Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

Requirements for OTC derivatives data reporting and aggregation: CPSS-IOSCO publishes final report

January 17, 2011--The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) have published their final report on the OTC derivatives data that should be collected, stored and disseminated by trade repositories (TRs).

The committees support the view that TRs, by collecting such data centrally, would provide authorities and the public with better and more timely information on OTC derivatives. This would make markets more transparent, help to prevent market abuse, and promote financial stability.

The final report reflects public comments received in response to a consultative version of the report published in August 2011. Following the consultation exercise, the report was expanded to elaborate on the description of possible options to address data gaps.

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Fünf Jahre db X-trackers –Innovationen und Transparenz als Basis für weiteres Wachstum

January 17, 2012--db X-trackers, die Deutsche Bank Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), hat heute vor fünf Jahren die ersten ETFs aufgelegt. Aus Anlass des fünfjährigen Bestehens zieht Thorsten Michalik, Leiter von db X-trackers ETFs der Deutschen Bank, eine positive Bilanz: „db X-trackers wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, ETFs aufzulegen, die ihre Indizes exakt und kostengünstig abbilden und neue Anlageklassen zugänglich machen.

Diese Ziele haben wir erreicht.“ Innerhalb von fünf Jahren ist db X-trackers zum zweitgrößten ETF-Anbieter nach verwaltetem Vermögen in Europa und zur Nummer fünf weltweit aufgestiegen. Mit mehr als 200 ETFs in acht verschiedenen Anlageklassen ist db X-trackers der Anbieter mit der größten Produktpalette in Europa.

In den Jahren 2007 bis 2009 war db X-trackers der am schnellsten wachsende ETFAnbieter Europas. Aktuell werden 32 Milliarden Euro verwaltet (Stand 31.12.2011; Quelle: Deutsche Bank). Insgesamt bietet db X-trackers über 750 Börsenlistings an neun verschiedenen Börsen in Europa und Asien an. Für die weitere Entwicklung von db X-trackers und der ETF-Branche insgesamt zeigt sich Michalik zuversichtlich: „ETFs werden sich als Standard-Instrument für die Kapitalanlage etablieren, sowohl im kurzfristigen Handel als auch für eine strategische Positionierung. Ich bin überzeugt, dass db X-trackers von dieser Entwicklung profitieren wird."

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New iShares bond ETF launched on Xetra

January 16, 2012--A new bond ETF issued by iShares has been tradable in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment since Monday.
ETF name: iShares Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond
Asset class: bond index ETF

Total expense ratio: 0.25 percent
Distribution policy: distributing
Benchmark: Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond Index

The iShares Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond enables investors to participate in the performance of US-Dollar denominated bonds including Treasuries, securitised bonds, and government and corporate bonds. Only bonds with a residual maturity of one year are considered.

The product offering in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment currently comprises a total of 908 exchange-listed index funds, making it the largest offering of all European stock exchanges. This selection, together with an average monthly trading volume of €16 billion, makes Xetra Europe’s leading trading venue for ETFs.

Portugal Moves Into Default Territory

January 16, 2012--Portugal is trading in default territory after investors offloaded the country’s bonds this week amid rising fears of contagion. Worries are mounting that the private sector and Greece will fail to agree a restructuring package for Athens’ debt, the Financial Times reported.

Many investors were also forced to sell Portuguese bonds after Standard & Poor’s downgraded the country to junk on Friday. Other funds sold Portuguese debt after Lisbon was removed from Citigroup’s European Bond Index, which these investors track, because of its fall to junk status.

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New EDHEC-Risk Institute research assesses the true risks of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

January 16, 2012--New research at EDHEC-Risk Institute has addressed the question of the true risks of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) in Europe in the light of issues raised by financial regulators and international organisations. According to EDHEC-Risk Institute, any discussion of the risks inherent in ETFs should go beyond merely hypothesising about potential risks, and should also take into account the empirical evidence provided by the existing academic research on ETFs, which has documented various benefits in terms of liquidity and price efficiency.

Among the conclusions of the EDHEC-Risk Institute study:

The vast majority of European ETFs are managed within the UCITS framework and as such have the same levels of security and the same risks as any UCITS fund. Highlighting the supposed risks of ETFs therefore makes little sense, and even less so in matters of retail investor protection in that ETFs represent but a fraction of the products sold to the general public in Europe and competing investment vehicles typically do not benefit from the same level of protection as that provided by the UCITS framework.

The massive marketing and media relations campaigns implemented by some ETF providers in an effort to promote counterparty-risk-based distinctions between physical and synthetic replication ETFs are misleading.

As far as counterparty risk is concerned, it makes little sense to oppose physical replication and synthetic replication products on the one hand, or draw a fine line between unfunded and funded swaps on the other. Both distinctions are largely irrelevant in practice and convey a false sense of "comparative" safety. In fact, whatever the replication techniques employed, ETFs are exposed to counterparty risk. As a matter of fact, securities lending is widely practiced by physical replication ETFs and leads to counterparty risk, just as surely as the reliance on over-the-counter derivatives by synthetic replication ETFs. Investors should pay more attention to first order issues that determine the effective mitigation of counterparty risk: the level of collateralisation, the quality of the assets performing the economic role of collateral and the ability of the fund to enforce its rights against collateral in the case of default by the counterparty.

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view EDHEC Position Paper What are the Risks of European ETFs?

