ECB-Euro area bank interest rate statistics: November 2023

January 5, 2024--Composite cost-of-borrowing indicator for new loans to corporations decreased by 4 basis points to 5.23%; indicator for new loans to households for house purchase increased by 10 basis points to 4.01%, both driven by interest rate effect

Composite interest rate for new deposits with agreed maturity from corporations and for overnight deposits from corporations broadly unchanged at 3.71% and 0.83%, respectively

Composite interest rate for new deposits with agreed maturity from households increased by 6 basis points to 3.33%, driven by interest rate effect; interest rate for overnight deposits from households broadly unchanged at 0.36%

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ESAs warn of risks from economic and geopolitical events

September 10, 2024--The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA-ESAs) today issued their Autumn 2024 Joint Committee Report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU financial system. The Report underlines ongoing high economic and geopolitical uncertainties.

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