Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

EEX Opens Office In Brussels - Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger Welcomes EEX To Brussels – Political Presence At The European Level Expanded

January 25, 2012--Yesterday, the European Energy Exchange (EEX) officially opened its political representation in Brussels with a New Year reception.

This presence in the heart of the European Quarter is intended, in particular, to expand contacts with the European institutions and intensify the exchange of opinions. Thus, the Brussels offices takes account of the high significance which political decisions of the EU have for the further integration of the European energy markets. “Energy trading has a central role on the way towards completion of the European internal energy market. The European energy exchanges and trading platforms have to make an important contribution in the current debate at the level of the EU. For this reason, I welcome EEX’s decision to establish a representative office in Brussels and thereby strengthen the market and trading perspective”, Commissioner Oettinger welcomed EEX.

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Amundi expansion plans pay off

January 26, 2012--Amundi ETF is one of the top three European ETF providers by net new assets, according to Deutsche Bank's latest ETF market review.

Amundi ETF benefited from significant growth throughout the year to finish 2011 ranked as the third largest European ETF provider by net new assets, with EUR 1.7bn net inflows. Despite challenging market conditions, 2011 was a positive year for Amundi ETF with the extension of its range to over 100 products, which led to growth of 22% in assets under management on 2010 figures.

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db X-trackers listet ersten ETF auf S&P 500® Equal Weight Index und ETF auf österreichischen Markt

25. Januar 2012--db X-trackers, Deutsche Bank Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), hat heute den ersten ETF an der Deutschen Börse auf den S&P 500® Equal Weight Index gelistet. Der S&P 500® Equal Weight Index bildet die Entwicklung der 500 größten Unternehmen des US-Aktienmarktes ab, die an den Börsen NYSE Euronext oder Nasdaq OMX gelistet sind. Jedoch sind beim Equal Weight Index alle Bestandteile annähernd gleich gewichtet.

Dagegen werden beim traditionellen S&P 500® Index die Indexmitglieder analog ihrer Marktkapitalisierung gewichtet. Beispielsweise weisen die größten Mitglieder, der Elektronikkonzern Apple und das Energieunternehmen Exxon Mobil, eine Gewichtung von 3,4 beziehungsweise 3,5 Prozent auf. Im S&P 500® Equal Weight Index sind dieselben Bestandteile wie im traditionellen S&P 500 Index enthalten, jedoch ist die Gewichtung auf jeweils 0,2 Prozent festgelegt. Beide Indizes werden von Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC berechnet.

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Northern Trust (Nasdaq: NTRS) announced today that it has been selected to provide exchange traded fund (ETF) administration services to the LGIM Commodity Composite Source ETF, launched earlier this month by leading ETF provider, Source.

January 25, 2012--Northern Trust (Nasdaq: NTRS) announced today that it has been selected to provide exchange traded fund (ETF) administration services to the LGIM Commodity Composite Source ETF, launched earlier this month by leading ETF provider, Source.

The fund, which tracks the LGIM® Commodity Composite IndexTM , is designed to offer high quality, diversified exposure to commodities in a UCITS compliant ETF. The LGIM Commodity Composite Source ETF complements Source’s existing range of exchange traded commodities.

“We saw the need for a well-constructed commodity index, providing diversified exposure, at a reasonable cost and in a UCITS-compliant fund,” said Ted Hood, CEO of Source. “We partnered with Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) to create an ETF to track this groundbreaking index, and are delighted to continue to work with Northern Trust whose specialist and proven expertise, systems and operations in the field of ETF servicing will ensure our specific requirements are met.”

European Parliament-Mixed verdict on credit rating agency reform proposals

January 24, 2012--Stepping up supervision of credit rating agencies could help to eliminate their conflicts of interest, but obliging companies to "rotate" their use of them could actually reduce competition among agencies, argued experts at a public hearing held by the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee on Monday and Tuesday.

Rapporteur Leonardo Domenici (S&D, IT) said that Parliament should focus on sovereign debt, and boosting competition, whilst leaving the door open to setting up a European regulatory agency for credit rating agencies (CRAs). The rules governing CRAs must be reformed, because these rules "had failed", but this would "be a difficult and complex job", he added.

Politically motivated?

Wolf Klinz (ALDE, DE), noted that the timing of publishing ratings appeared in some cases to be "politically motivated".

"Politicians are tempted to impose new regulations to push CRAs to publish information their public would like", warned Ivo Strejček (ECR, CZ).

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Eurozone private sector rebounds to growth: survey

January 24, 2012--Private sector activity in the eurozone rebounded to growth in January after four consecutive months of contraction, a key survey showed Tuesday, as Germany and France both expanded.

The flash reading of the purchasing managers' index (PMI), compiled by Markit research firm, for the eurozone jumped to 50.4 points from 48.3 points in December.

