Passive funds leave actives languishing

March 15, 2024--Assets in US index-trackers now outstrip those in stock selectors as investors opt for a smoother ride
Water can dramatically change the landscape, as the slow but steady process of erosion creates cliffs, caves and oxbow lakes.
A similarly remorseless transformation has been occurring in the fund management industry as active managers (those who like to select stocks) have been outcompeted by passive managers (those who track an index).

It was a sign of the times at the end of last year when the amount of assets invested in US passive funds reached $13.3tn, according to Morningstar, just pipping the $13.2tn invested in active funds. Another signal in January was the decision of Abrdn, the active manager, to shed a tenth of its staff in a cost-cutting exercise, having previously lost most of the vowels in its name.

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China stimulus unleashes ETF buying spree in US and Europe

October 10, 2024-A scramble for Chinese equities united the global investment industry last month, just as attitudes towards European and Japanese stock markets became heavily bifurcated along geographical lines.

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