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WisdomTree Announces Changes to ETF Family

January 29, 2010 – WisdomTree (Pink Sheets: WSDT - News), a leading ETF sponsor and index developer with more than $6 billion in ETF assets under management, announced today it plans to close 10 of its ETFs. The designated funds represent approximately 3% of WisdomTree’s ETF assets.

“We proposed the closure of 10 ETFs in order to create capacity for future growth initiatives, and because we believe it is in the best interest of our customers and shareholders to dedicate our resources to areas of greater client interest,” said WisdomTree CEO Jonathan Steinberg. “We have no plans to make any further closures and are fully committed to maintaining and developing an innovative product line, including the introduction of new funds in the coming months.”

The Board of Directors of the WisdomTree Trust approved the closures on January 28, 2010. The final day of trading on the NYSE Arca will be Wednesday, March 24, 2010. Shareholders who do not sell their Fund shares by this date will have their shares automatically redeemed on March 29, 2010, the Funds’ last day of operations. Additional information, including an Investor FAQ document, is available at

The 10 closing funds are as follows:
WisdomTree International Technology Sector Fund -Ticker: TDB

WisdomTree International Financial Sector Fund- Ticker: DRF

WisdomTree International Health Care Sector Fund - Ticker: DBR

WisdomTree International Consumer Staples Sector Fund - Ticker: DPN

WisdomTree International Consumer Discretionary Sector Fund- Ticker: DPC

WisdomTree International Industrial Sector Fund - Ticker: DDI

WisdomTree International Communications Sector Fund - Ticker: DGG

WisdomTree Europe Total Dividend Fund - Ticker: DEB

WisdomTree Earnings Top 100 Fund -Ticker: EEZ

WisdomTree U.S. Short Term Government Income Fund- Ticker: USY

The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released the initial quarterly report for the Legacy Securities Public-Private Investment Program ("PPIP").

January 29, 2010--The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released the initial quarterly report for the Legacy Securities Public-Private Investment Program ("PPIP"). This report includes a summary of PPIP capital activity, portfolio holdings and current pricing, and fund performance. Treasury expects to provide additional information as the program matures in subsequent quarterly reports.

PPIP is designed to support market functioning and facilitate price discovery in the mortgage-backed securities markets, allowing banks and other financial institutions to re-deploy capital and extend new credit to households and businesses. The investment objective of PPIP is to generate attractive returns for taxpayers and private investors through long-term opportunistic investments in Eligible Assets (as defined below) by following predominantly a buy and hold strategy. Under the program, Treasury will invest up to $30 billion of equity and debt in public-private investment funds ("PPIFs") established by private sector fund managers for the purpose of purchasing Eligible Assets. The fund managers and private investors will also provide capital to the funds. PPIFs have eight-year terms which may be extended for consecutive periods of up to one-year each, up to a maximum of two years. To qualify for purchase by a PPIF, the securities must have been issued prior to 2009 and have originally been rated AAA – or an equivalent rating by two or more nationally recognized statistical rating organizations – without ratings enhancement and must be secured directly by the actual mortgage loans, leases, or other assets ("Eligible Assets").

view the First Quarterly PPIP Report

First Trust files with SEC

January 29, 2010--First Trust has filed an registration statement witht the SEC.
Part A - Prospectus for First Trust Developed International Markets AlphaDEX(R) Fund and Prospectus for First Trust Emerging Markets AlphaDEX(R) Fund

Part B - Statement of Additional Information for First Trust Developed International Markets AlphaDEX(R) Fund and Statement of Additional Information for First Trust Emerging Markets AlphaDEX(R) Fund

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Van Eck files with the SEC

January 29, 2010--Van Eck has filed for exemptive relief to create and operate two actively managed investment portfolios of the Trust (the “Initial Funds”) that offer exchange-traded shares (“Shares”) that are redeemable in large aggregations only.

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ShariahShares files with the SEC

January 29, 2010--ShariahShares has filed an amended application for exemptive relief.

