Americas ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

BNY Mellon ADR Index Monthly Performance-January 2013 Update

February 15, 2013--The BNY Mellon ADR Index Monthly Performance-January 2013 Update has been publiched and is now available for review.

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Treasury International Capital Data For December

February 15, 2013--The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released Treasury International Capital (TIC) data for December 2012. The next release, which will report on data for January 2013, is scheduled for March 15, 2013.

The sum total in December of all net foreign acquisitions of long-term securities, short-term U.S. securities, and banking flows was a monthly net TIC inflow of $25.2 billion. Of this, net foreign private inflows were $26.1 billion, and net foreign official inflows were negative $0.9 billion.

Foreign residents increased their holdings of long-term U.S. securities in December – net purchases were $76.5 billion. Net purchases by private foreign investors were $67.3 billion, and net purchases by foreign official institutions were $9.1 billion.

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Mandatory clearing for OTC swaps to hit more than 200 funds

February 15, 2013--Nearly 80 fund managers with more than 200 funds will be required to clear their over-the-counter swaps starting March 11,

Lukas Becker and Matt Cameron write. Up to one-third of the entities facing mandatory clearing are not prepared.

IMF Country Report-Canada

February 15, 2013--KEY ISSUES
Growth slowed in 2012, as fiscal consolidation and high levels of debt weighed on households consumption, while external headwinds depressed exports and business spending. Growth is expected to accelerate again from mid 2013 as the global economy improves, but the balance of risks remains tilted to the downside as concerns linger over the external environment and the unwinding of domestic imbalances.

Policy mix. The return to more neutral interest rates should be delayed until there are signs of a sustainable acceleration in growth. There is some space to cut rates if activity were to weaken significantly. The pace of fiscal consolidation is appropriate under the baseline scenario. Automatic stabilizers should be allowed to operate if growth disappoints, while temporary fiscal stimulus could be considered in the event of a large adverse shock, especially at the federal level. It will be important to continue to address long-term spending pressures from population ageing and increasing health-care costs.

view IMF Country Report-Canada-Canada: 2012 Article IV Consultation

IMF-Canada: Selected Issues

A. Introduction
1. To what extent is the increase in Canada's household leverage a matter of concern? Other advanced economies (for example, Australia, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom), experienced similar or even larger increases in household debt-to-income ratios during the last decade and faced very different outcomes during the Great Recession.

In principle, it is not immediately obvious why higher gross household debt should be a problem, especially if the increase in leverage is matched by higher gross asset positions and an increase in net wealth (IMF, 2012, and Dynan, 2012). And there is no clear threshold above which household leverage can be defined "excessive". Moreover, as discussed in the staff report, while house prices seem somewhat overvalued at the national level in Canada (Box 1), the risk of a severe housing bust is reduced by the strong balance sheet and conservative lending practices of Canadian banks, the recourse nature of mortgage loans, and the broad scope of government-backed mortgage insurance.

view IMF paper-Canada: Selected Issues

Select Sector SPDR(R) Trust-SEC Filing

February 15, 2013--SEC filing for the Select Sector SPDR(R) Trust-post-effective amendment, registration statement.

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FINRA Issues New Investor Alert: Duration-What an Interest Rate Hike Could Do to Your Bond Portfolio

February 14, 2013--WASHINGTON—The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) issued a new Investor Alert called Duration-What an Interest Rate Hike Could Do to Your Bond Portfolio. FINRA is issuing this Alert to help investors understand the importance of duration risk.

Although stated in years, duration is not simply a measure of time. The duration of a bond or a bond fund also signals how much the price of a bond investment is likely to fluctuate when interest rates move up or down.

"With interest rates hovering near all-time lows, investors should make sure they know their duration numbers. Whether investors own individual bonds or bond funds, they need to understand that outstanding bonds with a low interest rate and high duration may experience significant price drops if interest rates rise," said Gerri Walsh, FINRA Vice President of Investor Education.

