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ETF Weekly Update-Morgan Stanley
June 21, 2010-HighlightsWeekly Flows: $1.1 Billion Net Outflows
Launches: No New ETFs
Schwab Reduces Expenses on 6 ETFs
Direxion Announces Four Reverse Splits
US-Listed ETFs: Estimated Flows by Market Segment
ETFs had net cash outflows of $1.1 bln last week
Outflows primarily driven by US Large-Cap and US Sector & Industry.
Over 4-week period, $13.9 bln net inflows driven primarily by SPY ($7.2 bln) and GLD ($3.4 bln).
Over 13-weeks, Fixed Income & Commodities account for 45% of ETF net inflows
$38.8 bln net inflows into US-listed ETFs over past 13 weeks with almost all categories exhibiting net inflows.
US-Listed ETFs: Estimated Largest Flows by Individual ETF
A rebound in global equity markets led to net inflows for Small-Cap and EM equities
Russell 2000 and MSCI Emerging Markets led inflows on a 1-week basis
SPY outflows of almost $2 billion reverses only 25% of last week’s $7.5 billion of inflows
SPY & SPDR Gold (GLD) lead 13-week inflows at $7.8 and $7.4 billion respectively.
request report
Source: Morgan Stanley
Fidessa publishes white paper on pre-trade risk management -Discusses US brokers’ need for consolidated, venue-neutral solutions
June 21, 2010-- Fidessa group plc (LSE:FDSA) the leading provider of trading systems, market data and global connectivity to buy-sides and sell-sides globally, has today announced the publication of a new white paper on pre-trade risk. The paper, entitled Pre-trade risk: consolidation in a fragmented world, looks at pre-trade risk in the context of traditional high-touch, care and proprietary trading as well as Direct Market Access (DMA) and High Frequency Trading (HFT) flow in US markets, and considers the value to be gained from deploying a central, pan-enterprise pre-trade risk management solution.
Pre-trade risk: consolidation in a fragmented world provides readers with a primer on the realities of pre-trade risk management, and the implications of the SEC’s recent discussion papers on the subject. It looks at the essential requirements to manage pre-trade risk effectively, and the means by which brokers can minimize their exposure to clients’ liabilities. Finally the paper considers the technology required to mitigate pre-trade risk and the relative merits of a neutral, vendor-provided solution compared to offerings from the venues themselves.
David Polen, director of sell-side product marketing for Fidessa in the US, says: “In the light of the events of May 6th and the widespread adoption of HFT in the US markets, much of the discussion about pre-trade risk to date has concentrated on this zero-touch sphere. But the reality is that the requirement to manage pre-trade risk is universal, whatever the trading strategies being offered and regardless of the level of automation involved. Our clients are just as concerned about pre-trade risk on their care orders as they are on their DMA flow. This paper has been written in response to their concerns and provides a more complete view of the issues surrounding pre-trade risk and the regulatory climate than has previously been available.”
The paper supports Fidessa’s contention that a consolidated system that enables brokers to manage pre-trade and pre-order risk across all asset classes, workflows, internal departments and crucially, across all venues, is optimal in the highly fragmented US market.
Polen adds: “Fidessa’s DMA offering and pre-trade risk controls are fully integrated within its core trading platform. It covers the complete range of broker services from more traditional care orders, high touch trading and market making through to all aspects of an electronic desk, and supports both equities and equity options trading at sub-millisecond latency. Integrating a DMA solution in this way guarantees a complete, 360-degree view of the risk associated with the firm’s entire flow. We believe that’s a very powerful proposition, and one that addresses the daily reality on the trading desk.”
Pre-trade risk: consolidation in a fragmented world will be launched at this year’s SIFMA Financial Technology conference which begins on June 22nd in New York. The paper will also be available through the Fidessa website, www.fidessa.com, or by contacting us.info@fidessa.com.
Source: Fidessa
CME Group Announces the Launch of Clearing Services for Iron Ore Swap Futures
June 21, 2010--CME Group, the world’s leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, today announced the launch of trading and clearing services for iron ore 62% Fe, CFR China (TSI) swap futures, reflecting changing dynamics in the global ferrous industry.
Trading will be available on the New York trading floor. Clearing services will be available through CME ClearPort®, a set of flexible clearing services open to over-the-counter (OTC) market participants to substantially mitigate counterparty risk and provide neutral settlement prices across asset classes. Trading and clearing are scheduled to begin on July 11 for trade date July 12. These contracts will be listed by NYMEX and subject to the rules and regulations of NYMEX and CME.
Iron ore is a key raw material used in the production of crude steel. Although abundant and widely extracted, growing global demand, particularly from China, has resulted in growing price volatility.
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Source: CME Group
Frank Announces House Offer on Consumer Protection, Risk Retention, Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending
June 21, 2010--Chairman Frank, on behalf of the House conferees, released the House offer on the titles listed below. The issues will be subject to debate when the House-Senate Conference Committee convenes in room SD-106, Dirksen Senate Office Building, at 12:00 p.m. tomorrow.