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First Trust files with SEC

January 29, 2010--First Trust has filed a form 485BPOS with the SEC

.view filing

NSX Offering Highest Exchange Rebate for Sub-Dollar Liquidity

September 29, 2010--National Stock Exchange (NSX®) is now offering the highest transaction rebate in the industry for orders that add liquidity in securities priced under $1.
Effective February 1, 2010, the rebate for transactions in securities priced under $1 will increase to 0.25% of trade value from 0.10% of trade value.

"Trade value" is defined as the dollar amount equal to the price per share multiplied by the number of shares executed. This rebate does not apply to Order Delivery or Zero Display Orders.

NSX's aggressive sub-dollar rebate reflects the Exchange's commitment to bringing highly competitive pricing to the industry.

Remarks of Chairman Gary Gensler, OTC Derivatives Reform, American Bar Association, Committee on Derivatives and Futures Law

January 28, 2010--Good afternoon. I thank the American Bar Association’s Committee on Derivatives and Futures Law for inviting me to speak today. This morning, I visited some friends that I made a couple years ago in Immokalee, which is about an hour east of here. Immokalee is Florida’s largest farm working community. About 95 percent of the tomatoes you eat in the United States between October and June come from Florida, with many of them grown in Immokalee.

The migrant workers who pick and package the tomatoes earn less in a year than what some in this room may bill in a day. They sleep in metal trailers with up to ten other workers, hoping that each morning they will be selected to go into the field and earn a little money. A couple of years ago, I met the people of Immokalee and was asked to help in their efforts for better wages and working conditions. It might not sound like much, but together we negotiated an additional penny per pound for tomatoes sold to Burger King. Still, they have struggled day after day to support themselves and their families.

In the last two years, even as this community has made further strides to improve living and working conditions, they have been hit by an unrelated setback: the global financial crisis. Derivatives and Wall Street might seem quite removed from people’s everyday lives, but the struggles of the people of Immokalee and so many other communities around this country are reminders that our work in Washington and our debates about reform have real effects throughout our great land. The proud, hardworking people in Immokalee do not use derivatives markets. Like so many Americans, though, their lives have been affected by the steep economic recession born out of the financial crisis. Their lives have been affected by the failure to contain the risks created by Wall Street.

Wall Street's interests do not necessarily reflect the broader interests of the American public. In maximizing their profits, banks are fulfilling their fiduciary duty to shareholders, but they do not owe a similar duty to taxpayers. Many of these banks have opposed essential components of reform.

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SEC Approves Money Market Fund Reforms to Better Protect Investors

January 28, 2010--The Securities and Exchange Commission today adopted new rules designed to significantly strengthen the regulatory requirements governing money market funds and better protect investors.

The financial crisis and the weaknesses revealed by the Reserve Primary Fund's "breaking the buck" in September 2008 precipitated a full-scale review of the money market fund regulatory regime by the SEC. A money market fund "breaks the buck" when its net asset value (NAV) falls below $1.00 per share, meaning investors in that fund will lose money. The SEC's new rules are intended to increase the resilience of money market funds to economic stresses and reduce the risks of runs on the funds by tightening the maturity and credit quality standards and imposing new liquidity requirements.

"These new rules will have substantial benefits for investors and are an important first step in our efforts to strengthen the money market regime," said SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro. "These rules will help reduce risks associated with money market funds, so that investor assets are better protected and money market funds can better withstand market crises. The rules also will create a substantial new disclosure regime so that everyone from investors to the SEC itself can better monitor a money market fund's investments and risk characteristics."

Further Restricting Risks by Money Market Funds

Improved Liquidity: The new rules require money market funds to have a minimum percentage of their assets in highly liquid securities so that those assets can be readily converted to cash to pay redeeming shareholders. Currently, there are no minimum liquidity mandates.

Daily Requirement: For all taxable money market funds, at least 10 percent of assets must be in cash, U.S. Treasury securities, or securities that convert into cash (e.g., mature) within one day.

Weekly Requirement: For all money market funds, at least 30 percent of assets must be in cash, U.S. Treasury securities, certain other government securities with remaining maturities of 60 days or less, or securities that convert into cash within one week.

