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World Bank Group Reiterates Focus on Green Energy

Financing for renewables and energy efficiency reaches $3.63 billion
Demand from borrowing countries for green energy up: accounts for more than 50% of 2010 energy lending
1.5 billion people still lack access to electricity, 640 million in Africa
October 6, 2010-The World Bank Group said today its financing commitments to new renewable energy projects increased to $1.5 billion in 2010, more than triple the amount committed in 2008. Energy efficiency lending increased 48 percent during the same period.

The figures confirm the institution is on track to meet its commitment to increase support for new renewable energy and energy efficiency by nearly $8.8 billion over 2008-2012.

“Combined with our large hydropower commitments, this amounts to $3.63 billion for green energy,” said Inger Andersen, the Bank’s Vice President for Sustainable Development. “It’s a record for the World Bank Group, and clear evidence of a shared commitment between the institution and borrowing countries to invest in a sustainable energy future.”

In 2010, the Bank Group commitments on renewable energy, energy efficiency, transmission and distribution, and energy sector reform accounted for more than 60 percent of total energy financing.

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Quarterly Review Results for the FTSE China Index Series (previously named FTSE Xinhua Index Series)

Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock (A) to be added to FTSE China A 50 Index
Agriculture Bank of China (H) to be added to FTSE China 25 Index
October 6, 2010-FTSE Group, the award winning global index provider, today announces the results of its FTSE China Index Series (previously named FTSE Xinhua Index Series) quarterly review.

In the FTSE China A 50 Index (previously named FTSE/Xinhua China A50 Index), Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock (A Share, 002304) will replace Shenzhen Development Bank (A Share, 00001). Agriculture Bank of China (H Share, 1288) will also replace Datang International Power Generation (H Share, 0991) in the FTSE China 25 Index (previously named FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index). Nearly 60% of assets under management in China ETFs listed globally are benchmarked to a FTSE China index. The indices are widely regarded as a leading measure of the China market by domestic and international investors.

Several changes were also approved to FTSE China B 35 index, FTSE China A 200, A 400 and A Small Cap Index. Full details of all inclusions and exclusions for the FTSE China Index Series can be obtained here. All the changes will be effective after the close of trading on Friday 15 October, 2010.

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TABB Says the APAC Derivatives Market is Growing, Generating Nearly 38% of Global Volumes as the East Seeks Greater Parity with the West

TABB Says the APAC Derivatives Market is Growing, Generating Nearly 38% of Global Volumes as the East Seeks Greater Parity with the West
Gaining Functional Parity Requires Overcoming a Complex Tapestry of Regulatory, Currency, Tax and Technological Hurdles to Support Market Demand
Largest Opportunities for Western Traders Exist within the Most Open Markets of Japan, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore
October 6, 2010--The Year of the Tiger has seen an unprecedented focus on the capital markets of the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region based on a growing interconnectedness and interdependency between the East and West. In a new research report issued today, “Trading in Asian Derivatives: Opportunities Near and Far,” TABB Group says the APAC derivatives markets are big and continuing to grow larger, currently capturing 35% of global volumes in the region.

According to E. Paul Rowady, Jr., TABB senior analyst and author of the report, 99% of commodity and 100% of FX derivatives volumes are in closed or challenged markets with 100% of rates and 31% of equity-linked derivatives volumes in the open markets in Japan, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong. There, exchanges with the most highly integrated trading platforms across asset classes are expected to top the list, including the HKEx, SGX and ASX.

He also points out that “in aggregate, 85% of the derivatives volume is now based in markets that represent closed or challenged access from western traders, in China, India, Taiwan and Korea, e.g., the KRX, ZCE, MCX and TAIFEX. At TABB, we believe that Chinese exchanges will remain off-limits to active foreign trading strategies for the foreseeable future, with India in the same category due to factors related to poor infrastructure and the prohibitive regulatory environment, there.”

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Quarterly National Accounts - Contributions to GDP growth - Second Quarter 2010, OECD

October 6, 2010-Real GDP in the OECD area increased by 0.9% in the second quarter of 2010 from the previous quarter, a stronger pace than previously estimated (0.7%). Gross fixed investment was the main contributor to the GDP increase, adding 0.4 percentage point to overall growth. The rise in investment was the first since early 2008, and the pace was the fastest since the first quarter of 2000.

Private and government consumption contributed 0.3 and 0.1 percentage point to overall growth respectively. The rebuilding of inventories continued, but at a slower pace than in previous quarters. The increase in domestic demand was partially offset by negative contributions from net exports, which reduced overall GDP growth by 0.2 percentage point.