Any score in the survey of 4,500 manufacturing and services firms above 50 indicates growth, while a score below indicates contraction. The flash reading is based on about 85 percent of total replies.

"Output rose at a robust pace in Germany, which saw the largest increase for seven months, and a modest expansion (the first growth for four months) was also reported in France," Markit said in a statement.

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EU breaks impasse on derivatives regulation

January 24, 2012--European finance ministers broke an impasse Tuesday in regulation of the multi-trillion-euro trade in over-the-counter (OTC) financial derivatives.

"An important hurdle has been crossed," said European Union markets commissioner Michel Barnier after talks ended in Brussels, referring to new rules governing disputes at a European body that supervises national markets.

Britain wanted national supervisors to decide whether clearinghouses should have permission to operate, but agreed that the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) could overrule them if it came up with a two-thirds majority among its voting members.

The deal, which paves the way for more negotiations with the European Parliament, keeps the EU on track to meet commitments on regulating the financial sector that EU officials made at G20 talks in November.

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Build on Strengths of Europe’s Growth Model While Pursuing Reforms, Says World Bank Report

January 24, 2012--The European growth model has been an engine for economic convergence during the past few decades and has delivered prosperity to hundreds of millions of people on the continent, says a new World Bank report “Golden Growth: Restoring the Lustre of the European Economic Model”, launched today in Brussels.

“Europe has to make adjustments to its economic model, not abandon it,” said Philippe Le Houerou, World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia. “Faced with adverse debt dynamics and unfavorable demographic trends, many Europeans are calling for a ‘new growth model’. It is good that there is no complacency in Europe. But a loss of confidence can be dangerous. There are many attractive attributes of the European growth model that have led to a shared prosperity not seen before or elsewhere. These elements need to be nourished.”

The new report looks at long-term growth in Europe, paying special attention to the last two decades, and identifies what needs to be done to assure continued prosperity in the decades ahead. It assesses the six principal components of the European growth model: trade, finance, enterprise, innovation, labor, and government. Its main findings: most countries in Europe are doing well in trade and finance, many in enterprise and innovation, but few are doing well in labor and government. So Europe needs many changes to make governments and labor markets work better, fewer changes to foster innovation and productivity growth in enterprises, and fewer changes still to reform finance and trade. Stalled productivity, declining populations, and unsustainable fiscal imbalances have made many changes urgent.*

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view World Bank report-Golden Growth-Restoring the lustre of the European economic model

External factors threaten Swiss economic recovery, OECD says

January 24, 2012--Switzerland has made a broadly balanced recovery from the economic crisis but external factors are now weighing on the near-term outlook, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of Switzerland.

The report, presented today in Berne by OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría and Swiss Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, highlights substantial uncertainty going forward, especially in the context of the euro area crisis. While strong exports and investment-driven domestic demand boosted growth in 2010 and 2011, economic indicators now point to a pending period of slow growth linked to the crisis in Europe, the OECD said.

“Switzerland is likely to suffer from decelerating activity in its trading partners, notably across Europe, as well as from the pressures for appreciation of the Swiss franc,” Mr. Gurría said. “Declining exports may weaken GDP growth in 2012, so vigilance will be necessary to see the economy through these difficult times.”

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view the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of Switzerland

Six new Lyxor equity index ETFs launched on Xetra-Lyxor ETF covers Thailand SET 50 Index

January 24, 2012--Deutsche Börse continues to expand its XTF segment for exchange-traded index funds. Six new Lyxor equity index ETFs have been tradable in the XTF segment since Tuesday.
The Lyxor ETF Thailand SET 50 Net TR gives investors the opportunity to participate in the performance of Thailand’s 50 largest and most liquid companies.

The companies in the SET 50 Index primarily cover the services, commodities and banking sectors. The Lyxor ETF MSCI Indonesia provides a further emerging market ETF which tracks the performance of listed companies from Indonesia.

A further Lyxor ETF enables investors to participate in the performance of companies from industrialised countries and emerging markets. The MSCI ACWI All Country World Index includes around 2,400 companies from 45 countries, of which 24 are industrialised nations and 21 emerging markets.

The investment objective of the three further Lyxor ETFs is to track the performance of US companies. The Lyxor ETF Russell 2000 tracks the performance of around 2,000 listed companies in the small cap segment. The Lyxor ETF Russell 1000 Value tracks the performance of US companies which frequently have a low price/book ratio, potentially signalling that they are fundamentally undervalued. And the Lyxor ETF Russell 1000 Growth tracks the performance of US companies that normally report high profit growth.

The product offering in Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment currently comprises a total of 918 exchange-listed index funds, while the average monthly trading volume stands at €16 billion

List of the new ETFs


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