Investor pressure better than divestment to boost climate projects, pension fund says
July 20, 2016--Forcing investment funds to cut their ties with fossil-fuel projects is not the best way to stimulate investment in emissions-reducing initiatives, a senior board member of one of the UK's largest pension schemes told MLex.
Donald MacDonald, the trustee director of the BT Pension Scheme, said that a preferable alternative to imposing blanket...
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State of emergency sends Turkish lira to fresh historic low
July 20, 2016--The Turkish lira fell to a fresh historic low of 3.0970 against the dollar early on Thursday after President Tayyip Erdogan declared a three-month state of emergency following a failed military coup.
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European Commission-A European Strategy for low-emission mobility
July 20, 2016--The global shift towards low-carbon, circular economy has started and its pace is accelerating.
To ensure Europe stays competitive and will be able to respond to the increasing mobility needs of people and goods, the Commission's low-emission mobility strategy sets clear and fair guiding principles to Member States to prepare for the future. The Energy Union strategy contributes to this goal.
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Source: European Commission
IMF-Emigration and Its Economic Impact on Eastern Europe
July 20, 2016--Summary: This paper analyses the impact of large and persistent emigration from Eastern European countries over the past 25 years on these countries' growth and income convergence to advanced Europe.
While emigration has likely benefited migrants themselves, the receiving countries and the EU as a whole, its impact on sending countries' economies has been largely negative. The analysis suggests that labor outflows, particularly of skilled workers, lowered productivity growth, pushed up wages, and slowed growth and income convergence. At the same time, while remittance inflows supported financial deepening, consumption and investment in some countries, they also reduced incentives to work and led to exchange rate appreciations, eroding competiveness. The departure of the young also added to the fiscal pressures of already aging populations in Eastern Europe. The paper concludes with policy recommendations for sending countries to mitigate the negative impact of emigration on their economies, and the EU-wide initiatives that could support these efforts.
view the IMF Emigration and its Economic Impact on Eastern Europe report
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Source: IMF
Morningstar-Europe ETF Market Q2 2016 Recap
July 20, 2016--Investors favour corporate bonds and gold amid uncertainty, but equity rebounds as European-domiciled ETFs gather EUR 8 billion.
Executive Summary
The European exchange-traded-fund market netted close to EUR 8 billion of new money in the second quarter of 2016. This represented a decline from the EUR 11 billion of net inflows registered in the first quarter.
Assets under management at the end of the second quarter amounted to EUR 482.4 billion, a 4.2% increase from EUR 462.9 billion at the end of the previous period.
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Source: Morningstar
ESMA publishes updated UCITS Q&A
July 19, 2016--The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published an updated questions and answers document (Q&A) on the application of the Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive (UCITS).
The Q&A includes one new question and answer on the impact of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) on the UCITS framework, regarding the valuation of centrally cleared OTC derivatives by UCITS management companies.
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OECD-Turkey: Challenging times call for pushing ahead with economic reform view the OECD Overview-2016 Economic Survey of Turkey
July 15, 2016--As DB bosses lower bar for shareholder acceptance, opposition among regulators and politicians mounts
Is the London Stock Exchange jinxed? Or rather, is it doomed never to complete the mergers its managements always seem to want? In the latest case, its shareholders also seem to want to be taken over by Deutsche Börse, but since they voted overwhelmingly for the deal another stone has appeared on the road.
July 15, 2016--Turkey's economy has proven remarkably resilient in the face of a challenging global economic context. However, further action can be taken to raise productivity and advance the shift to a more balanced, sustainable and stronger growth path that will boost living standards for the entire population, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Turkey.
Future reforms should aim to strengthen economic resilience and social cohesion, improve the business environment and extend Turkish firms' capacity to participate in global value chains, according to the Survey.
Source: OECD