ESMA publishes its first Review Reports on the MiFIR transparency regime
July 16, 2020--The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU's securities markets regulator, has published today two final Reports reviewing key provisions of the MiFID II/MiFIR transparency regime.
The first Report reviews the MiFIR transparency regime for equity instruments and contains proposals for targeted amendments regarding the transparency obligations for trading venues and specifically the double volume cap mechanism.
It also includes recommendations on other key transparency provisions, in particular the trading obligation for shares and the transparency provisions applicable to systematic internalisers in equity instruments. The second Report reviews the pre-trade transparency obligations applicable to systematic internalisers in non-equity instruments.
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Source: ESMA
Can the global recovery be sustained even as the pandemic rages?
July 16, 2020--The global economy is showing signs of recovery from the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, though the spread of the coronavirus is accelerating in some countries. In this circumstance, policymakers must weigh up the trade-offs involved in dealing with the pandemic while easing lock downs and sustaining economic activity. Differences in age structures, urbanisation rates and other factors will inform decision making in different countries.
The incidence of new cases of COVID-19 might be declining in Wuhan, Bergamo, Madrid, and New York-at different times the epicentres of the disease-but many experts believe that these are still the early days of the pandemic.
At this writing, cases are growing at the exponential rate of 1.5% a day, implying a further doubling of cases by late August. The reproduction rate has fallen to well below 1 in China and the Western Pacific, across Europe and in the north-eastern United States, which if sustained (a big if) points to the eventual extinction of the virus in those regions.
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The EU's Opportunity to Turn Its Markets Toward the Future
July 16, 2020--Meeting the fiscal demands of COVID-19 will require the European Union to borrow on capital markets more than ever, and for European pension funds and households to look more widely for ways to build their nest eggs safely. The EU should take the challenges of the pandemic and Brexit as a chance to get its financial infrastructure house in order.
The EU is newly looking to harness financial markets for good on its recovery path out of the COVID-19-caused recession. Germany's U-turn from abhorring public debt to ramping it up for a good cause has given momentum to a continental shift that may lead, for the first time, to joint EU borrowing at scale. EU leaders now are considering a sizeable aid fund that would allow the 27 member states to borrow jointly, harnessing their collective reputations to raise private-sector money for the recovery effort.
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New HSBC ETFs on Xetra: Sustainable investments in Europe, Japan and the USA
July 15, 2020--Since Wednesday, three new exchange traded funds from HSBC Global Asset Management have been tradable on Xetra and Börse Frankfurt.
With the HSBC Europe Sustainable Equity UCITS ETF, the HSBC Japan Sustainable Equity UCITS ETF and the HSBC USA Sustainable Equity UCITS ETF, investors can invest in companies from Europe, Japan or the USA.
The selection of the securities is based on sustainability criteria. Companies with significant business activities in nuclear energy, tobacco, coal for power stations, military or civil weapons are excluded from the index. This also applies to companies that violate the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption). The weighting of the individual stocks is based on the ESG rating and the level of CO2 emissions. A further objective is to minimise the tracking error to the corresponding parent indices of FTSE Russel.
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Source: Deutsche Börse
Forecasts for the UK economy: July 2020
July 15, 2020--A comparison of independent forecasts for the UK economy in July 2020.
BNP Paribas Asset Management launches innovative environment-themed long/short equity fund
July 15, 2020--BNP Paribas Asset Management ('BNPP AM') announces the launch of BNP Paribas Environmental Absolute Return Thematic fund ('EARTH'), an equity long/short alternative UCITS strategy that seeks to identify opportunities among those companies that are facing or addressing significant environmental challenges.
These challenges arise as the increased demand for food, water and energy resulting from forecast global population growth of two billion by 2050 will lead to increased waste production and carbon dioxide emissions, while the world is simultaneously targeting carbon neutrality by the same date under the terms of the Paris Agreement. With such challenges come opportunities for those investors looking for meaningful ways to deploy capital to help fight climate change.
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Source: BNP Paribas Asset Management
ESMA promotes consistent application of prospectus disclosure requirements
July 15, 2020--The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU's securities markets regulator, has published today its final Guidelines on disclosure requirements under the Prospectus Regulation.
The Guidelines provide guidance to financial market participants regarding the disclosure of financial and non-financial information in the prospectus.
The aim of the Guidelines is to ensure that market participants have a uniform understanding of the relevant disclosure required in the various annexes included in the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980. The Guidelines will help those responsible for the prospectus to assess which disclosure is required and to promote consistency across the EU in how the annexes to the Delegated Regulation are applied.
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Source: ESMA
New Invesco ETC on Xetra: Access to gold price with currency hedging
July 15, 2020--Since Wednesday a new exchange traded commodity issued by Invesco is tradable on Xetra and Börse Frankfurt.
With the Invesco Physical Gold EUR Hedged ETC investors can participate in the performance of the gold price.
It is an exchange-traded bond secured by physically deposited gold. Investors are hedged against currency risks against the euro.
Name: Invesco Physical Gold EUR Hedged ETC
Asset class: ETC
ISIN: XS2183935274
Ongoing charges: 0.44 per cent
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Source: Deutsche Börse
New Deka ETFs on Xetra: Sustainable, climate-friendly investments
July 14, 2020--Since Tuesday, five new exchange traded funds from Deka Investment have been tradable via Xetra and Börse Frankfurt.
With the five Deka MSCI Climate Change ESG UCITS ETFs, investors can invest in large and medium-sized companies from Germany, the eurozone, Europe, USA and global industrial nations, considering sustainability criteria.
The individual index components are evaluated based on environmental, social or corporate governance (ESG) criteria. In addition to the exclusion of companies that do not meet certain ESG criteria, companies that violate the principles of the UN Global Compact are excluded. Furthermore, companies with lower CO2 emissions are given a higher weighting in the index. The aim is to select companies with a positive effect on the climate.
Any dividends are paid out to investors. The annual costs are between 0.20 and 0.25 percent.
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Source: Deutsche Börse
ESMA issues second report on sanctions under MiFID II
July 13, 2020--The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU's securities markets' regulator, has published today its second report on sanctions and measures imposed under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) by National Competent Authorities (NCAs).
Overall, in 15 (out of 30) EEA Member States, NCAs imposed a total of 371 sanctions and measures in 2019 of an aggregated value of about €1.8 million.
The Report provides an overview of the applicable legal framework and the sanctions and measures imposed by NCAs under the MiFID II framework during the year 2019.
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Source: ESMA