Americas ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

Costs expected to limit new US swaps venues

January 26, 2011--Trading in the US swaps market will be concentrated in about 10 trading venues, according to a senior regulator, as the high cost of complying with tough new reporting rules limits potential entrants.

The estimate by Scott O’Malia, a commissioner at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, is lower than previous ones.

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Statement on Support of the Dodd-Frank Rulemaking of Chairman Gary Gensler

January 26, 2011--Statements for the record on each rule:
I support the proposed joint rulemaking with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that requires reporting by investment advisers to private funds that are also registered as commodity pool operators (CPOs) or commodity trading advisors (CTAs) with the CFTC.

I also support the CFTC’s proposed amendment to compliance obligations of CPOs and CTAs. The joint rule requires private fund investment advisers with assets under management totaling more than $150 million to provide the SEC with financial and other trading information. Private fund investment advisers with assets under management totaling more than $1 billion would be subject to heightened reporting requirements. I support the CFTC rule that would bring similar reporting to CPOs and CTAs with assets under management greater than $150 million that are not otherwise jointly regulated. This is to ensure that similar entities in the asset management arena are regulated consistently. Lastly, the proposal repeals certain exemptions issued under Part 4 of the Commission’s regulations so the Commission will have a more complete picture of the activity of operators of and advisors to pooled investment vehicles in the commodities marketplace.

Now I’d like to turn to my fellow commissioners for their opening statements.

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Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Technology Advisory Committee Meeting Postponed

January 26, 2011-- The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Technology Advisory Committee Meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 27, 2011, has been postponed.

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CFTC, USDA Economic Research Service and Farm Foundation NFP to Host Workshop on Carbon Market Design: Issues and Opportunities

January 26, 2011--The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service and Farm Foundation NFP will co-host a workshop on carbon market design from January 31 to February 1, 2011.

The workshop will bring together policymakers, industry participants, nongovernmental organizations and academics to discuss issues facing the establishment of efficient carbon markets in the United States. The workshop will serve as a forum to consider the lessons learned from existing carbon/environmental markets to inform policymakers about potential hurdles to the design of domestic carbon markets.

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Danger, Will Robinson: Advanced Analytics and Regulation of Markets

Keynote Address of Commissioner Bart Chilton to the Institutional Investor TraderForum, New York, NY
January 26, 2011--Introduction
Good afternoon, it is good to be with you. A special thanks to Lew Knox for the kind invitation to be here to talk with the members of TraderForum about a few things going on in markets and in Washington today.
“Lost in Space”
First, let us start with a little television trivia. This will date me and some of you. By a show of hands, who remembers the 1960s TV series “Lost in Space?” Young William Robinson and the Jupiter 2—does anyone remember that?

Of course, the line that caught on and we still hear once-in-a-while today is “Danger, Will Robinson, danger.” Well, as Cliff Clavin, the postman from Cheers would say, here’s a little known fact: despite the millions of times that phrase has been uttered all over the world in the decades since the show, the robot only used that phrase exactly once in the entirety of the series. There were 83 episodes of “Lost in Space,” which by the way ran three seasons. Only that once, in episode 11 of season three, was “Danger, Will Robinson, danger” used. A movie released in 1998 also used those words. It is remarkable in these days where repetition of a message is key in all of the media clutter to having folks remember something, yet “Danger, Will Robinson, danger” was only used that once on the tube.

Well, today we are going to discuss some potential dangers out there with regard to algorithmic, high frequency trading (HFT) and the advanced analytics that are being used in financial markets today. We will also talk about some of the dangers of regulation—too much and too little. As part of that discussion, I will let you in on a hush-hush strategy that some are in the middle of as a way to get out of regulation. What I can say is that if we are not cognizant of the dangers out there, on these topics and on others, we certainly have the great possibility of ourselves being lost in space.

Market Morphing

As we all know, our markets have changed dramatically in the last decade. Open outcry in trading pits is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Instead of traders screaming at each other in the pits, computers are screaming all day long, not once raising their voices or taking a coffee or smoke break. Algorithmic programs are cranking away like journeymen and HFT computers are trying to scoop up micro-dollars in nanoseconds. It is an amazing thing how quickly and vastly these markets morphed.

