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Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

This chart categorizes over $5 trillion in global commodity exports by sector and type of material exported.
Oil and its products account for 30% of global commodity exports on average, valued at $1.5 trillion annually.

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Top Emerging Markets for Investment in 2024

Top Emerging Markets for Investment in 2024

Foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to the investment made by individuals, companies, or entities from one country into businesses, assets, or ventures located in another country.

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Digital Progress and Trends Report: Interactive Charts-Digital Infrastructure

Digital Progress and Trends Report: Interactive Charts-Digital Infrastructure

Digital Progress and Trends Report: Interactive Charts-Digital Infrastructure

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The Story of Digital Financial Services

The Story of Digital Financial Services

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The 25 Best Stocks by Shareholder Wealth Creation (1926-2022)

The 25 Best Stocks by Shareholder Wealth Creation (1926-2022)

Out of 28,114 publicly-listed U.S. companies analyzed over the last century, the 25 best stocks have created nearly a third of all shareholder wealth. Put another way, just 0.1% of stocks have added over $17.6 trillion to investors' wallets.

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Charted: Six Red Flags Pointing to China's Economy Slowing Down

Charted: Six Red Flags Pointing to China's Economy Slowing Down

The People's Republic of China is the world's second-largest economy, responsible for one quarter of global GDP growth this millennium-so when the country catches a cold, the world notices.

The past several months have seen an avalanche of bad economic news for China, putting the country's post-pandemic recovery, and global economic growth, in jeopardy.

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The Monthly Cost of Buying vs. Renting a House in America

The Monthly Cost of Buying vs. Renting a House in America

Mortgage Rates Jump to New High
In August 2023, mortgage rates rose to the highest level in 23 years, with the national average 30-year fixed mortgage hitting 7.48%.

As a result, the median rent in America is approximately $1,850 per month, about 30% cheaper than the median cost to buy, standing at $2,700 per month. This gap represents the largest difference between renting and buying in U.S. history.

While the difference was less than $200 in 2022, in 2023 the gap surpassed $800.

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BRICS Expands Footprint in the Global South

BRICS Expands Footprint in the Global South

Following the 15th annual BRICS summit, which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa this week, the bloc of five major emerging economies has announced the admission of six new members. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Argentina and the United Arab Emirates are set to formally join the group on January 1, 2024 to expand the bloc’s footprint in the Global South and grow its economic and political clout on the world stage, establishing a real counterweight to the Western-dominated G7.

The new bloc will represent roughly 46 percent of the world population, account for 29 percent of the world's gross domestic product in nominal terms and 37 percent of global GDP at purchasing power parity. Interestingly, the new additions don't move the needle too much in either category, as the new BRICS which will continue to be dominated by China and India, both in terms of population and economically. Combined, the six new members will account for roughly 10 percent of the group's aggregate GDP, as Saudi Arabia is the only trillion dollar economy among the new entrants.

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The Rise of the BRICS

The Rise of the BRICS

Over the past two decades, the world has witnessed a profound shift in the global economic and geopolitical landscape, as the rise of the BRICS nations has introduced a growing counterweight to the traditional dominance of the G7. Starting on Tuesday, leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa are meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa for the 15th annual BRICS summit, with the blocs' possible expansion one of the talking points high on the agenda.

For a long time, the G7, consisting of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Japan, has held sway over global economic governance and decision-making. However, as the BRICS nations experienced rapid economic growth and development, their collective influence and ambition began to grow.

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Visualized: U.S. Corporate Bankruptcies On the Rise

Visualized: U.S. Corporate Bankruptcies On the Rise

In March, Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, plunging its parent company SVB Financial Group into bankruptcy a week later.

While many expected a wave of bank failures to follow, much of this has since been averted—but cracks have begun to emerge with Moody’s recent downgrading of 10 small and mid-sized banks.

Across the wider corporate landscape, bankruptcies have begun to tick higher. Overstretched balance sheets coupled with 11 interest rate hikes since last year have added to mounting challenges for companies across many sectors.

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Mortgage Rates Climb to Highest Level Since 2002

Mortgage Rates Climb to Highest Level Since 2002

Mortgage rates in the United States climbed to the highest level in more than two decades this week, making it more and more difficult for would-be homebuyers to afford a house. According to Freddie Mac, the average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage increased to 7.09 percent in the week ended August 17, the highest it's been since April 2002. view more


The Roller Coaster of Emotional Investing and Its Impact on Portfolios

The Roller Coaster of Emotional Investing and Its Impact on Portfolios

Did you know that 90% of investment decisions are influenced by emotions? And this is amplified during extreme bull and bear markets, putting investors' impulses to test.

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Timing the Market: Why It's So Hard, in One Chart

Timing the Market: Why It's So Hard, in One Chart

The Risks and Rewards of Timing the Market

Timing the market seems simple enough: buy when prices are low and sell when they're high...

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Charted: America's Import Reliance of Key Minerals

Charted: America's Import Reliance of Key Minerals

The push towards a more sustainable future requires various key minerals to build the infrastructure of the green economy. However, the U.S. is heavily reliant on nonfuel mineral imports causing potential vulnerabilities in the nation’s supply chains.

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World Economic Outlook Growth Projections-July 2023

World Economic Outlook Growth Projections-July 2023

The global recovery is slowing amid widening divergences among economic sectors and regions

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