Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

OFT clears BlackRock/Credit Suisse ETF merger

June 14, 2013--The Office of Fair Trading has given the green light for BlackRock's acquisition of Credit Suisse's exchange traded funds (ETF) business.

The move comes after the trade body said in May it needed more time to look into the deal, to assess the potential effects the merger would have on the market and to determine how the combined entity would affect competition, product choice and pricing.

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Lyxor appears shaken after chairman departure

June 14, 2013--The future of Lyxor, the € 75bn French asset manager owned by Société Générale, appears uncertain following the departure this week of its long-serving chairman, the fourth senior executive to leave within the past six months.

After a decade as Lyxor’s chairman, Alain Dubois is leaving to join MSCI, amid rumours of disagreements over strategy with Inés de Dinechin, the chief executive who replaced Laurent Seyer in March 2012.

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EU states in deal on market rules-EU official

Final rules to be negotiated with lawmakers
Rules introduce limits on commodities positions
New breed of derivatives platforms to be created
Rules allow EU to catch up with United States
June 13, 2013--European Union states struck a deal on Thursday to overhaul the bloc's stock, bond, derivatives and commodities markets, an EU official said, ending a near two-year deadlock.

Ambassadors from the 27 member states meeting in Brussels agreed to update rules known as MiFID to catch up with trading technology and plug supervisory gaps highlighted by the financial crisis four years ago.

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EU11 Growth Drops in 2012 and Remains Slow in 2013 Amid Weak External Confidence

June 13, 2013--The economic growth of the EU11[1] region fell in 2012 and will remain slow in 2013 due to the continued recession in the Euro area and subsiding domestic demand, says the World Bank's latest EU11 Regular Economic Report.

“The recession in the Euro area and weak domestic demand dampened EU11 economic performance in 2012. Overall, the EU11 year-on-year growth rate dropped from 3.1 percent in 2011 to 0.8 percent in 2012,” said Gallina Vincelette, Senior Economist in the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia region and lead author of the report. “However, the EU11 region is still growing faster than the EU15[2], whose economic activity contracted 0.4 percent last year.”

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view the World Bank EU11 Regular Economic Report

EU27 Foreign Direct Investment-Over 60% of investments from the rest of the world into the EU27 came from the USA in 2012

June 13, 2013--Foreign Direct Investment1 (FDI) from the EU272 to the rest of the world reached 171 billion euro in 2012, while investment from the rest of the world into the EU27 was 159 bn in 2012.

Investment from the euro area (EA17)2 to the rest of the world amounted to 238 bn while investment from the rest of the world into the euro area was 193 bn. In 2012, the main destinations of EU27 investments were the Offshore financial centres3 (18 bn euro), Canada and India (both 16 bn), the USA (15 bn), China and Hong Kong (both 10 bn) and Russia (9 bn). Disinvestments were recorded with Switzerland (-3 bn) and Japan (-2 bn). The main investor into the EU27 was by far the USA (99 bn), followed by Canada (19 bn), Japan (8 bn), Russia and Hong Kong (both 7 bn). Disinvestments were registered with Switzerland (-6 bn), India (-3 bn) and Brazil (-1 bn).

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Stop talking and act on financial services reform, MEPs tell member states

June 12, 2013--MEPs on Wednesday took aim at member states and, to a lesser degree, the Commission, for holding up financial services reforms.

A number of MEPs said EU countries were unable to translate their words into deeds and many stressed that the lack of progress was undermining confidence in the EU.

A resolution clearly identifying the legislation which is blocked in Council or delayed by the Commission will be voted on Thursday.

Opening the debate, Sharon Bowles (ALDE, UK), chair of the economic and monetary affairs committee, accused the Council of "eating up all the time" available until the European elections by always trying to reach consensus among member states..

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Lyxor Asset Management presents its new governance

June 12, 2013--Lyxor Asset Management's ("Lyxor") Supervisory Board announces the appointment of Inès de Dinechin as Chairman of the Managing Board effective 10 June 2013.

This appointment follows current Chairman Alain Dubois's decision to leave Lyxor in the near future, in order to pursue another professional challenge abroad.

Other than this appointment, Lyxor's governance and its operational model are not expected to change. In particular, all Lyxor funds’ investment decisions and processes will remain the responsibility of the CIOs, Nicolas Gaussel and Lionel Erdely, whom are still reporting directly to Inès de Dinechin.

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Euro area securities issues statistics

June 12, 2013--The annual rate of change of the outstanding amount of debt securities issued by euro area residents was -0.3% in April 2013, compared with -0.2% in March.

For the outstanding amount of quoted shares issued by euro area residents, the annual growth rate was 0.3% in April 2013, compared with 0.5% in March.

New issuance of debt securities by euro area residents totalled EUR 835 billion in April 2013.

Redemptions stood at EUR 880 billion and net redemptions amounted to EUR 23 billion.1 The annual rate of change of outstanding debt securities issued by euro area residents was -0.3% in April 2013, compared with -0.2% in March.

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Nasdaq OMX Introduces New Indexes For Icelandic Bond Market

June 11, 2013--NASDAQ OMX (NASDAQ:NDAQ) today introduces six new indexes in the Icelandic bond market. The indexes are based on Icelandic nominal and inflation-linked benchmark bonds that are listed and traded on NASDAQ OMX Iceland.

The new indexes will provide insight and transparency into the price development of bench­mark bonds which are the most liquid Icelandic government guaranteed bonds.

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ESMA clarifies pay rules applicable to investment firms

June 11, 2013--The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published Guidelines on remuneration policies and practices which apply to relevant staff of investment firms, credit institutions and fund management companies when providing investment services, and to national securities regulators enforcing those rules.

The Guidelines strengthen investor protection by improving the implementation of the conflicts of interest and conduct of business provisions set out in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in the area of remuneration. Improving remuneration arrangements will help to create the right incentives and to prevent mis-selling.

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September 25, 2024 Direxion Shares ETF Trust files with the SEC-18 Direxion Daily ETFs
September 25, 2024 NEOS ETF Trust files with the SEC-FIS Christian Stock Fund
September 25, 2024 NEOS ETF Trust files with the SEC-FIS Knights of Columbus Global Belief ETF
September 25, 2024 EA Series Trust files with the SEC-AOT Growth and Innovation ETF
September 25, 2024 Calamos ETF Trust files with the SEC-4 Calamos Bitcoin Structured ETFs

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Asia ETF News

September 11, 2024 BBH Annual Greater China ETF Investor Survey: ETF Assets reach record highs as Greater China propels ETF investment in APAC

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office

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Africa ETF News

September 19, 2024 Gender Parity Will Unlock $287bn for Africa's Economy By 2030-Report
September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023
August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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