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Free Guidebook Helps Financial Advisors Tackle Indexing Trend

January 25, 2011-- ETF Research Center, the online portal for financial advisors to access AltaVista's analysis of exchange traded funds, has published a free guide titled Research of ETFs. The report discusses challenges and opportunities for financial advisors who adopt ETFs for widespread use in clients' portfolios.

"Index funds have grown from 3% to 26% of all equity funds over the past 16 years, challenging the advisor's role in building and monitoring client portfolios. This report explains how advisors can utilize research to provide highly tailored, more effective financial planning services with ETFs and hopefully build better, more enduring relationships in the process," explains Michael Krause, President and founder of AltaVista Research.

After surveying the marketplace for ETF research, the guide argues why a fundamentally driven approach offers some significant benefits over other methodologies, and how investors and their advisors can use this information in selecting and monitoring a disciplined ETF portfolio.

John Heneghan, President of Servant Financial, a registered investment advisor firm in the Chicago area, adds, "AltaVista's fundamentally driven ETF research is an essential portfolio risk management tool for today's global, dynamic investment environment. The robust analysis and research provides a distinct, competitive advantage in ETF selection for broad strategic portfolio construction and to implement more active tactical selections in specific asset classes, sectors and macro themes."

The guidebook is available for download free to financial advisors who register on the website, Users of the Bloomberg Professional service (type ALTA ) and FactSet Research Systems can also download the report.

Guggenheim Funds Launches High Yield Fixed Income ETF Suite

Guggenheim BulletShares High Yield Corporate Bond ETFs Offer Investors Potentially Higher Current Income and Effective Annual Maturities from 2012 Through 2015
January 25, 2011--Guggenheim Funds Distributors, Inc. announced today the launch of the Guggenheim BulletShares® High Yield Corporate Bond ETFs, a suite of ETFs with designated years of maturity ranging from 2012 through 2015 that invest in high-yield corporate bonds with effective maturities in the years respective to each Fund.

“The introduction of these new funds extends our suite of BulletShares ETFs, the only ETFs available in the marketplace offering defined-maturity exposure to the corporate bond market,” said Steven A. Baffico, senior managing director, Head of U.S. Retail for Guggenheim Funds Distributors, Inc. “Now, investors can easily gain exposure with surgical precision to either the high-yield or investment-grade sector of the market through the construction of customized portfolios tailored to their specific risk preferences and maturity profiles. Guggenheim BulletShares ETFs have an investment and cash-flow profile similar to individual bonds with the diversification and cost benefits inherent in an ETF. We believe this makes them an attractive alternative to bonds and we are pleased to be able provide fixed-income investors with these new investment solutions.”

The four new ETFs below, which seek to replicate the performance of BulletShares® USD High Yield Corporate Bond Indices developed by Accretive Asset Management LLC, provide investors with a convenient way to invest in the high-yield corporate bond market. The Funds also enable advisors to build laddered portfolios in a cost-effective and diversified manner, fill gaps in existing bond portfolios, and address investors’ lifestyle needs by providing the potential for monthly income distributions and a final distribution at the ETF’s maturity that can be applied towards retirement, college or other expenses.

Guggenheim BulletShares High Yield Corporate Bond ETFs-NYSE Arca Ticker
Guggenheim BulletShares 2012 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF-BSJC

Guggenheim BulletShares 2013 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF-BSJD

Guggenheim BulletShares 2014 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF-BSJE “We are excited to partner with Guggenheim Funds to extend the BulletShares methodology to the high-yield bond ETF market," said Matthew Patterson, head of investment strategy for Accretive Asset Management. “We believe that these products will make the high-yield sector more accessible to investors while minimizing concentration risk often associated with individual bond investing.”

Global X Funds Launches First Emerging Markets Growth and Value ETFs

ETF provider partners with Russell Indexes to bring products to market
January 25, 2011--Global X Funds, the New York based provider of exchange traded funds, today launched two new funds: the Global X Russell Emerging Markets Growth ETF (Ticker: EMGX) and the Global X Russell Emerging Markets Value ETF (Ticker: EMVX). The launch is the latest expansion in the ETF issuer’s emerging market funds and its first partnership with Russell Indexes.

