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Share of foreign investors in Turkish stock market up

January 4, 2010-Share of foreign investors in Turkey's main stock market was up last week.

The share of foreign investors in Ýstanbul Stock Exchange (ÝMKB) increased to 67.29 percent amounting to 83.6 billion Turkish liras in stock value on January 1, officials said on Monday.

On December 25, the share of foreign investors was 67.19 percent. (1 USD equals 1.5 TL)

Cashmarket Turned Over 1.14 Trillion Euros Last Year

Securities worth €1.31 trillion traded on all exchanges in Germany in 2009/
Cashmarket turnover in December at 81.2 billion euros
January 4, 2010--In 2009 1.14 trillion euros were turned over at the cashmarket of Deutsche Börse. This is a decline of 50 percent compared to 2008 (€2.26 trillion). With 1.06 trillion euros the major parts falls upon the fully electronic trading system Xetra (2008: €2.26 trillion), 77.4 billion euros were traded on the floor (2008: €112.9 billion). All exchanges in Germany turned over 1.3 billion euros, a decline by 52 percent (2008: € 2.47 trillion).

In December 2009 on Xetra and the Frankfurt floor €81.2 billion were turned over. The amount is down 21.7 percent compared to December 2008 (€103.7). Thereof 75.5 billion were traded on Xetra (down 19.9 percent; December 2008: €94.3 billion) and 5.7 billion euros on the floor. 68.7 billion euros were turned over in German equities and €9.8 billion in foreign shares. 96.7 percent of the transaction volume with German equities and 92 percent of foreign equities were traded on Xetra and on the floor at Börse Frankfurt.

According to the Xetra liquidity measure (XLM), Siemens AG was the most liquid DAX blue chip in December with 7 basis points (bp) for an order volume of €100,000. Heidelberg Cement AG was the most liquid MDAX stock with 19 bp. The most liquid ETF was db x-trackers ETF II-EONIA T.R. 1C with 0.4 bp. The most liquid foreign stock was Total S.A. with 15 bp. XLM measures liquidity in electronic securities trading on the basis of the implicit transaction costs. It is expressed in basis points (1 bp = 0.01 percent); a low XLM denotes high liquidity in a security.

Siemens AG was the strongest DAX stock on Xetra in December at €5.2 billion. Heidelberg Cement AG was the top MDAX stock at €631.2 million, while Deutsche Wohnen AG led the SDAX at €25.8 million and Aixtron AG headed the TecDAX at €607.6 million. At €1.0 billion, the iShares DAX was the exchange-traded fund with the largest turnover.

On all stock exchanges in Germany €92.3 billion were traded in December according to order book turnover statistics – a decline by 24 percent compared year-on-year (December 2008: €122 billion). This total includes €83.9 billion in equities, warrants and exchange-traded funds, as well as €8.4 billion in fixed-income securities.

Private equity faces fundraising battle

January 4, 2010--As private equity bosses consider their New Year resolutions, many are likely to commit themselves to overcoming the meanest fundraising market in the industry’s history by raising a fresh pool of capital.

This tough challenge will separate the buy-out industry’s sheep from its goats as increasingly choosy investors decide which groups deserve to be given more money to invest and which should be left to wither away.

Being starved of fresh capital is the kiss of death for a private equity group, giving it little option but to go into run-off, slowly selling off assets to return cash to investors.

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Euro manufacturing output narrowly up in December

January 4, 2010--Manufacturing activity across the eurozone expanded in December but at a slower pace than initially detected and with the shadow of price pressures building, a survey showed on Monday.

The 16-nation euro currency bloc's purchasing managers' index (PMI) for the manufacturing sector, published by data and research group Markit, rose to 51.6 points in December, from 51.2 points in November.

It was the third month running in which the widely-watched reading has been above the crucial 50.0 boom-or-bust line, but the readings were uneven.

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The Spanish stock exchange traded €82.86 billion in December, up 36% year on year.

Trading in Equities on the Spanish stock market in 2009 reached €897.15 bn.
The number of trades on the ETF segment in 2009 was up 99% from a year earlier.
Annual record trading in 2009 in Futures and Options, at 93.1 million contracts, up 12% from the previous year.
Trading volume on the Corporate Debt market in 2009 hit an annual record high, at €3.69 trillion, up 53.8% from a year earlier.
January 4, 2010-Equities
The trading volume on the Spanish Stock Exchange in December was €82.86 million, up 36% from a year earlier.

The trading volume in 2009 totaled €897.15bn, down 27.8% from the previous year.

In December the number of shares traded reached 7,953, up 9.9% from the same month in 2008. The number of shares executed in 2009 totaled 114.18bn, down 4.6% from 2008.

The number of trades in December was 2.32 million, up 9.7% from December 2008. The total number of trades in 2009 was 31.60 million, down 14.4% from the previous year.

As for the ETF segment, the number of trades in December came in at 3,966, up 43% from December 2008. The trading volume in 2009 totaled €303.9 million, up 29.5% from the same month in 2008. The number of trades reported by this segment in 2009 was 99% higher than in 2008, at 50,789, and the trading volume in 2009 totaled €3.47bn.

