Americas ETP News Older Than 1 year-If your looking for specific news, using the search function will narrow down the results

Asset Manager Regulations Could Crimp Profits: Fitch

December 18, 2013--Treating large asset managers like banks- by requiring tougher capital and liquidity standards, for instance - could result in lower long-term profitability for those firms, but would also beef up balance sheets, Fitch Ratings said this morning as it weighed in on a subject of high interest to BlackRock (BLK), Vanguard Group and a handful of other massive investment managers.

The backstory to the possible treatment of asset managers as so-called "systemically important financial institutions" is a September report by the Treasury Department's Office of Financial Research arguing the use of leverage, concentration risk in certain fund types and the prospect of forced asset sales could worsen risk in the financial system.

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Invesco PowerShares Announces Changes to ETF Family

Plans to Change the Indexes and Names of Ten ETFs and Close Four ETFs
December 18, 2013--Invesco PowerShares Capital Management LLC, a leading global provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) with more than $97 billion in franchise assets, announced changes to its product line.

Reflective of its ongoing commitment to place investors' interests first, Invesco PowerShares announced that it plans to change the underlying indexes and names of ten ETFs. In addition, it also announced plans to close four ETFs, which together represent less than 1% of Invesco PowerShares' total assets.

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COO David Brierwood to Retire From MSCI

December 18, 2013--MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI), a leading provider of investment decision support tools worldwide, announced today that its Chief Operating Officer, David Brierwood, will retire from MSCI in February 2014.

"We thank David for his valuable service to MSCI, When he joined the company as Chief Operating Officer in 2006, MSCI was a part of Morgan Stanley with a run rate of $300 million. His leadership helped us to become a standalone public company with a run rate of more than $1 billion.

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ETP Landscape-2013 Surprises: BlackRock ETP Landscape Special Report

December 18, 2013--Highlights:
The global ETP industry is closing in on another year of strong asset growth. Here are some surprising trends that have emerged in 2013.
ETPs listed in the US grew at a faster rate than in any other region
Developed Markets Equity flows drove industry growth
Emerging Markets Equity flows remain in negative territory for the year
Strategic Beta captured nearly a third of industry flows

Fixed Income experienced a duration rotation but kept growing
Demand and dollars invested in Pan European ETPs reached all-time highs
Monetary and fiscal policy heavily influenced ETP flows
The pace of new launches moderated, yet these funds attracted meaningful assets
US individual investors amped up their ETP usage
Gold outflows were a consistent and significant drag on industry growth

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S&P has bad news for this year's top-performing funds

December 17, 2013--S&P Dow Jones Indexes are playing the Grinch for this year's top-performing mutual funds.

In its newly released Persistence Scorecard, the index company reports that the odds of the top-performing funds repeating that success are low at best and only get worse the longer the time frame. The bottom line: If you were thinking about buying new funds that have done well lately, you may want to think again.

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High-Speed Trading, Interest Rates Pose Risks, Treasury Says

December 17, 2013--The U.S. financial system's vulnerabilities include a sudden spike in interest rates amid greater risk-taking and high-frequency trading, the Treasury Department said.

While threats to stability have "generally abated" from a year ago, they remain in markets for short-term funding and credit, interest rates and volatility, and in automated, high-speed trading that represents a significant portion of daily equity and foreign exchange volumes, the Treasury's Office of Financial Research said in its annual report released today in Washington.

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BNY Mellon's latest Product & Policy Newsletter

December 17, 2013---BNY Mellon's latest Product & Policy Newsletter is now available.
Topics covered in this edition:
BNY Mellon's enhanced FX reporting capability
A global market & regulatory update
An exploration of BNY Mellon’s Collateral UniverseSM
A "What If" Equity Characteristic Analysis
An overview of our new Pensioner Website


Treasury International Capital Data for October

December 16, 2013--The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released Treasury International Capital (TIC) data for October 2013. The next release, which will report on data for November 2013, is scheduled for January 16, 2014.
The sum total in October of all net foreign acquisitions of long-term securities, short-term U.S. securities, and banking flows was a monthly net TIC inflow of $194.9 billion.

Of this, net foreign private inflows were $185.1 billion, and net foreign official inflows were $9.8 billion.

Foreign residents increased their holdings of long-term U.S. securities in October; net purchases were $54.7 billion. Net purchases by private foreign investors were $59.4 billion, while net sales by foreign official institutions were $4.7 billion.

U.S. residents increased their holdings of long-term foreign securities, with net purchases of $19.2 billion.

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DB-Synthetic Equity & Index Strategy- North America-US ETF Market Weekly Review-Markets push assets lower by $12.6bn amid $7.6bn inflows

December 16, 2013--Data in this report is as of Fri, Dec 13
Market and Net Cash Flows Review
The US (S&P 500) fell by 1.65%; while, outside the US, the MSCI EAFE (in USD) and the MSCI EM (in USD) dropped by 1.57% and 1.15%, respectively. In the meantime, performance was negative across all US sectors. Healthcare (-2.62%) and Utilities (-2.41%) were the worst performing sectors; The DB Liquid Commodity Index fell by 1.03%; Similarly, the Agriculture sector (DB Diversified Agriculture Index) and the WTI Crude Oil fell by 0.12% and 1.08%, respectively. while, Gold and Silver prices rose by 0.79% and 1.03%, respectively. Moving into other asset classes, the 10Y US Treasury Yield remained unchanged at 2.88%.