Growth and value investment themes have long been intrinsic to domestic and developed market portfolios. The Global X Russell Emerging Markets Growth ETF and the Global X Russell Emerging Markets Value ETF are the first ETF products that offer a way to play the emerging markets through growth and value styles. These two investment philosophies have historically performed differently throughout market cycles, and the funds are designed to complement each other in a portfolio to capture these differences.

Although emerging markets are typically associated with growth style investments, research from Russell Investments indicates that the value index has outperformed the growth index over the past 3 years by 10.02%.* In contrast, the past year has seen the growth index outperform the value index by 4.54%.*

“We are pleased to be pairing with Russell Indexes, a recognized leader in the development of style indices, to bring these products to market,” said Bruno del Ama, CEO of Global X Funds. “Both new funds seek to provide investors with well-diversified portfolios by granting exposure to emerging markets while still following the tenets of classic investment philosophies: growth and value.”

The Global X Russell Emerging Markets Growth ETF and the Global X Russell Emerging Markets Value ETF track the Russell Emerging Market MegaCap Growth Index and the Russell Emerging Market MegaCap Value Index, respectively. The Russell Emerging Market MegaCap Growth Index measures the performance of the mega-cap growth segment of the emerging markets equity universe, screened for those companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher expected growth values. The Russell Emerging Market MegaCap Value Index measures the performance of the mega-cap value segment of the emerging markets equity universe, screened for those companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower expected growth values.

SEC Proposes Net Worth Standard for Accredited Investors Under Dodd-Frank Act

January 25, 2011--— The Securities and Exchange Commission today voted to propose amendments to its rules to conform the definition of "accredited investor" to the requirements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

The proposed amendments would exclude the value of an individual's primary residence in calculating net worth when determining accredited investor status. The amendments also would clarify the treatment of any indebtedness secured by the residence in the net worth calculation.

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view SEC Proposed Rule

SEC Proposes Private Fund Systemic Risk Reporting Rule

January 25, 2011--The Securities and Exchange Commission today proposed a rule to require advisers to hedge funds and other private funds to report information for use by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) in monitoring risk to the U.S. financial system.

The proposed rule would implement Sections 404 and 406 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The proposal creates a new reporting form (Form PF) to be filed periodically by SEC-registered investment advisers who manage one or more private funds. Information reported on Form PF would remain confidential.

"The data collection we propose will play an important role in supporting the framework created by the Dodd-Frank Act and is designed to ensure that regulators have a view into any financial market activity of potential systemic importance," said SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro.

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Financial crisis report to blame Wall Street

January 25, 2011--The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission will on Thursday blame unchecked Wall Street excess for much of the 2008 turmoil, highlighting lax risk management, distortive bonuses, predatory lending and insufficient regulation, say people who have read the final report.

But hopes for a definitive examination of the crisis, like the 1930s Pecora hearings into the Great Crash, were dashed when Republican commissioners refused to endorse the report and criticised the way the panel was run.

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iShares files with the SEC

January 25, 2011--iShares has filed a post-effective amendment, registration statement with the SEC for the iShares FTSE China A50 Index Fund.

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Investors Moving Away From Mutual Funds and Towards ETFs

Vanguard Favored in Both Product Categories
January 25, 2011--Fewer affluent Americans are using mutual funds, and even among those investors who continue their use, allocations to mutual funds are down significantly. Meanwhile, ETFs continue to gain in both popularity and proportional share of retail investor assets. As this major industry shift unfolds, Vanguard leads other providers in investor impressions across both product categories. These and other findings are included in the 2011 Investor Brandscape™ report that was released by Cogent Research on January 7, 2011. The report is based on a nationally representative sample of 4,000 investors with at least $100,000 in investable assets.

According to Cogent, as of October 2010, 75% of investors own mutual funds, a figure that is down from 78% a year earlier and a full nineteen percentage points below the more than nine in ten (94%) of investors who owned at least one mutual fund in October of 2006. Meanwhile, within the same 4-year period, the proportion of investors who report owning ETFs has increased 57%, from 7% to 11%.

Despite the decline in use over the past year, the proportion of assets current mutual fund owners allocate to these products remained steady. However, since 2006, the average allocation investors make to mutual funds has eroded significantly, down from 53% to a present level of 44%. During that time, the average ETF allocation increased 45%, from 11% to 16%.