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view the alert-Duration—What an Interest Rate Hike Could Do to Your Bond Portfolio

Exchange Traded Concepts files with the SEC

February 14, 2013--Exchange Traded Concepts has filed a post-effective amendment, registration statement with the SEC. This Post-Effective Amendment No. 47 relates solely to the Forensic Accounting ETF, a separate series of Exchange Traded Concepts Trust.

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Exchange Traded Concepts files with the SEC

February 14, 2012--Exchange Traded Cocepts has filed a post-effective amendment, registration statement with the SEC. This Post-Effective Amendment No. 48 relates solely to the Yorkville High Income Infrastructure MLP ETF, a separate series of Exchange Traded Concepts Trust.

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BlackRock to offer ETFs with maturity dates, like bonds

February 13, 2013--BlackRock, the world's largest manager of exchange-traded funds, will soon release a new series of fixed-income funds that mature after a set number of years, like ordinary bonds.

The new ETFs are designed to simplify the task of institutional money managers like bank treasurers, who currently must juggle hundreds or even thousands of distinct bond issues in their portfolios, BlackRock President Robert Kapito said on Wednesday.

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Deutsche Bank-Synthetic Equity & Index Strategy-North America-US ETF Market Weekly Review - Markets and $1.9bn Outflows removed $4.3bn from ETP AUM

February 13, 2013--Market and Net Cash Flows Review
Markets were mixed during last week. The US (S&P 500) edged higher by 0.31%; while, outside the US, the MSCI EAFE (in USD) and the MSCI EM (USD) dropped by 1.44% and 1.10%, respectively.

Moving on to other asset classes, the 10Y US Treasury Yield fell by 5 bps last week; while the DB Liquid Commodity Index was down by 0.27%. Similarly, the Agriculture sector (DB Diversified Agriculture Index), WTI Crude Oil and Silver prices retreated by 2.86%, 2.10%, and 1.30%, respectively. Last but not least, Volatility (VIX) rose by 0.93% during the same period.

The total US ETP flows from all products registered $1.9bn (-0.1% of AUM) of outflows during last week vs. $6.82bn (+0.5%) of inflows the previous week, setting the YTD weekly flows average at +$5.0bn (+$29.94bn YTD in total cash flows).

Equity, Fixed Income, and Commodity ETPs experienced flows of -$2.16bn (-0.21%), +$0.09bn (0.03%), +$0.13bn (0.11%) last week vs. +$6.9bn (0.68%), -$0.26bn (-0.10%), +$0.07bn (0.06%) in the previous week, respectively.

Among US sectors, Consumer Staples (+$0.16bn, +1.92%) and Industrials (+$0.13bn, + 2%) received the top inflows, while Materials (-$0.04bn, -0.4%) and Healthcare (-$0.04bn, -0.25%) experienced the largest outflows.

Within Equity ETPs, Developed non-US country products had the largest inflows (+$0.7bn, +2.5%), while Large Cap products had the largest outflows of $6.7bn (-2.8%). Within Fixed Income ETPs, Corporate products had the largest inflows (+$0.2bn, +0.2%), while Sovereign (-$0.3bn, -0.5%) products experienced the largest outflow. Top 3 ETPs & ETNs by inflows: DXJ (+$0.7bn), IWM (+$0.4bn), VIG (+$0.4bn)Top 3 ETPs & ETNs by outflows: SPY (-$4.7bn), QQQ (-$1.8bn), TIP (-$0.7bn)

New Launch Calendar: No new listings

No new listings during last week.

Turnover Review: Floor activity increased by 2%

Total weekly turnover increased by 1.6% to $278.45bn vs. $274.20bn from the previous week. Last week's turnover level was 3.3% higher than last year's weekly average. Equity ETPs turnover increased by $10.7bn (+4.6%); meanwhile, Fixed Income and Commodity ETPs turnover decreased by $3.5bn (-14.5%) and $3.1bn (-21.8%), respectively.

Assets under Management (AUM) Review: US ETPs AUM dropped by $4.3bn

US ETP assets dropped by $4.3bn (-0.3%) totaling $1.412 trillion at the end of the week. As of last Friday, US ETPs have accumulated an asset growth of 5.9% YTD. Assets for Equity, Fixed Income and Commodity ETPs moved -$4.4bn, +$0.1bn, -$7m during last week, respectively.

request report

Mexican Exchange to HFT: Bring Us Your Business.

