Monetary Policy Pass-Through to Interest Rates: Stylized Facts from 30 European Countries

January 12, 2024--Summary:
The extent to which changes in monetary policy rates lead to changes in loan and deposit rates for households and firms, referred to as 'pass-through', is an important ingredient of monetary policy transmission to output and prices.

Using data on seven different bank interest rates in 30 European countries, different approaches, and the full sample as well as a subsample of euro area countries, we show that a) the pass-through in the post-pandemic hiking cycle has been heterogenous across countries and types of interest rates; b) the pass-through has generally been weaker and slower, except for rates of non-financial corporation loans and time deposits in euro area countries; c) differences in pass-through over time and across countries for most deposit rates are correlated with financial sector concentration, liquidity, and loan opportunities, and d) the effects of pass-through to outstanding mortgage rates on monetary transmission on prices and output are heterogenous across countries.

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ESAs warn of risks from economic and geopolitical events

September 10, 2024--The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA-ESAs) today issued their Autumn 2024 Joint Committee Report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU financial system. The Report underlines ongoing high economic and geopolitical uncertainties.

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