DB Research-Asia-Pacific-Synthetic Equity & Index Strategy-Asia-Pac ETF+ Quarterly Directory
February 3, 2017--Data in this report is as of 30th December 2016.
This document includes all Asia-Pacific listed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and
exchange-traded commodities (ETCs). The directory is organized by country and
asset-class-related sub sections.
Within each sub section it has been sorted by ETP issuer by alphabetical order and by AUM in descending order. Numerous key
information points per product have been included to enable readers to get an
overview in their respective areas of interest.
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Source: Deutsche Bank Research-Asia-Pacific-Synthetic Equity & Index Strategy
3 predictions for the Australian ETF industry in 2017
February 1, 2017--With assets under management at an all-time high, and increasingly more widespread use of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), the Australian ETF industry came of age in 2016, and continues to follow in the footsteps of more mature markets around the globe.
The ETF industry in Australia continues to evolve, as new waves of investors demand more sophisticated types of products. In 2017, we predict this more mature version of the local ETF industry will be expressed in at least three clearly defined trends:
a growing audience of younger, users the proliferation of active exchange traded managed funds and 3) a broader range of smart-beta options.
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Source: BetaShares
January 31, 2017--ETF Industry thrives in a volatile year
The global ETF industry had another record year in 2016, receiving its highest ever level of net inflows (US$389B) and reaching over US$3.5T in assets under management (approximately 16% year on year growth)1.
The Australian ETF industry funds under management continued to grow rapidly, increasing 21% to end the year at a new record high of ~$26B. The industry grew FuM by $4.4B which, albeit slower than the record growth recorded in 2015, is a striking result given the levels of volatility and uncertainty in the broader macro environment.
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Source: betashares.com.au
Robo-advisers look to tame China's investors
January 29, 2017--Fintech ventures plan to introduce portfolio management to group that moves as a herd.
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Source: FT.com
World Gold Council-India's gold market: evolution and innovation
January 23, 2017--In 2015 India was the world's fast growing economy; in recent years millions have been lifted out of poverty and India's middle class has swelled.
This is important because our econometric analysis indicates income growth drives gold demand. But India's relationship with gold goes beyond income growth: gold is intertwined with India's way of life.
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Source: World Gold Council
Huge IPO share price 'pops' raise questions in HK
January 23, 2017--Trend suggests junior GEM market is being used as a back door to main exchange.
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Source: FT.com
IMF Working paper-Indian Financial Sector: Structure, Trends and Turns
January 20, 2017--This paper traces the story of Indian financial sector over the period 1950-2015. In identifying the trends and turns of Indian financial sector, the paper adopts a three period classification viz.,(a) the 1950s and 1960s, which exhibited some elements of instability associated with laissez faire but underdeveloped banking; (b) the 1970s and 1980s that experienced the process of financial development across the country under government auspices, accompanied by a degree of financial repression; and (c) the period since the 1990s till date, that has been characterized by gradual and calibrated financial deepening and liberalization.
Focusing more the third period, the paper argues that as a consequence of successive reforms over the past 25 years, there has been significant progress in making interest and exchange rates largely market determined, though the exchange rate regime remains one of managed float, and some interest rates remain administered. Considerable competition has been introduced in the banking sector through new private sector banks, but public sector banks continue have a dominant share in the market. Contractual savings systems have been improved, but pension funds in India are still in their infancy. Similarly, despite the introduction of new private sector insurance companies coverage of insurance can expand much further, which would also provide greater depth to the financial markets. The extent of development along all the segments of the financial market has not been uniform. While the equity market is quite developed, activities in the private debt market are predominantly confined to private placement form and continue to be limited to the bluechip companies. Going forward, the future areas for development in the Indian financial sector would include further reduction of public ownership in banks and insurance companies,, expansion of the contractual savings system through more rapid expansion of the insurance and pension systems, greater spread of mutual funds, and development of institutional investors. It is only then that both the equity and debt markets will display greater breadth as well as dept,, along with greater domestic liquidity. At the same time, while reforming the financial sector, the Indian authorities had to constantly keep the issues of equity and efficiency in mind.
view the IMF Working paper-Indian Financial Sector: Structure, Trends and Turns
Source: IMF
Korea's derivatives market in protracted slump
January 19, 2017--South Korea's derivatives market shows no signs of bouncing back, data showed Thursday, amid criticism that strict regulations continue to damp investors' appetite.
The country once boasted the world's largest derivatives market, but it has suffered a sharp decline in trading over the past several years.
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Source: koreaherald.com
Bitcoin exchange BTCC: China hasn't said margin trading illegal
January 19, 2017--The head of Chinese bitcoin exchange BTCC on Thursday denied media reports that the central bank had ruled it was offering margin loans illegally, and he said the platform is operating normally.
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Source: Reuters
Renminbi weaker after strongest fix in 2 months
January 18, 2017--PBoC sets midpoint of trading band at highest level since mid-November.
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Source: FT.com