Title 10 of base text: Consumer financial protection
Title 14 of base text: Mortgage reform and anti-predatory lending
Subtitle D of title 9 of base text: Risk retention
Title 10 of base text: Consumer Financial Protection
The House proposes the following amendments to the Base text:
Recede to Senate on provisions relating to the structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau). Amend Senate provision funding the Bureau with funds from the Federal Reserve System. Add House provision providing for authorization of appropriations of the Bureau for 2010-2015 (House Bill § 4111(c), page 869, line 23 through page 870, line 11).
Add House provision directing Consumer Advisory Board to include experts in civil rights (House Bill § 4107, page 856, line 3). Add new provision to subject pay day lenders, money remitters, check cashers and private student loan providers to supervision by the Bureau (Senate Bill § 1024, page 1425, line 7).
Add House provisions authorizing the Bureau to participate in examinations and take enforcement actions against insured depository institutions and credit unions with assets of $10 billion or less (House Bill § 4203, page 898, line 25 through page 901, line 19).
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Source: House Financial Services Committee
Joint CFTC-SEC Advisory Committee on Emerging Regulatory Issues Announces Agenda, List of Participants for June 22 Meeting
June 21, 2010-- The Joint CFTC-SEC Advisory Committee on Emerging Regulatory Issues today announced the agenda for its public meeting to be held on June 22, 2010.
The Committee is conducting a review of the unusual market events that occurred on May 6, 2010. The Committee will hear from representatives of exchanges and significant market participants about their views and observations relating to market events of that day.
At the Committee’s next meeting, anticipated to occur in late July, the Committee expects to hear from other market participants, including brokerage houses, issuers, institutional traders and retail investors about the effects of the events of May 6. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Gary Gensler and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Mary Schapiro are the co-chairs of the Committee.
“The insights and views of these market participants will provide the Committee and CFTC and SEC staff with valuable information to aid our regulatory efforts going forward,” CFTC Chairman Gensler said.
“These firsthand accounts will further inform our understanding of what happened,” added SEC Chairman Schapiro.
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Source: CFTC.gov
Canada’s public pension funds and the tar sands dilemma
June 21, 2010--Canada’s giant public pension funds are facing a dilemma about how to address the potential environmental catastrophe of the tar sands development projects on their doorstep in Alberta.
That’s one of the key take-outs from the recent Canadian Responsible Investment Conference, organised by the Social Investment Organization in Toronto recently.
Their natural reticence has made Canadian public funds conspicuous by their absence in the worldwide investor furore over the Alberta projects, despite a clear leaning to responsible investment principles. Couple this with the weight of resource companies on the Toronto exchange and the sheer economic imperative that the tar sands represent and the funds understandably face a quandary.
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Source: Responsible Investor
CFTC.gov Commitments of Traders Reports Update
June 18, 2010--The current reports for the week of June 15, 2010 are now available.
view report
Source: CFTC.gov
ELX Futures Launches Eurodollar Futures Contract-Trading Starts Today; Fees Will Be Waived Until July 1, 2010
June 18, 2010--ELX Futures, L.P. (ELX Futures), a fully electronic futures exchange, announced today that it has launched its Eurodollar Futures contract. Fees associated with the new contract will be waived for market participants until July 1, 2010. The Eurodollar Futures contract joins ELX’s suite of U.S. Treasury Futures products already trading on the exchange. ELX offers state-of-the-art technology on the BGC Partners’ eSpeed platform with average turnaround times below five milliseconds.
Neal Wolkoff, Chief Executive Officer of ELX Futures, said, “The launch of our Eurodollar Futures contract is another milestone for ELX Futures. We’re proud to introduce a competing contract with a simple two-tier fee schedule that will provide a cost savings for most market participants as well as a consistently faster execution environment. ELX is continually striving to break new ground in the futures marketplace and to drive competition in a consolidated exchange environment of interest rate futures trading.”
ELX Futures will have a $0.18/contract bundled fee (clearing and exchange fees) for users with Average Daily Volume above 1,200 contracts. For low volume users at or below 1,200 contracts of Average Daily Volume, the bundled fee is $0.35/contract.
To support institutional trading needs and ensure that investors are able to execute large volume trades at a fair and reasonable price without creating undesirable volatility in the marketplace, ELX Futures will allow block trades to be submitted meeting the minimum quantity of 500 contracts.
Source: ELX Futures
Direxion Shares executes reverse share split of four ETFs
June 18, 2010-- Direxion announced today it will execute a 1-for-5 reverse split of the shares of the Direxion Daily Energy Bear 3x Shares (ERY), Direxion Daily Real Estate Bear 3x Shares (DRV), Direxion Daily Small Cap Bear 3x Shares (TZA) and Direxion Daily Technology Bear 3x Shares (TYP) for shareholders of record after the close of the markets on Wednesday, July 7, 2010.
The CUSIPs for the four ETFs will change as follows:
Regulatory exemption allows AGF funds to invest in ETFs-Relief from OSC subject to certain conditions read more
Source: Direxion
June 18, 2010--AGF Funds Inc. has received regulatory relief allowing its mutual funds to invest up to 10% of their portfolios in a variety of exchange-traded funds.
In a decision reported in Friday’s OSC Bulletin, AGF has been granted exemptive relief to permit its mutual funds to invest up to 10% of net assets in leveraged ETFs, inverse ETFs, gold ETFs and leveraged gold ETFs traded on Canadian or U.S. stock exchanges, subject to certain conditions.
Source: Investment Executive