Among the seven major countries, the strong pace of GDP growth in Germany (to 2.2% in the second quarter) was driven by higher investment and net exports, which contributed 0.8 point each. In the United Kingdom, stronger GDP growth (up by 1.2%) reflected the positive contributions from private consumption and inventories. In Italy, foreign trade added 0.6 percentage point to overall GDP growth, more than offsetting lower domestic demand. In France, the increase in GDP growth from the previous quarter (to 0.7%) is entirely attributed to rebuilding inventories.

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The rise and rise of correlation

October 6, 2010--From New York to Hong Kong, investors, dealers, analysts and academics are puzzled. For months, they have been struggling to explain an investment phenomenon that has defined this year’s sharp swings in financial markets. Now they may have an answer.

Like fish swimming in shoals, shares in the world’s largest companies have see-sawn in lockstep as investors have bought heavily only to head for the exits later. This indiscriminate buying and selling, also called “risk-on, risk-off” trading, has characterised the sharp swings in equity markets during the summer sell-off and later rally that has this week sent Wall Street to near five-month highs.

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IMF-World Economic Outlook—Recovery, Risk, and Rebalancing

October 6, 2010--Executive Summary
Thus far, economic recovery is proceeding broadly as expected, but downside risks remain elevated. Most advanced economies and a few emerging economies still face large adjustments. Their recoveries are proceeding at a sluggish pace, and high unemployment poses major social challenges. By contrast, many emerging and developing economies are again seeing strong growth, because they did not experience major financial excesses just prior to the Great Recession.

Sustained, healthy recovery rests on two rebalancing acts: internal rebalancing, with a strengthening of private demand in advanced economies, allowing for fiscal consolidation; and external rebalancing, with an increase in net exports in deficit countries, such as the United States, and a decrease in net exports in surplus countries, notably emerging Asia. The two interact in strong ways. Increased net exports in advanced economies imply higher demand and higher growth, allowing more room for fiscal consolidation. Strengthened domestic demand helps emerging market economies maintain growth in the face of lower exports. A number of policies are required to support these rebalancing acts. In advanced economies, the repair and reform of the financial sector need to accelerate to allow a resumption of healthy credit growth.

view the Executive summary

view the World Economic Outlook October 2010-Recovery, Risk, and Rebalancing

MSCI Becomes Signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment

October 6, 2010--MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI), a leading provider of investment decision support tools worldwide, including indices, portfolio risk and performance analytics and corporate governance services, announced today that it has become a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

The UN PRI is a global initiative supporting the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into institutional investing practices. There are currently over 800 UN PRI signatories from 45 countries, collectively representing more than USD 22 trillion in assets under management1. They include asset owners, investment managers, as well as service providers such as MSCI.

“Investing in companies who exhibit principles of strong corporate governance and who are committed to sustainable environmental and social practices is becoming increasingly important for our clients,” said Henry Fernandez, Chairman and CEO of MSCI Inc. “By becoming a UN PRI signatory, we are demonstrating our commitment to provide critical investment decision support tools to the growing number of investors throughout the world who are focusing on long-term sustainable investing.” . They include asset owners, investment managers, as well as service providers such as MSCI.

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Financial Sector the "Achilles’ Heel" of Global Recovery

Financial system still vulnerable despite ongoing recovery
Funding risks for banks and governments a major concern
Financial reforms remain unfinished
October 5, 2010--Progress to restore global financial stability has suffered a setback in advanced economies, the International Monetary Fund said in its latest Global Financial Stability Report, with markets still sensitive to negative surprises.

While the outlook in the Global Financial Stability Report is for continued recovery and a gradual improvement in financial stability, considerable risks remain. Rising public debt burdens, funding challenges for banks, and increased uncertainty about the next phase of the recovery have prevented a return of confidence.

José Viñals, Financial Counselor and Director of the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department, said the financial system remains the “Achilles’ heel of the recovery” because of unfinished repairs to bank balance sheets and the need for further regulatory reforms.

“As a result, financial markets remain sensitive to negative surprises, and can quickly shift back to crisis mode,” said Viñals.

Sovereign risks and financial fragilities

Coordinated government support programs and the announcement of ambitious fiscal reforms have helped contain the market turmoil that broke out in April and May this year. However, fiscal risks remain elevated, particularly in advanced economies where public sector balance sheets have significant weaknesses.