Vier neue Kredit-ETFs mit Hebelwirkung gelistet

January 16, 2012--db X-trackers, die Plattform der Deutschen Bank für Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), hat vier neue Kredit-ETFs gelistet. Diese ETFs ermöglichen ein Engagement in Kreditrisiken von Unternehmen oder können zur Absicherung bestehender Positionen in Kreditrisiken von Unternehmen, zum Beispiel Unternehmensanleihen, eingesetzt werden. Bei den neu gelisteten ETFs wurden erstmals in Europa Kreditindizes gewählt, welche eine Wertentwicklung auf täglicher Basis mit einem zweifachen Hebel abbilden.

Bereits seit 2007 bietet db X-trackers eine Palette von bisher zehn Kredit-ETFs an, bei ihnen enthält der unterliegende Index keinen Hebel. In Kredit-ETFs von db X-trackers sind derzeit mehr als 400 Millionen Euro investiert. "Bei unseren Kredit-ETFs ist die enthaltene Zinskomponente an den Tagesgeldsatz EONIA gekoppelt, somit kann sich ein Anleger alleine an der Kreditseite einer Unternehmensanleihe beteiligen, ohne auch das Zinsänderungsrisiko tragen zu müssen", sagt Thorsten Michalik, Leiter db X-trackers Deutsche Bank Exchange Traded Funds. „Des Weiteren bieten die zugrunde liegenden iTraxx® Indizes die Möglichkeit für ein Engagement in unternehmensbezogene Kreditrisiken mit einer hohen Liquidität, insbesondere im Nicht-Investment Grade Bereich“, so Michalik weiter. „Die neuen ETFs mit Hebelwirkung bieten institutionellen Anlegern dabei mehr Möglichkeiten, das Engagement zu steuern, da sie durch den in den Indizes enthaltenen Hebel den erforderlichen Kapitaleinsatz merklich reduzieren können.“

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Letter to Commissioner Barnier, Chairman Bowles & ECOFIN Chairman Corydon regarding European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs)

January 16, 2012--Letter from ISDA and 6 other associations to Commissioner Barnier, Chairman Bowles and ECOFIN Chairman Corydon, calling for European Supervisory Authorities to be given an appropriate amount of time to draft technical standards for EU legislation.

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Amundi ETF 3rd largest European ETF provider by net new assets in 2011

January 16, 2012--2011 was a positive year for Amundi ETF with the extension of its range to over 100 products. The European development plan reached an important milestone in May with entry into the UK market. Amundi ETF benefited from significant growth throughout the year to finish 2011 ranked as the 3rd largest European ETF provider by net new assets with EUR 1.7bn net inflows.

Valérie Baudson, Managing Director of Amundi ETF comments: “Amundi ETF remained focused throughout the year amid challenging market conditions. The outcome was extremely satisfactory with the number of products breaking through the 100 threshold and our successful launch in the UK, one of the most important and competitive markets in Europe.”

Consistent product innovation Eight new products were added to the range in 2011 to reach a total of 102. Innovation has consistently driven product development which is illustrated by the recent listing of the first ETF in Europe to offer an exposure to the S&P 500 with daily euro/dollar currency hedging on NYSE Euronext in Paris.

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Ireland's economy in facts and figures

January 14, 2012--- Herewith a few facts and figures on Ireland, which was the second eurozone to seek a bailout, agreeing an 85-billion-euro ($111-billion) European Union-International Monetary Fund rescue package in November last year.

DATE OF ENTRY INTO THE EUROZONE: Ireland was a member of the Economic and Monetary Union when it launched on January 1, 1999, ahead of the introduction of euro notes and coins into circulation in 2002.

PUBLIC DEBT: 144 billion euros in 2010, or 92.5 percent of GDP (Source: Eurostat). Forecast to grow to 108.1 percent of GDP in 2011, 117.5 percent in 2012 (European Commission)

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Greece's economy in facts and figures

January 14, 2012--Basic economic figures for Greece, the epicentre of the eurozone debt crisis and the first member state to be bailed out by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, in May 2010.

EUROZONE ENTRY: Greece joined the eurozone as its 12th member state on January 1, 2001, a year before notes and coins went into circulation. Greece had failed to meet the Maastricht Treaty criteria for eurozone membership of a public deficit of less than 3.0 percent of Gross Domestic Product and inflation at less than 2.7 percent when the Economic and Monetary Union was formally launched January 1, 1999.
PUBLIC DEBT: Greece has highest debt ratio in the bloc, owing more than 350 billion euros, and exceeds by far the eurozone limit of 60 percent of GDP. In 2010, total debt was equal to 144.9 percent of GDP, and forecast to jump to 161.7 percent in 2011. It is forecast to fall to 145.5 percent in 2012 under the budget adopted on December 7, 2011 and then be brought down to 120 percent by 2020 under a debt write-down accord with private creditors agreed in October.

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October 02, 2024 Tidal Trust II files with the SEC-Return Stacked(R) Bonds & Merger Arbitrage ETF
October 02, 2024 EA Series Trust files with the SEC-3 Cambria ETFs
October 02, 2024 Elevation Series Trust files with the SEC-The Opal International Dividend Income ETF
October 02, 2024 Bitwise XRP ETF files with the SEC
October 02, 2024 First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund files with the SEC-First Trust WCM International Equity ETF

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Asia ETF News

September 11, 2024 BBH Annual Greater China ETF Investor Survey: ETF Assets reach record highs as Greater China propels ETF investment in APAC

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September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Africa ETF News

September 19, 2024 Gender Parity Will Unlock $287bn for Africa's Economy By 2030-Report
September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
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