The rules would further restrict the ability of money market funds to purchase illiquid securities by:

Restricting money market funds from purchasing illiquid securities if, after the purchase, more than 5 percent of the fund's portfolio will be illiquid securities (rather than the current limit of 10 percent).

Redefining as "illiquid" any security that cannot be sold or disposed of within seven days at carrying value.

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SIFMA Government Survey Projects First Quarter Total Net Issuance to Rise

January 28, 2010—According to findings from the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association’s (SIFMA) Government Securities Research and Strategist Committee and Primary Dealers Committee, total net Treasury bill, note and bond issuance is expected to be $417.0 billion in the first quarter of 2010, higher than the net $159.5 billion in the fourth quarter of 2009, but lower than the $481.3 billion issued in the first quarter last year.

The Committee is comprised of trading strategists and research analysts who specialize in the U.S. government and agency securities markets.

The jump [in the first-quarter forecast] may partly reflect a return to net issuance levels consistent with the past year,” said Robert Toomey, managing director and associate general counsel for SIFMA’s Government and Funding Division.

He added that the projected increase in net issuance also reflects continued demand for funds to cover government spending for additional stimulus efforts. “Although the recession may be over, the economic situation remains weak, and as recently as last month the government announced plans for further job creation efforts, extension of unemployment benefits, and support for the housing market,” Toomey said.

Toomey noted that the survey is intended to provide market participants with the current consensus expectations and forecasts of many of the Primary Dealers and other firms active in the U.S. government and agency securities markets.

Other Significant Issuance Findings
The median forecast for net new Treasury coupon security issuance is expected to be $460.0 billion for the first quarter 2010, 26.9 percent above the immediately prior quarter, and 46.3 percent above last year’s first quarter net issuance of $314.4 billion;

The Treasury Department is projected to finish the first quarter with a cash position of $50.0 billion, 39.0 percent below the balance of $82 billion at the end of the fourth quarter (and a significant 83 percent lower than the $295 billion cash balance at the end of the third quarter 2009); and

Net bill redemption is forecast to be $43 billion for the first quarter, compared with a net redemption of $203.0 billion in the fourth quarter and a net issuance of $166.9 billion in the first quarter of 2009.

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view the SIFMA Quarterly Government Securities Issuance and Rates Forecast – First Quarter 2010

U.S. International Reserve Position

January 27, 2010—The Treasury Department today released U.S. reserve assets data for the latest week. As indicated in this table, U.S. reserve assets totaled $131,261 million as of the end of that week, compared to $131,997 million as of the end of the prior week.

I. Official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets (approximate market value, in US millions)




January 22, 2010

A. Official reserve assets (in US millions unless otherwise specified) 1




(1) Foreign currency reserves (in convertible foreign currencies)




(a) Securities




of which: issuer headquartered in reporting country but located abroad




(b) total currency and deposits with:




(i) other national central banks, BIS and IMF




ii) banks headquartered in the reporting country




of which: located abroad




(iii) banks headquartered outside the reporting country




of which: located in the reporting country




(2) IMF reserve position 2


(3) SDRs 2


(4) gold (including gold deposits and, if appropriate, gold swapped) 3


--volume in millions of fine troy ounces


(5) other reserve assets (specify)


--financial derivatives


--loans to nonbank nonresidents


--other (foreign currency assets invested through reverse repurchase agreements)


B. Other foreign currency assets (specify)


--securities not included in official reserve assets


--deposits not included in official reserve assets


--loans not included in official reserve assets


--financial derivatives not included in official reserve assets


--gold not included in official reserve assets






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Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index

January 28, 2010--Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index after the close of trading on Thursday, January 28, 2010: Freewest Resources Canada Inc.. (TSXVN:FWR) will be removed from the index.

The shares of the company have been acquired by Cliff Natural Resources Inc. (NYSE:CLF). Company additions to and deletions from an S&P equity index do not in any way reflect an opinion on the investment merits of the company.