Public debt is still high and rising in many advanced economies, and more needs to be done to ensure sustainability;

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view the Global Financial Stability Report

OECD annual inflation rate steady at 1.6% in August 2010

October 5, 2010--Consumer prices in the OECD area1 rose by 1.6% in the year to August 2010, the same inflation rate as in July. Growth in energy prices slowed down to 4.8% in August compared with 6.2% in July,

while consumer prices for food rose by 1.4% compared with 1.1% in July.

Excluding food and energy, the annual inflation rate held steady at 1.2 % in the year to August 2010.

Deflation continued in Japan for the nineteenth consecutive month with consumer prices falling by 0.9% in the year to August. Inflation decelerated slightly in all other G7 countries. Annual inflation was 1.7% in Canada (down from 1.8% in July), 1.6% in Italy (down from 1.7%), 1.4% in France (down from 1.7%), 1.1% in the United States (down from 1.2%) and 1.0% in Germany (down from 1.2%). Euro area annual inflation (HICP) was 1.6% in August, down from 1.7% in July.

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PE-Backed Buyout Deal Flow Increases for Third Quarter in Succession in Strongest Quarter since Financial Crisis

Private equity-backed deals announced in Q3 2010 have an aggregate value of $66.7bn, an increase of nearly one-third on the previous quarter.
October 4, 2010--Preqin’s quarterly deal flow data shows a total of 515 private equity buyout deals announced in Q3 2010, with an aggregate value of $66.7bn. This represents a 29% increase in the aggregate value from Q2 2010, when 498 deals were announced with an aggregate value of $51.9bn, and a notable 147% increase on the 396 deals valued at $27bn reported in Q1 2010. Deal flow in Q3 2010 represents the strongest quarter for buyout deals in the post-financial crisis landscape.

Other key findings include:

In Q3 2010, North American aggregate deal value increased 6.5% from the previous quarter, with 249 deals valued at $34.2 billion announced in Q3 2010, up from the 233 buyouts valued at $32bn in Q2 2010.

Furthermore, Q3 2010 deal flow in North America represents a significant 165% increase on the aggregate deal value seen in the region in Q1 2010, and remains notably higher than deal flow witnessed in the region during 2009.

European aggregate deal value increased significantly from the previous quarter, with 186 buyouts valued at $26.3bn announced during the quarter, a notable 120% increase from the $12bn in deal value witnessed during Q2 2010. Notable deals in the region include the take private of UK-based Tomkins plc by Onex Corporation and CPP Investment Board for $5bn, and the announced acquisition of Switzerland-based Sunrise Communications by CVC Capital Partners from PEbacked TDC A/S for CHF 3.3bn.

While deal flow in Asia and Rest of World has seen a slight decrease from the previous quarter, it has continued to remain above the levels seen in the previous year, with 80 deals valued at $6.2bn announced in the region, a 62% increase from the $3.8bn reported a year earlier in Q3 2009.

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September 20, 2024 Volatility Shares Trust files with the SEC-2x Corn ETF
September 20, 2024 Simplify Exchange Traded Funds files with the SEC-4 Simplify Wolfe ETFs
September 20, 2024 ETF Series Solutions files with the SEC-Defiance Connective Technologies ETF
September 20, 2024 Precidian ETFs Trust files with the SEC
September 20, 2024 Impax Asset Management LLC files with the SEC

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Europe ETF News

September 10, 2024 ESAs warn of risks from economic and geopolitical events

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Asia ETF News

August 26, 2024 ETF Empowering Investors in China's Transition to Sustainable Economy
August 23, 2024 India: With markets at peak, mutual fund redemptions surge: Report
August 23, 2024 China Bond Trading Collapses Amid PBOC Crackdown on Record Rally

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Middle East ETF News

August 30, 2024 ADX logs $506.4mln in ETF trading Jan-Aug 2024
August 28, 2024 TCW expands global footprint with opening of Dubai office
August 23, 2024 Saudi GDP growth set to turn positive in H2 2024

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Africa ETF News

September 04, 2024 Africa: Climate-ECA Reveals Africa Loses Up to 5 Percent of GDP
August 27, 2024 Uganda joins African exchanges link
August 15, 2024 Economic reforms are tempting finance back to Ethiopia and Zambia
August 13, 2024 Africa: Carbon Trading-an Opportunity for Economic Development

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ESG and Of Interest News

September 09, 2024 World Trade Report 2024 highlights trade's role in supporting inclusiveness
September 03, 2024 State of the Climate in Africa 2023
August 27, 2024 US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum. Here's what experts are saying
August 16, 2024 Africa: Gender Equality Has Everything to Do With Climate Change
August 15, 2024 Researchers Have Ranked AI Models Based on Risk-and Found a Wild Range

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August 27, 2024 Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector

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