by outflows from ETFs tracking broad commodity indices [€336 million].YTD cash flows for commodity ETPs are now at €3.5 billion which represents 9% of 2010 year end assets.

Fixed Income ETFs registered cash outflows of €130 million over the last week. ETFs offering credit exposure and those tracking sovereign benchmarks, witnessed an exit of €130 million and €58 million over the last week. Money market ETFs collected a modest €62 million in weekly cash inflows.

Equity ETFs registered flat flows of €54 million in the past week taking their YTD flows tally to €14.4 billion. Within equities, ETFs tracking emerging market (EM) benchmarks registered cash outflows of €276 million in the past week. European developed country ETFs (mostly Germany) attracted inflows of close to €400 million. ETFs offering exposure to developed non-European countries lost €147 million in cash outflows over the last week. ETFs tracking European and Eurozone sector products registered positive flows on €98 million and €47 million respectively.

Assets Under Management (AUM): Moderate increase in assets
Total European ETP assets increased by 1.5% and ended the previous week at €227.5 billion. Equities gained over €4 billion to end the week with €137.5 billion in assets. Overall commodity assets ended the week with €44.1 billion with a weekly decrease of €231 million. ETFs tracking broad commodity indices lost close to €229 million in assets, week on week. Fixed income ETF assets declined by close to €500 million to end the week at €43.8 billion. ETFs with sovereign exposure lost €373 million over the past week.
Exchange Total Weekly Turnover: Equity and commodities pull down turnover levels
Weekly on-exchange ETP total turnover decreased by 17.7% to end the week at €12 billion. Equity turnover lost over 10% from its previous levels and ended the week at €9.5 billion. Commodity turnover almost halved from its previous levels and ended at €1.3 billion in weekly totals. Fixed Income turnover lost €216 million to reach €1.2 billion.

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EU quest to save euro raises fear of 'two-speed' Europe

October 20, 2011--In the scramble for tighter policing of Europe's economies to save the euro, the bloc faces breaking up into "in" and "out" nations of a two-speed EU -- and Britain risks dropping off the map altogether.

At a summit Sunday to chart an escape route from Europe's sovereign debt crisis, European Union leaders will look at ways of putting a single pilot in the seat to steer the 17 nations that share the troubled nearly 13-year-old currency back to economic health.

But any decision to tighten economic governance and budgetary discipline will leave 10 of the EU's 27 nations sitting on the outside, including four -- Britain, the Czech Republic, Denmark and Hungary -- which to date have refused to join the euro-club.

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Deutsche Börse AG publishes preliminary Q3/2011 figures

October 19, 2011-- On Wednesday, Deutsche Börse AG published its preliminary figures for the third quarter of 2011. Compared to the same period in the previous year sales revenue increased by some 20 percent to around €605 million (Q3/2010: €504.3 million).

In addition to sales revenue, the Group generated net interest income from banking business of approximately €20 million (Q3/2010: €15.8 million) and other operating income of also around €20 million (Q3/2010: €11.7 million). The other operating income includes a book gain from the sale of an equity investment in the amount of some €5 million.

At around €250 million, operating costs in the third quarter 2011 were up year-over-year (Q3/2010: 235.4 million). The increase is mainly attributable to around €25 million costs relating to the planned business combination with NYSE Euronext. Adjusted for merger related costs and restructuring expenses, operating costs amounted to approximately €225 million (Q3/2010 adjusted: €222.5 million).

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Regulation on Short Selling and Credit Default Swaps - Frequently asked questions

October 19, 2011--What is short selling?
Short selling is the sale of a security that the seller does not own, with the intention of buying back an identical security at a later point in time in order to be able to deliver the security. Short selling can be divided into two types:
1."Covered" short selling is where the seller has borrowed the securities, or made arrangements to ensure they can be borrowed, before the short sale.
2."Naked" or "uncovered" short selling is where the seller has not borrowed the securities at the time of the short sale, or ensured they can be borrowed.

Who engages in short selling and why?
Short selling is used by a variety of market participants including hedge funds, traditional fund managers such as pension funds and insurance companies, investment banks, market makers and individual investors. Short selling can be used for the following reasons:
for speculative purposes (e.g. to profit from the expected decline of a share price);
to hedge a long position (e.g. to limit losses in comparable shares in which a long position is held);
for arbitrage (e.g. to profit from the difference in price between two different but inter-related shares); and
for market making (e.g. to meet customer demand for shares which are not immediately available).

What is a Credit Default Swap?
A Credit Default Swap (CDS) is a derivative which is sometimes regarded as a form of insurance against the risk of credit default of a corporate or government (or sovereign) bond. In return for an annual premium, the buyer of a CDS is protected against the risk of default of the reference entity (stated in the contract) by the seller. If the reference entity defaults, the protection seller compensates the buyer for the cost of default.

In addition to short selling on cash markets, a net short position can also be achieved by the use of derivatives, including Credit Default Swaps (CDS). For example, if an investor buys a CDS without being exposed to the credit risk of the underlying bond issuer (a so-called "naked CDS"), he is expecting, and potentially gaining from, rising credit risk. This is equivalent to short selling the underlying bond.

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October 02, 2024 EA Series Trust files with the SEC-3 Cambria ETFs
October 02, 2024 Elevation Series Trust files with the SEC-The Opal International Dividend Income ETF
October 02, 2024 Bitwise XRP ETF files with the SEC
October 02, 2024 First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund files with the SEC-First Trust WCM Developing World Equity ETF
October 02, 2024 Tidal Trust II files with the SEC-Return Stacked(R) Bonds & Merger Arbitrage ETF

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September 11, 2024 BBH Annual Greater China ETF Investor Survey: ETF Assets reach record highs as Greater China propels ETF investment in APAC

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September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume

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September 19, 2024 Gender Parity Will Unlock $287bn for Africa's Economy By 2030-Report
September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link

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