February 13, 2013--Mexico's main stock exchange wants more high-frequency trading on its market, seeing the activity as a way to drive growth and more listings, chairman of the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores said Wednesday.

The exchange spent about $20 million in the past two years to upgrade its technology in the hopes of bringing in more of these types of traders. The exchange can handle about 3.9 million trades a day, up from 75,000 a day in 2005.

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NYSE Arca Equities Traders and Constituents-2 ETF

February 13, 2013--Summary: NYSE Euronext (NYSE:NYX) is pleased to announce that on Friday, February 15, 2013 , the following ETFs will be listed on NYSE Arca and will begin trading as new issues:
PowerShares S&P Small Cap Low Volatility Portfolio (XSLV)

PowerShares S&P MidCap Low Volatility Portfolio (XMLV)

The Consolidated Tape Association (CTA) will disseminate real time trade and quote information for the ETFs to Tape B. All ETP Related Indexes will be disseminated via the NYSE Euronext Global Index Feed.

Invesco PowerShares to Expand Low Volatility Suite With US Mid-Cap & Small-Cap Listings

PowerShares International Low Volatility ETFs Cross One-Year Mark Achieving Better Risk-Adjusted Returns Than MSCI Benchmark Indexes
February 13, 2013--Invesco PowerShares Capital Management LLC, a leading global provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), announced today plans to expand its low volatility suite of ETFs with strategies covering the US mid-cap and small-cap segments.

The new ETFs are expected to begin trading on Feb. 15, 2013 on the NYSE Arca and will expand the PowerShares Low Volatility suite to five portfolios.

Low Volatility Strategies (anticipated listing on Feb. 15, 2013):

PowerShares S&P MidCap Low Volatility Portfolio (XMLV)

PowerShares S&P SmallCap Low Volatility Portfolio (XSLV)

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Knight Capital Group and GETCO Announce Filing of S-4 Registration Statement With the Securities and Exchange Commission

February 13, 2013--Knight Capital Group, Inc. (NYSE: KCG, "Knight") and GETCO Holding Company, LLC ("GETCO") announced today that Knight Holdco, Inc. ("KCG"), the new public holding company that will be the ultimate parent company of Knight and GETCO upon completion of their pending transaction, filed a Registration Statement on Form S-4 with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").

The Registration Statement includes a preliminary Joint Proxy Statement of Knight and GETCO and a preliminary Prospectus of KCG (together with the Joint Proxy Statement, as amended, the "Joint Proxy Statement / Prospectus"), as well as other relevant documents concerning the proposed transaction. The Registration Statement has not yet become effective, and the information in it is subject to change.

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SEC Filing

October 09, 2024 Legg Mason ETF Investment Trust files with the SEC-ClearBridge Dividend Strategy ESG ETF
October 09, 2024 Exchange Listed Funds Trust files with the SEC-PLUS Korea Defense Industry Index ETF
October 08, 2024 NEOS ETF Trust files with the SEC-NEOS Real Estate High Income ETF
October 08, 2024 VanEck ETF Trust files with the SEC-VanEck Morningstar International Moat ETF
October 08, 2024 Tidal Trust III files with the SEC-3 NestYield ETFs

view SEC filings for the Past 7 Days

Europe ETF News

October 03, 2024 KraneShares Launches Global Carbon Strategy ETC (KRBN) on Borsa Italiana & Deutsche Boerse Xetra Stock Exchanges
September 26, 2024 Esma advisory group warns ETFs will be hit by T+1 move

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Asia ETF News

October 05, 2024 China's plan to get around Western tariffs: Fill the world with factories
September 11, 2024 BBH Annual Greater China ETF Investor Survey: ETF Assets reach record highs as Greater China propels ETF investment in APAC

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Global ETP News

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Middle East ETP News

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Africa ETF News

September 19, 2024 Gender Parity Will Unlock $287bn for Africa's Economy By 2030-Report
September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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