Uganda joins African exchanges link

August 27, 2024--The Uganda Securities Exchange (USE) has become the tenth African securities exchange to join the African Exchanges Linkage Project (AELP). The linkage platform enables stockbrokers on participating exchanges to send orders on behalf of their clients to stockbrokers on other exchanges, who will buy and sell shares on those exchanges.
Ten 10 stock exchanges representing 17 countries are participating, including Uganda.

The Dutch fund house has advertised for a UK sales manager for ETFs, who will be based in London, and plans to hire up to five more sales specialists in continental Europe in early 2025.

The African share-trading link aims to boost the potential for cross-border investment, collaboration and capacity building across Africa. The aim is better liquidity on the capital markets, wider access to capital and more opportunities for investors.

The capital market infrastructure interconnectivity platform is a joint project between the African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). The link is funded by the Korea African Economic Cooperation Fund (KOAFEC) Trust Fund, managed by the AfDB. KOAFEC also supported Phase 1.

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