New Unicredit ETFs on Xetra: Combination of Strategy and Sustainability
July 30, 2019--Since Tuesday two new Exchange Traded Funds of UniCredit are tradable via Xetra and Börse Frankfurt.
With the two ETFs, investors can participate in the performance of companies from the EURO STOXX Index that meet sustainability criteria. The reference indexes use the ESG exclusion criteria of the data provider Sustainalytics, which are based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour rights, the environment, business ethics and anti-corruption.
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Source: Deutsche Börse Group
Europe's Mifid rules help to pump up the volume
July 29, 2019--Exchange Traded Funds have finally moved centre stage
The European market for exchange traded funds is still adjusting to a transformative event that could come to be seen as the making of it: the...
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Mutual funds' liquidity problems highlight ETF advantages
July 29, 2019--Suspension of Woodford's £3.5bn fund has investors scouting for liquid alternatives
The crisis surrounding Britain's best-known stockpicker, Neil Woodford, has highlighted a concern individual investors had given very little regard to until now -the liquidity of their investment funds.
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Euro area economic and financial developments by institutional sector: first quarter of 2019
July 26, 2019--Euro area net saving was broadly unchanged at €793 billion in the four quarters to the first quarter of 2019. Euro area net non-financial investment increased to €523 billion (from €503 billion in the previous quarter), due to increased investments by households and non-financial corporations.
Euro area net lending to the rest of the world decreased to €280 billion (from €301 billion in the previous quarter).
The household debt-to-income ratio[1]continued to decrease, to 93.1% in the first quarter of 2019 from 93.5% in the first quarter of 2018. Non-financial corporation debt declined to 136.0% of GDP, from 137.1% one year ago.
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Source: ECB
Accumulating share classes of four Vanguard equity ETFs available on Xetra
July 25, 2019--Since Thursday, accumulating share classes of four Vanguard equity ETFs have also been tradable via Xetra and Börse Frankfurt. All four products are weighted by market capitalisation.
The Vanguard FTSE North America UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating replicates US and Canadian large and mid cap companies in an optimised portfolio composition.
The Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe UCITS ETF (EUR) Accumulating and the Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe ex UK UCITS ETF (EUR) Accumulating offer an investment in the performance of large and medium-sized companies from European industrialised countries. The latter excludes companies located in the United Kingdom.
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Source: Deutsche Börse Cash Markets
Monetary developments in the euro area: June 2019
June 24, 2019--July 24, 2019--Annual growth rate of broad monetary aggregate M3 decreased to 4.5% in June 2019 from 4.8% in May
Annual growth rate of narrower monetary aggregate M1, comprising currency in circulation and overnight deposits, stood at 7.2% in June, unchanged from previous month.
Annual growth rate of adjusted loans to households stood at 3.3% in June, unchanged from previous month.
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Source: ECB
IMF Staff Country Report-France: Financial System Stability Assessment
July 24, 2019--Summary:
Important institutional and policy changes have taken place since the 2012 FSAP. At the national level, the authorities have strengthened the macroprudential framework by establishing the High Council for Financial Stability (HCSF), enhanced monitoring of financial stability risks, prepared to manage the Brexit fall-out, introduced macroprudential measures, and taken various financial reform measures included in Loi PACTE-Action Plan for Business Growth and Transformation-and initiatives on digital finance, crypto-assets, green finance, and combating cyber risk
At the European level, significant changes include the Banking Union (BU), Capital Requirements Regulation/Capital Requirements Directive (CRR/CRD), Solvency II, and efforts towards a Capital Markets Union (CMU). The financial system is more resilient than it was in 2012. Capital positions and asset quality have improved. Banking business is better placed to handle cross-border contagion, including from exposures to high-yield EA economies. Insurers' solvency ratios have been stable and have been bolstered by the effective implementation of Solvency II. Household savings and balance sheets are relatively sound and house prices presently appear broadly aligned with fundamentals.
view the IMF Staff Country Report-France: Financial System Stability Assessment
Source: IMF
Five Charts on France's Economic Outlook
July 23, 3019--France's economic performance has been solid, and the authorities have made notable progress in recent years to introduce reforms supporting growth. But external risks have increased and some domestic structural challenges remain. France needs to stay the course on reforms, deepening and complementing them with additional measures to bolster economic resilience, public finance sustainability, and inclusive long-term potential growth.
The following five charts illustrate the IMF's latest annual economic assessment for France and the key policy recommendations.
Outlook: After the French economy expanded by 2.3 percent in 2017, growth declined to 1.7 percent last year, due to slowing global growth and some one-off domestic factors. Still, economic activity remained relatively more resilient compared to France's peers, and the labor market continued to improve gradually.
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Source: IMF
ESMA advises on credit rating sustainability issues and sets disclosure requirements
July 18, 2019--The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU's securities markets' regulator, has published today its technical advice on sustainability considerations in the credit rating market and its final guidelines on disclosure requirements applicable to credit ratings.
ESMA, in its advice, has assessed the level of consideration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in both specific credit rating actions, and the credit rating market in general. It found that, while credit rating agencies (CRAs) are considering ESG factors in their ratings, the extent of their consideration can vary significantly across asset classes, according to each CRA's methodology.
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Source: ESMA
Forecasts for the UK economy: July 2019
July 17, 2019--Forecasts for the UK economy is a monthly comparison of independent forecasts.
Please note that this is a summary of published material reflecting the views of the forecasting organisations themselves and does not in any way provide new information on the Treasury’s own views. It contains only a selection of forecasters, which is subject to review.
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