Exchange-Traded Funds: Strong Fourth Quarter Flows Result in 2009 ETF Net Cash Inflows of $119 Billion-Morgan Stanley

January 28, 2010--Highlights
There were 56 new ETFs listed in the US during the last quarter of 2009. In total, 125 ETFs were launched and 48 were closed resulting in net new issuance of 74 ETFs. As of December 31, 2009, there were 32 issuers of 836 ETFs listed in the US.

US ETF industry assets rebounded sharply in 2009 to $780 billion. US ETF assets rebounded by roughly 47% in 2009 as a result of the strong rally in global markets and strong net cash inflows. Despite the growth of the ETF market, it still remains concentrated as three providers and 20 ETFs account for roughly 79% and over 50% of industry assets, respectively.

Inflows into US-listed ETFs were $54.6 billion during the fourth quarter of 2009, which accounted for almost 46% of total 2009 net flows. This is well above the average quarterly net cash inflows of $25.8 billion over the past six years. While the $119.2 billion net cash inflows into ETFs in 2009 is the lowest in three years, we note that excluding SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY), annual net cash inflows have actually increased in each of the last three years from $116 billion in 2007, to $136 billion in 2008, and to $139 billion in 2009.

The largest net cash inflows went into ETFs tracking fixed income and international indices, as well as into those that provide exposure to commodities. These asset classes had net cash inflows of $44, $31, and $26 billion respectively in 2009. ETFs tracking US large cap had the largest net outflows.

click here to request the report

PowerShares FTSE RAFI Fundamental Indexed ETFs Continue to Produce Superior Returns

January 28, 2010--For the one year period ended 12/31/09 seven out of eight PowerShares ETFs based on Fundamental indexes outperformed their respective cap-weighted benchmarks. Since inception, all eight ETFs provided investors outperformance compared to their respective cap-weighted benchmarks.

The Fundamental Index methodology assigns weights to stocks based on four fundamental factors; book value, cash flow, sales, and dividends. By contrast, a cap-weighted index allows the market to dictate the weight a stock receives in an index. The use of weights based on fundamental measures can provide a more accurate snapshot of a company’s relative economic footprint, thereby reducing the impact of mispricing within the index. For additional information or to arrange an exec interview to discuss Fundamental index ETFs please contact Bill Conboy at 303-415-2290, or Dustin Weeden,

Visit for more info.

FQF Trust files for exemptive relief

January 28, 2010--FQF Trust has filed for exemptive relief with the SEC.

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SEC Filing

September 20, 2024 Impax Asset Management LLC files with the SEC
September 20, 2024 Simplify Exchange Traded Funds files with the SEC-4 Simplify Wolfe ETFs
September 20, 2024 First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII files with the SEC-FT Vest Laddered International Moderate Buffer ETF
September 20, 2024 Precidian ETFs Trust files with the SEC
September 20, 2024 ETF Series Solutions files with the SEC-Defiance Connective Technologies ETF

view SEC filings for the Past 7 Days

Europe ETF News

September 10, 2024 ESAs warn of risks from economic and geopolitical events

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Asia ETF News

August 26, 2024 ETF Empowering Investors in China's Transition to Sustainable Economy
August 23, 2024 India: With markets at peak, mutual fund redemptions surge: Report
August 23, 2024 China Bond Trading Collapses Amid PBOC Crackdown on Record Rally
August 22, 2024 India surpasses China to become Russia's top oil buyer in July

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office
August 23, 2024 Saudi GDP growth set to turn positive in H2 2024
August 22, 2024 Saudi targets Indian, Chinese, other Asian investors to boost stock market

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Africa ETF News

September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link
August 15, 2024 Economic reforms are tempting finance back to Ethiopia and Zambia
August 13, 2024 Africa: Carbon Trading-an Opportunity for Economic Development
August 12, 2024 African Economic Expansion Need Not Threaten Global Carbon Targets-Study Points Out the Path to Green Growth

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023
August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying
August 16, 2024 Africa: Gender Equality Has Everything to Do With Climate Change
August 15, 2024 Researchers Have Ranked AI Models Based on Risk-and Found a Wild Range

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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