Europe ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

Monday Morning Memo: Review of the European ETF Market, November 2015

December 14, 2015-- The assets under management in the European exchange-traded fund (ETF) industry increased from €444.3 bn to €457.4 bn during November. This increase of €13.1 bn was driven mainly by the performance of the underlying markets (+€10.0 bn), while net sales contributed €3.1 bn to the overall assets under management in the ETF segment.

With regard to the overall number of products, it was not surprising that equity funds (€334.8 bn) held the majority of the assets, followed by bond funds (€105.6 bn), commodity products (€13.1 bn), "other" funds (€6.4 bn), alternative UCITS products (€0.6 bn), mixed-asset products (€0.4 bn), and real estate funds (€0.03 bn).

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Source: Thomson Reuters Lipper

EBA issues recommendations for sound prudential regime for investment firms

December 14, 2015--The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its report in response to the European Commission's call for advice on the suitability of certain aspects of the prudential regime for investment firms.

This report, done in consultation with the European Securities Market Authority (ESMA), presents the EBA's findings and lists a series of recommendations aiming to provide a more proportionate and less complex prudential regime for investment firms, based on appropriate risk sensitivity parameters.

view Report on Investment firms-response to the Commission's call for advice as of December 2014

Source: European Banking Authority (EBA)

EU rules demand transparent research fees

December 14, 2015--Asset managers will be forced to be transparent about how much of a client's money goes on buying broker research, under tough new European Union standards aimed at tackling conflicts of interest.

Draft plans from Brussels, seen by the Financial Times, would require asset managers to separate out how much they spend on research into companies from their fees for executing share trades.

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ESMA-Report on investment firms

December 14, 2015--The European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA) has cooperated with the European Banking Authority (EBA) in the development of an EBA report on investment firms.

This report is issued in response to a call for advice by the European Commission on the prudential requirements applicable to investment firms addressed to EBA in December 2014.

view the Report on investment firms

Source: ESMA

Irish regulator launches fund fee probe

December 13, 2015--The largest ever investigation in Europe into the fees asset managers charge investors will begin next year amid widespread accusations of overcharging within the fund management industry.

The financial watchdog in Ireland, which oversees more than 6,000 funds, including 3,725 mutual funds, is to examine whether the investment products offer "value for money".

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IMF-United Kingdom-2015 Article IV Consultation Concluding Statement of the Mission

December 11, 2015--Outlook and Risks
1. The UK's recent economic performance has been strong, and considerable progress has been achieved in addressing underlying vulnerabilities. Growth has exceeded that of the other major advanced economies, the unemployment rate has fallen substantially, employment has reached an historic high, the fiscal deficit has been reduced, and financial sector resilience has increased.

2. Steady growth looks likely to continue over the next few years, and inflation should gradually return to target. After a period of robust private domestic demand-driven growth, matched by steady increases in employment, the economy now looks to be running near capacity. Investment has contributed to domestic demand growth, and recent increases in productivity give cause for cautious optimism about growth in real incomes. As labor market slack is used up, the mission expects growth to slow slightly in 2016 and to average around 2¼ percent over the medium term. Inflation is expected to revert to target gradually, as effects from commodity price falls and sterling appreciation dissipate and wages increase.

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Source: IMF

Winthrop-Investment Perspective - Eurozone 2016 Economic & Capital Market Outlook

December 11, 2015--Six years after the financial crisis, the Eurozone continues to face major challenges in restoring economic growth. Our investment thesis has been that the structural problems facing the European Union are real impediments to sustained economic growth and until they are addressed, sustained growth is elusive.

While that does not mean that there are not investment opportunities in Europe, it does mean that as one of three major capital markets in the world, investors need to be careful. For 2016 we expect lower oil prices and quantitative easing will help support GDP growth. In spite of the improvement in our near term outlook, we expect economic growth will still be limited to 1.5% on average through 2018.

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Source: Winthrop Capital Management

Draft implementing technical standards under MiFID II

December 11, 2015--Summary
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is required by Directive 2014/65/EU and Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (MiFID II and MiFIR) to develop a multitude of Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) and Implementing Technical Standards (ITS).

With this report ESMA publishes its final proposals for a total of 8 draft technical standards.

view the Final Report Draft implementing technical standards under MiFID II

Source: ESMA

Counting the cost of EU regulation for commodity firms

December 11, 2015--European officials may back a one-year delay to January 2018 for introducing landmark reform of EU financial markets.

The European Commission said a delay is needed as regulators are not ready for an original January 2017 start for the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II).

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Source: Reuters

Vanguard moves into smart beta with actively managed factor ETFs

December 10, 2015--Vanguard, the world's second largest exchange-traded fund provider, has expanded its low-cost ETF range with the launch of its first active ETFs on the London Stock Exchange.

The funds are designed to provide broad, globally diversified equity exposure with tilts to investment factors including value, momentum, volatility and liquidity.

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March 10, 2025 Lazard Active ETF Trust files with the SEC--5 ETFs
March 07, 2025 Tidal Trust IV files with the SEC-HyperScale Leaders ETF
March 07, 2025 J.P. Morgan Exchange-Traded Fund Trust files with the SEC-JPMorgan Equity and Options Laddered Total Return ETF
March 07, 2025 Bitwise Funds Trust files with the SEC-Bitwise Bitcoin Standard Corporations ETF
March 07, 2025 Tidal Trust III files with the SEC-Alpha Brands(TM) Consumption Leaders ETF

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Asia ETF News

February 17, 2025 ETFs jump to two-thirds of all Taiwan fund assets
February 17, 2025 China explores relaxing rules to allow multi-asset ETFs
February 13, 2025 Mirae Asset's spot gold ETF tops $2.5b in net assets
February 11, 2025 CTBC Launches CTBC U.S. Innovation Technology ETF, Tracking the Solactive U.S. Innovation Technology Index

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Global ETP News

February 17, 2025 ETFGI reports assets invested in the global ETFs industry surpassed the hedge fund industry by US$10.33 trillion at the end of 2024
February 13, 2025 Rising Rates May Trigger Financial Instability, Complicating Fight Against Inflation
February 12, 2025 Bybit and Block Scholes Report: Timing Altcoin Season in a Sea of Uncertainty Bybit Logo (PRNewsfoto/Bybit)

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Middle East ETP News

February 20, 2025 Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange welcomes the listing of Chimera iBoxx US Treasury Bill ETF

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Africa ETF News

February 11, 2025 Digital public infrastructure (DPI) will drive AI for Africa's economic transformation

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ESG and Of Interest News

February 12, 2025 OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index Policy Trends up to 2025

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