Warrants and Certificates

The number of warrants admitted to trading in 2009 was 7,237. Trading volume in December on the warrants and certificates market came in at €104 million, down 35.2% from December 2008. The number of trades in December was 21,629, down 30.1% from the same month a year earlier.

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Greece to submit economic reforms to EU end-January

January 4, 2010--The Greek government said Monday it would submit to the European Commission by the end of the month its stability and growth programme for restoring the country's debt-ridden economy.

"The programme that we are developing, in contact with the European Commission ... should be officially presented to the Commission at the end of January," government spokesman George Petalotis said.

He denied that there was any delay in the plan after Greek media reports that it was supposed to be submitted to Brussels on Monday.

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Statistics From NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange December 2009

January 4, 2010--The value of average daily share trading amounted to EUR 2.2 billion, (2008: EUR 3.7 billion per day).
The number of trades per day amounted to 213,573 trades per day, (2008: 218,919 trades per day.

The total derivatives trading amounted to 502,425 contracts per day, (2008: 660,639 contracts per day).
Interest rate derivatives trading amounted to 83,704 contracts per day (2008: 105,564 contracts per day).
The turnover rate was 107 percent (2008: 132 percent).
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New data file regarding the corporate actions -Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)

December 31, 2009--In order to provide a much more detailed information about the capital events of the companies to all market participants and index providers, a new data file that contains capital increase, dividend payment and similar corporate action information will be posted in our website starting from January 04th, 2010 in the below link.

Companies Data> Corporate Actions

One of the best years ever for Oslo Børs

December 30, 2009--After the nightmare year of 2008, investors in the Oslo market experienced quite different market conditions in 2009. The Oslo Børs Benchmark Index gained 64,8% over the course of the year, and was up by a sizeable 90 % from its low point in March, representing a much stronger recovery than we have seen in international markets.

Every fourth listed companies more than doubled their market capitalisation in what proved to be the best year for Oslo Børs since 1983 (+90%).

Most investors were relatively nervous at the start of 2009, reflecting an uncertain world in which the impact of the financial crisis on the real economy was still some way ahead and no one was able to forecast with any certainty how long the crisis might last. After a cautious start to the year, it became increasingly apparent over the course of the spring that the emergency policy packages and other stimulus measures launched by governments around the world, together with some signs of improving access to financing, were helping to avoid the worst consequences of the crisis. As optimism slowly recovered, demand for commodities also returned, helping the oil price to almost double over the course of the year. The importance of the oil price as a driving force for the Oslo market should not be underestimated.

However, 2009 was not all easy sailing. It was a difficult year for many companies and their employees both in Norway and abroad, even if this is not immediately apparent from the performance of the stock market. The hard facts show that one in five of the companies listed on Oslo Børs suffered a fall in market capitalisation over the course of 2009.

Cautious start
There was no shortage of commentators warning that stock markets were recovering too quickly as the year progressed. Many people found it difficult to understand that a market which had seemed to be falling without limit just a few months previously could recover so quickly. This seemed particularly unexpected at a time when the news was dominated by layoffs, corporate failures and profit warnings. However, the spring months saw increasing signs that the bottom had been reached, and bond markets in particular improved as key economic indicators at first levelled off and then started to turn upwards.

A number of companies with liquidity problems were quick to take advantage of this better climate in the spring months to arrange new financing, and this not only provided a lifeline for their own investors and employees, but also went a long way to restoring confidence in the capital markets. The year as a whole outperformed all expectations, and once again one can look back with amazement at how quickly the financial markets can change direction. In the same way that most people were too slow to respond to the danger signals ahead of the financial crisis, few were able to anticipate the upturn that awaited them in 2009. But of course not everyone followed the consensus market view.

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ETF Landscape: European DJ STOXX 600 Sector ETF Net Flows, week ending 24-Dec-09

December 30, 2009--Highlights
Last week saw US$118.6 Mn net outflows from DJ STOXX 600 sector ETFs. The largest sector ETF inflows last week were in Health Care with US$32.1 Mn and Utilities with US$8.4 Mn while Telecommunications experienced net outflows of US$54.1 Mn.

Year-to-date, Telecommunications has been the most popular sector with US$411.4 Mn net new assets, followed by Basic Resources with US$383.6 Mn net inflows. Financial Services ETFs have been the least popular with US$32.4 Mn net outflows YTD.

Visit Blackrock for more information.


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Asia ETF News

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August 23, 2024 China Bond Trading Collapses Amid PBOC Crackdown on Record Rally

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office
August 23, 2024 Saudi GDP growth set to turn positive in H2 2024

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Africa ETF News

September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link
August 15, 2024 Economic reforms are tempting finance back to Ethiopia and Zambia
August 13, 2024 Africa: Carbon Trading-an Opportunity for Economic Development

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023
August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying
August 16, 2024 Africa: Gender Equality Has Everything to Do With Climate Change
August 15, 2024 Researchers Have Ranked AI Models Based on Risk-and Found a Wild Range

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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