Last but not least, Volatility (VIX) rose by 14.29% during the same period.

The total US ETP flows from all products registered $7.6bn (+0.5% of AUM) of inflows during last week vs. $2.7bn (-0.2%) of outflows the previous week, setting the YTD weekly flows average at +$3.4bn (+$169.0bn YTD in total cash flows).

Equity, Fixed Income and Commodity ETPs experienced flows of +$7.4bn (+0.6%), +$0.7bn (+0.3%) and -$0.5bn (-0.9%) last week vs. -$1.4bn (-0.1%), -$0.5bn (-0.2%) and -$0.8bn (-1.3%) in the previous week, respectively.

Among US sectors, Consumer Staples (+$0.5bn, +5.2%) and Energy (+$0.4bn, +1.4%) received the top inflows, while Healthcare (-$0.3bn, -1.1%) and Materials (-$0.1bn, -1.1%) experienced the largest outflows.

Top 3 ETPs & ETNs by inflows: SPY (+$4.5bn), XLP (+$0.5bn), AGG (+$0.4bn)

Top 3 ETPs & ETNs by outflows: IWM (-$0.5bn), MDY (-$0.3bn), VWO (-$0.3bn)

New Launch Calendar: More income-producing alternatives reach the market

There were two new ETFs and one new ETN listed during the previous week. The three new products offer leveraged (2x) exposure to a diversified portfolio of 30 income-producing, closed-end funds; a covered call strategy based on the Nasdaq-100; and exposure to short-term bonds and money market instruments.

Turnover Review: Floor activity decreased by 9.4%
Total weekly turnover decreased by 9.4% to $279.0bn vs. $307.9bn from the previous week. However, last week's turnover level was 3.5% over last year's weekly average. Equity, Fixed Income and Commodity ETPs turnover decreased by $24.8bn (-9.0%), $2.6bn (-12.7%) and $1.1bn (-10.9%) during the same period, respectively.

Assets under Management (AUM) Review: assets decreased by $12.6bn
US ETP assets dropped by $12.6bn (-0.8%) totaling $1.622 trillion at the end of the week. As of last Friday, US ETPs had accumulated an asset growth of +21.6% YTD. Assets for Equity, Fixed Income and Commodity ETPs moved -$12.9bn, +$0.9bn and -$0.6bn during last week, respectively.

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Burn Notice: Watch out for leveraged ETFs

December 16, 2013--If you buy insurance on your home, you know that most of your losses would be covered in a catastrophe. Can you do the same with your portfolio?

There are lots of ways to buy portfolio insurance, but you have to be careful with leveraged exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which may offer protection, but carry a huge downside risk.

Leveraged ETFs have exploded in popularity in recent years as institutions and individuals are looking for ways to speculate and hedge positions after the 2008 meltdown.

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CFTC Misreporting Size of Swaps Market, Agency Says

Technical Errors in Data Resulted in Undercounting of Swaps Market
December 16, 2013--U.S. commodity regulators are stumbling at one of their primary goals: bringing transparency to the multitrillion-dollar swaps market.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission said Wednesday that technical errors at two so-called swaps data repositories, which collect and supply regulators with transaction data, have led the CFTC to misreport the overall size of the swaps market by undercounting its size.

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Morgan Stanley Wealth Management US ETF Weekly Update

December 16, 2013--US ETF Weekly Update
Weekly Flows: $7.6 Billion Net Inflows
$166.4 Billion Net Inflows YTD
ETF Assets Stand at $1.6 Trillion, up 21% YTD
Two ETF Launches Last Week
Van Eck Makes Changes to LatAm Bond ETF

US-Listed ETFs: Estimated Flows by Market Segment

ETF flows rebounded last week posting net inflows of $7.6 bln
Last week's net inflows were led by US Large-Cap ETFs at $5.2 bln; conversely, US Mid-Cap ETFs exhibited net outflows of $554 mln, the most of any category we measured
10 of the 15 categories we measure posted net inflows last week
ETFs have exhibited net inflows 34 out of 50 weeks YTD
ETF assets stand at $1.6 tln, up 21% YTD; $166.4 bln net inflows YTD

13-week flows remain mostly positive among asset classes; combined $60.5 bln in net inflows
International - Developed ETFs generated net inflows of $24.1 bln over the last 13 weeks, the most of any category we measured; International - Developed ETF market share has increased to 13% from 9% at this point last year
US Small- & Micro-Cap ETFs is the only US equity category that we measure to post net outflows over the last 13 weeks ($352 mln in net outflows); notably, small-cap companies have been solid performers (from a total return perspective) over this time period relative to their other size counterparts