“These numbers reflect a dramatic shift in preference among investors for both mutual funds and ETFs,” said Cogent Research Principal John Meunier. “And while it’s impossible to know exactly how things will play out, it’s clear that a major realignment is underway.”

According to Meunier, “Traditional mutual fund providers are fighting tooth and nail for a shrinking piece of real estate, while established ETF providers face a different challenge; fending off a rush of new providers in a rapidly expanding marketplace.”

One key measure of which firms are best positioned to compete in the battles for market share that lie ahead is how favorable investors are toward the providers they know. This bodes especially well for Vanguard, which leads in investor favorability in both product categories. In fact, half of all investors that know Vanguard have strong positive impressions (top-3 favorability ratings on a 0-10 scale) of the firm as both an ETF (52%) and mutual fund (50%) provider. Vanguard’s strongest competition on this measure among mutual fund providers comes from Riversource (47%), Fidelity Investments (44%) and American Funds (40%). Among ETF providers, iShares (46%), PowerShares (43%), Claymore/Guggenheim (43%), PIMCO (42%), and Charles Schwab (40%) all resonate favorably with at least four in ten investors familiar with each brand.

According to Meunier, “These investor favorability scores not only reflect the strong positive net flows earned last year by Vanguard in both the mutual fund and ETF categories. More importantly, they suggest the company’s momentum is very likely to continue in 2011.”

Emerging Markets Week in Review- 1/17/2011 - 1/21/2011

January 24, 2011--The Dow Jones Emerging Markets Sector Titans Composite Index fell 1.69% last week on concerns that rising food prices will drive tighter monetary policy.

Telecom and Energy, two of the worst performing sectors last year, declined the least last week, down 0.45% and 0.53% respectively. The Consumer and Financial stocks were down 3.08% and 2.92% respectively.

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Exchange-Traded Funds: US ETF Weekly Update Morgan Stanley

January 24, 2011--Weekly Flows: $2.1 Billion Net Inflows
ETFsTraded $253 Billion Last Week
No ETF Launches-AdvisorSharesLowers Expense Cap on ETF
Van Eck Announces Share Split on Indonesia ETF

US-Listed ETFs: Estimated Flows by Market Segment
ETFshad net inflows of $2.1 billion last week; third week in a row of net inflows
Net inflows were led by US Large-Caps last week; US Large-Caps account for 22% of total ETF assets
ETF assets stand at more than $1 trillion dollars, nearly doubling over the past two years

13-week flows remain mostly positive among asset classes
$44.8 bln of net inflows into ETFs over past 13 weeks (75% into US Equity ETFs)

We note that Fixed Income ETFsposted net outflows over the past 13 weeks, a big reversal from most of 2010

US-Listed ETFs: Estimated Largest Flows by Individual ETF

For the third straight week, SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) posted largenet inflows
SPY generated net inflows of $1.8 billion last week and over the last 13 weeks has exhibited net inflows of $9.0 billion
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (EEM) exhibited the largest net outflows over the past 4 and 13 weeks ($2.7 billion and $3.9 billion, respectively)

request report

SEC Filing

September 27, 2024 Thornburg ETF Trust with the SEC-4 ETFs
September 27, 2024 John Hancock Investment Trust files with the SEC
September 27, 2024 Elevation Series Trust files with the SEC
September 27, 2024 AltShares Trust files with the SEC-AltShares Merger Arbitrage ETF and AltShares Event-Driven ETF
September 27, 2024 Spinnaker ETF Series files with the SEC-Select STOXX Europe Aerospace & Defense ETF

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Europe ETF News

September 26, 2024 Esma advisory group warns ETFs will be hit by T+1 move
September 24, 2024 LSEG looking to sell $669.50mln stake in Euroclear, Sky News reports

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Asia ETF News

September 11, 2024 BBH Annual Greater China ETF Investor Survey: ETF Assets reach record highs as Greater China propels ETF investment in APAC

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Global ETP News

September 04, 2024 Goods barometer rises above trend, signalling upturn in trade volume
September 03, 2024 Shenzhen and Dubai Forge Stronger Financial Ties with New Cross-Border ETF Agreement

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Middle East ETP News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024

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Africa ETF News

September 19, 2024 Gender Parity Will Unlock $287bn for Africa's Economy By 2030-Report
September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023
August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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