US-Listed ETFs: Estimated Largest Flows by Individual ETF

SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) posted net inflows of $4.5 bln this past week, the most of any ETF
The iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM) posted another week of net outflows; IWM has exhibited net outflows nine of the last 13 weeks totaling $3.0 bln
European equity ETFs continue to exhibit strong demand; the Vanguard FTSE Europe ETF (VGK) and the iShares MSCI EMU ETF (EZU) generated a combined $607 mln last week and $6.3 bln over the last 13 weeks
Notably, the iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (IEMG) posted net inflows of $258 mln last week; IEMG has not posted a weekly net outflow this year relative to its two largest competitors (EEM and VWO), which have exhibited net outflows YTD

US-Listed ETFs: ETF Dollar Volume

ETF monthly $ volume as a % of listed trading volume dropped to 24% in November (had been essentially flat the prior four months)

ETF monthly $ volume as a % of listed trading volume is at its lowest level since May 2008

ETF $ volume declined last week to $279 bln, down $29 bln from the prior week

US Large-Cap ETFs accounted for 42% of ETF $ volume last week, but make up only 25% of ETF market share

US-Listed ETFs: Short Interest Data Updated: Based on data as of 11/29/13

The SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) had the largest increase in USD short interest at $2.2 bln
While SPY's shares short (280.1 mln) are at one of their highest levels in the past year and a half, the iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM) are at their lowest level since 4/30/09 (111.2 mln)
596 ETFs exhibited short interest increases while 566 experienced short interest declines over the last period
Aggregate ETF USD short interest decreased by $2.2 bln over the period ended 11/29/13

The average shares short/shares outstanding for ETFs is currently 4.1%, flat from last period
Six of the 10 most heavily shorted ETFs as a % of shares outstanding are industry based
The SPDR Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF (XOP) is the most heavily shorted ETF with a shares short as a % of shares outstanding of 240%
Based on multiple borrowings and the ability to continuously create new shares, shares short as a % of shares outstanding can exceed 100% (only eight ETFs exhibited shares short as a % of shares outstanding greater than 100%)

US-Listed ETFs: Most Successful Recent Launches by Assets

$6.4 bln in total market cap of ETFs less than 1-year old
Active and Fixed Income ETFs each account for 24% of market capitalization of ETFs launched over the past year; over the last 13 weeks, both groups generated a combined $765 mln in net inflows
137 new ETF listings and 48 closures/delistings YTD

The top 10 most successful launches make up 49% of the market cap of ETFs launched over the past year
Eight ETF sponsors and two asset classes represented in top 10 most successful launches; we note that the representation of funds with an income orientation is currently five (down from seven at the end of the second quarter)
The db X-trackers Harvest CSI 300 China A-Shares Fund (ASHR) took in another $10 mln in net new money last week and over the last four weeks has posted net inflows of $90 mln; ASHR is unique in that it provides exposure to the Chinese equity market via A-shares, which are limited to foreign investment

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Van Eck files with the SEC

December 16, 2013--Van Eck has filed a post-effective amendment, registration statement with the SEC for the
Market Vectors All China ETF.

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iShares files with the SEC

December 16, 2013--iShares has filed a post-effective amendment, registration statement with the SEC for the
iShares 2020 AMT-Free Muni Term ETF.

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Office of Financial Research Releases Second Annual Report

December 16, 2013--The OFR submitted to Congress its 2013 Annual Report, fulfilling a requirement to annually assess the state of the United States financial system and analyze threats to U.S. financial stability​.

view the Office of Financial Research 2013 Annual Report

SEC Filing

October 11, 2024 BNY Mellon ETF Trust II files with the SEC-BNY Mellon Concentrated Growth ETF and BNY Mellon Dynamic Value ETF
October 11, 2024 Meet Kevin Trust files with the SEC-Meet Kevin Pricing Power ETF
October 11, 2024 Grayscale Funds Trust files with the SEC-Grayscale Privacy ETF
October 11, 2024 Tidal Trust II files with the SEC-Defiance Large Cap ex-Mag 7 ETF
October 11, 2024 First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VIII files with the SEC-FT Vest Nasdaq-100 Conservative Buffer ETF-October

view SEC filings for the Past 7 Days

Europe ETF News

October 10, 2024 21Shares Grows its European Crypto ETP Lineup with the Launch of Future of Crypto Index ETP (FUTR)
October 03, 2024 KraneShares Launches Global Carbon Strategy ETC (KRBN) on Borsa Italiana & Deutsche Boerse Xetra Stock Exchanges

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Asia ETF News

October 05, 2024 China's plan to get around Western tariffs: Fill the world with factories

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Global ETP News

October 10, 2024 China stimulus unleashes ETF buying spree in US and Europe

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Middle East ETP News

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Africa ETF News

September 19, 2024 Gender Parity Will Unlock $287bn for Africa's Economy By 2030-Report

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness

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